This page contains a list of potential Learn Ultra issues and their workarounds to help you move forward with Learn Ultra, when things don't work quite as expected.

Learn Ultra Troubleshooting

A compendium of known issues appearing in Learn Ultra and their workarounds that will help you and guide your decision making on how to move forward when things don't quite behave as you expect, and how to better take advantage of what Learn Ultra has to offer.

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Learn Ultra troubleshooting item
Category Keywords Question or issue Troubleshooting suggestion
Assignments Gradebook error message Why do I get an error message when I attempt to access the Gradebook ( but other Instructors, Graders, and System Admins can)? One or more of the Gradebook columns may have corrupted data.
If only one Instructor is having this problem, it may be related to the delegated grading settings. Please get a session debug code if possible and reach out to your System Administrator.

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Watch a video about Base Navigation

The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video, open the video on YouTube, navigate to More actions, and select Open transcript.

Video: Ultra Base Navigation shows an introduction to the Ultra visualization of courses.

Base Navigation video introduction