Ally 1.37.2 | Release to production 14 January 2020

Updated features

Ally for Websites Translated Version

The Translated Version alternative format for web pages in the Ally for Websites integration has been improved to retain the styling and images of the original page. This provides a translated version that’s much closer to the original page in appearance and content.

Ally 1.37.2 bug fixes and improvements

  • The automated weekly Ally for Websites crawls have been rescheduled to take place on Wednesdays by default.
  • The instructor-facing Course Accessibility Report is now refreshed more frequently make it more up-to-date at any point in time.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the LTI role for a user to be refreshed after launching one of the Ally LTI tools, changing their role in the LMS and then reloading the same LTI tool within the same session.
  • Fixed a bug that prevents PDFs with an invalid language attribute from being processed correctly.