Display staff information

The Staff Directory app allows visitors to have access to the members of your staff, especially their contact information. You can include staff names, phone numbers, extensions, email addresses and room numbers. Add your staff members either manually or via import. Modify this file and use it to update staff information or import into a new Staff Directory app.


Add the Staff Directory app

Drag the Staff directory app onto your page.

Items marked with a red asterisk are required

Video: Work with the staff directory

The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video, open the video on YouTube, navigate to More actions, and select Open transcript.

Video: Working with the staff directory explains how to add staff members to your directory.

Add staff to the directory

You have two options to add your staff to the directory, manually or using the import feature.

Add staff manually

You can manually add staff to the directory. Select New Staff Member.

  1. Type the First Name and Last Name of the staff member.
  2. Upload an Image by selecting Select File.
  3. Type the Contact Information for the staff member, including Email Address, Phone, and Extension.
  4. Type the specific school Details for the staff member, including the Job Title, Department, Location, Room, and URL.
  5. Select Save and New to save the current entry and create another entry. Select Save and Exit to save the current entry and exit the screen.

Import staff to the directory

If you have your staff content available, you can save the information to a CSV file, making sure that you included the same column headers as you have mapped. The required items, regardless of mapping settings, are as follows:

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Full Name (required)
  1. Select Import and search for the file to upload.
  2. Choose your field mappings and select Next.
  3. Review your import and select Import.

Set additional options

  1. Select Options.
  2. Type the App Name to use as the title.
  3. Type the Description, and select Show the app name on my page.
  4. Choose the Display Settings for the number of posts to list. Select Display all active app records or Display a specific number of active app records and set the Record Limit.

Sharing and social settings

Want to share your content with another group or user? From the Sharing tab, you can choose groups to share your content.

More on social settings for this app

Staff directory user guide