Nämä tiedot koskevat vain alkuperäistä käyttöliittymää. Oppilaitoksesi määrittää, mitkä työkalut ovat käytettävissä.
Visualize student goal achievements with dashboards.
Grades can be misleading. An assignment or test can measure how much a student has learned about multiple subjects, but is typically measured with one grade. To help measure and demonstrate students' knowledge in complex subjects, you can create course goals. Goals are specific and measurable concepts that students should strive for as they complete coursework.
The Goal Performance Dashboard can help you better understand how your students perform in a course. The dashboard displays course goals and the items that you map to them. You can quickly determine how a student's individual grades contribute to their achievement of course goals.
You can access the Goal Performance Dashboard two ways.
Open the dashboard from the My Blackboard menu
In your My Blackboard menu, go to Tools > Goal Performance. A list of all of your students in all of your courses appears. Select students to view their Goal Performance Dashboards. Select a goal on the dashboard to view the individual components. You can determine if students have room for improvement and where they succeed.
Open the dashboard in a course
You can also go to the Goal Performance Dashboard within a course. This detailed view shows a student's goals and which course items contribute to achievement.
In the course menu, select Tools and then Goal Performance. Select the student whose dashboard you want to view.
Export goal performance data
With the Goal Performance Dashboard, you can export data related to course goals and student performance for other purposes outside of Blackboard Learn.
Administrators can access the Administrator Panel > Tools and Utilities module > Student Goal Performance Export > Generate Export to download a JSON file with your data.
This JSON file can be converted into other formats and used as you want. The file displays data about students and their competencies in your courses. You can use this information as a report card or to determine how effective a particular course, assignment, or lesson is.