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In the Gradebook, you can provide extra credit to students in two ways:
Extra credit for the Overall Grade column
You can create an extra credit column in the Gradebook with a maximum score of 0 and include it in the Overall grade calculation. Then, you can assign extra credit points as needed.
This method works for only one individual extra credit column where grades aren't weighted.
Example: Columns in the Gradebook | |
Column | Points Possible |
Assignment 1 | 10 |
Assignment 2 | 20 |
Essay | 50 |
Test | 30 |
Extra Credit | 0 |
Total | 100 |
If you assign 0 as the points possible, any grading schema that uses a percentage, such as Percentage or Letter, is represented in the Gradebook as a score. These grading schemas are based on the percentage of the score compared to the points possible. When the points possible are 0, a percentage can't be calculated.
Create a new grade category and add extra credit column
- Go to the Gradebook and select Settings.
- Go to Grade Categories and select Add New Category.
- Enter “Extra Credit” into the field for the new category name.
- Return to the Gradebook.
- In the Gradebook, select the plus button where you want to place the column.
- Select Add Item.
- In the New Item panel, provide the appropriate information. Include 0 as the maximum points and select Extra Credit from the Grade category dropdown.
- Select Save.
The extra credit column appears in the Gradebook. Ensure that the extra credit column that you created is included in the Overall Grade calculation.
After you add points in the extra credit column, a student's total points can equal more than 100%.
You want to add 6 extra credit points to a student's Overall Grade. If a student receives full credit for all gradable items (100 points) and also receives 6 extra credit points, the result is 106 points out of 100 points, or 106%.
Create extra credit when weighting grades
The weighted total calculation generates a grade based on the result of selected items and categories, and their respective percentages. When you create a total calculation or a weighted Overall grade calculation, you can include other calculated items. Your options are to add extra credit points to a category or to the overall grade.
Note that how you add the extra credit points impacts the calculation output.
Add extra credit points to a category
You want to add 5 points extra credit to tests. In the Gradebook, create an extra credit column worth 0 points. After adding the 5 points for each student to the extra credit column, create a calculation that calculates the combined test grades total. The Tests Total calculation includes any items that include test grades and the extra credit column. When you create a weighted total calculation, instead of adding the category Tests worth 20%, add the Tests Total column for 20%.
Add your extra credit item
- Go the the Gradebook and select Add Item.
- In the New Item panel, provide the appropriate information and name the item Test extra credit. Include 0 as the maximum points.
- Select Save to return to the Gradebook.
Create a calculation to calculate the total of all tests and the tests extra credit item
- In the Gradebook, select the plus button where you want to place the column.
- Select Add Total Calculation.
- In the New Total Calculation panel, provide the appropriate information, and name it Tests total.
- Include the Test category and the tests extra credit column.
- Select Save.
For your Weighted total column, check that the Tests Total is the item that is being weighted, not the category Tests.
When you combine an extra credit column with a weighted total column, both calculate as points instead of percentages.
More about the math logic used by weighted total columns
Add extra credit points to the overall grade
- Go to the Gradebook and select Add Item.
- In the New Item panel, provide the appropriate information and name the item Test extra credit. Include 0 as the maximum points.
- Select Save to return to the Gradebook.
Configure the Overall grade calculation to add up the Weighted Total and the Extra Credit columns.