To uninstall the Blackboard Collaborate Moodle Module for Web Conferencing from your server, follow the steps below.

  1. Log in to the your Moodle site (for example, as the Moodle Administrator. The Administration page opens.
  2. In the Site Administration menu, expand the Activities menu and click Manage Activities. The Activities configuration page will open.
  3. Under the Delete column, click Delete in the Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing Session row in the table.
  4. Click Yes to confirm deletion.
  5. In the Site Administration menu, expand the Blocks menu and click Manage Blocks. The Blocks configuration page opens.
  6. Under the Delete column, click Delete in the Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing row in the table.
  7. Click Yes to confirm deletion.
  8. On the file system on your Moodle server, delete the elluminate folder from
    for example
  9. On the file system on your Moodle server, delete the elluminate folder from
    for example