How your students view course activity data is based on the way you manage your grading. For example, in an Original course, you can choose to hide the external grade from students. Your choice carries over to the course activity report and corresponding features are hidden from students.

More on the external grade

Use these examples to learn how course activity data appears in different grading scenarios.

"I made the external grade invisible in an Original course."

Scenario Data Unavailable to Students Stream Alerts Unavailable to Students

An external grade is calculated, but you've hidden it from students.

  • Student grade over time compared to course average
  • Student activity and grade compared to peers' activity and grade
  • Student grade falls below a specified threshold
  • Student is absent from the system for a specified number of days

"I don't have an external grade or any grades."

If you haven't set an external grade or have no grades, you and your students see something different. You only see graphs that display activity data.

Scenario Data Unavailable to Students and Instructors Stream Alerts Unavailable to Students and Instructors

You haven't set an external grade or have no grades.

  • Student grade over time compared to course average
  • Student activity and grade compared to peers' activity and grade
  • Student grade falls below a specified threshold
  • Student is absent from the system for a specified number of days
  • Instructor: Sufficient grade data is available
  • Instructor: Summary alert for students falling behind or needing attention

"I haven't posted any student grades yet, but I have graded items."

As an instructor, you still see data from grades you haven't posted yet. Students don't see grade data until you've posted the grades.

Scenario Data Unavailable to Students Stream Alerts Unavailable to Students

You've graded items, but haven't posted them for students to view.

  • Student grade over time compared to course average
  • Student activity compared to peers' activity and course average
  • Student grade falls below a specified threshold
  • Student is absent from the system for a specified number of days