Nämä tiedot koskevat vain alkuperäistä kurssinäkymää. Oppilaitoksesi määrittää, mitkä työkalut ovat käytettävissä.
A one-stop spot to check what's happening in your course
By default, your course includes a Home Page on the course menu. The Home Page is a course module page. You can rename or delete this page, and create other course module pages.
Course module pages contain details about new content and due dates for the course you're in. Information is presented in boxes called modules, such as My Announcements, My Tasks, To Do, and What's New. The system generates the information in each module. You can't add your own content to module pages.
More on the What's New and To Do modules
The Home Page is often the default course entry point and it's the first page students see when they enter your course.
More on selecting the course entry point
You can also add modules that contain tools and links, such as a calculator or a site to buy textbooks.
You can add the Alerts and Needs Attention modules on your course home page. These modules are for your use only and contain no information for students.
You can rearrange and delete modules, choose modules from a list, and edit settings. To edit the Home Page's settings, access its menu next to the page title. For example, change the setting to enable users to personalize their Home Pages.
From some modules, you can edit your notifications settings.
Watch a video about the course Home Page
The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video, open the video on YouTube, navigate to More actions, and select Open transcript.
Video: How to edit your course Home Page shows how to add and remove modules and rename the course Home Page.
Add a course module page
You can add course module pages to organize modules as you want. Add course module pages on the course menu or in a content area.
Be sure Edit Mode is ON so you can access all of the instructor's options.
Select the Add Menu Item icon above the course menu to access the menu. Select Module Page and type a name. Select the Available to Users check box if you're ready for students to see it.
After you submit, a link to the new module page appears at the bottom of the course menu. You can drag it to a new location or use the keyboard accessible reordering tool.
Or, in a content area or folder, select Build Content to access the menu and select Module Page. Type a name, optional description, and select the appropriate options for availability, tracking, and display dates. To make changes to the name or settings, access the module page's menu next to the title and select Edit. Display dates don't affect a module page's availability, only when it appears.
You can allow students to change the color theme, reorder modules, and add modules to their personal views of the page. Students' customizations affect their views only.
A newly created course module page is an empty container. Select the title to access the page and add course modules.
Edit a course module's title and settings
To edit the title and settings of a course module page, access the module page title's menu and select Edit. If you change the title, the change does not show on the course menu. You can also edit the title on the course menu for consistency. If you change the title of the course module page on the course menu, the title is changed in the course menu and on the page itself.
Add course modules
You can choose which modules appear on your course module pages.
Be sure Edit Mode is ON so you can access all of the instructor's options.
On the course module page, select Add Module. On the Add Module page, you can search by keyword or browse by category to find modules. Select More to view how a module will appear on the page.
Select Add or Remove to determine which modules appear on your page. Select OK when you're finished.
Manage modules
- Select the Manage Settings icon to change how the content appears. For example, you can select how many days of announcements appear in a module. Select the X to remove a module. Content reported in the module isn't removed. Not all modules have settings you can change.
- Use the drag-and-drop function to reorder course modules.
- Or, use the keyboard accessible reordering tool to reorder the modules.
- Select the link in a module to view more.
- Select the Open in a New Window icon to move the module to a different location on your screen. You can use the information as a reference while you navigate in your course.
Reminder: For your Original courses in the Ultra experience, you won't see the Edit Notifications Settings option in any module. You'll choose which notifications you want from your activity stream's Notification Settings panel.
Add a course module page banner
You can add a banner image that only appears when students open the module page. You can also add and format text in the editor.
The recommended size for banners is approximately 480 x 80 pixels.
Access the module page title's menu and select Page Banner. In the editor, you can browse for an image from your computer or the course repository: Course Files or the Content Collection. After you submit, the banner appears above the title of your course module page.