Permissions Required for Specific Actions
This table explains which permissions are required for specific actions. In the case of folders, the user generally needs the permission on the folder and all its contents, sub-folders, and their contents.
Read permission on sub-folders isn't always necessary, as long as users have read permission on the folder they're working with, and has other necessary permissions to the folder and its content. For example, if a user has read and remove permission on a parent folder and only remove permission on the sub-folder, the parent folder—including the sub-folder—may be removed. In this case, the user may not remove only the sub-folder because the user can't read it.
Action | Required Permissions |
Add a file or folder | Read and write permission for the current folder |
Edit a file or folder | Read and write permission for the item |
View a file or folder | Read permission for the item |
Download a file | Read permission for the item |
Download a folder and all items it contains | Read permission for the folder and all items within it |
Email a file or folder | Read permission for the item |
View properties for a file or folder | Read permission for the item |
Copy a file | Read permission for the item and write permission on the destination folder |
Copy a folder | Read permission for the item (and all its subfolders and files) and write permission for the destination folder |
Edit properties for a file or folder | Read and write permission for the item |
Move a file or folder | Read and remove permission for the item to be moved and write for the destination folder |
Delete a file or folder | Read and remove permission for the item |
Lock and unlock a file or folder | Read and write permission for the item
Only the user who set the lock may unlock an item. |
Add or view a comment on a file or folder | If comments are shared, read permission for the item.
If comments are private, read and manage permission for the item. |
Bookmark a file or folder | Read permission for the item |
Enable or disable tracking | Read and manage permission for the item |
Versions - check out a file | Read and write permission for the item |
Versions - check in a file | Read and write permission for the item
A version is locked when the file is checked out. Only the lock owner—the person who checked out the file—may check it in. |
Version - remove a file | Read, write, and remove permission for the item |
Version - rollback a file | Read and write permission for the item
Only the lock owner—the person who checked out the file—may roll back a version. |
Workflow - add a file | Read and manage permission for the item |
Workflow - add a comment | User must be the Workflow Activity owner or recipient |
Workflow - edit a file | User must be the Workflow Activity owner |
Workflow - remove a comment from a sent or received Workflow Activity | User must be the Workflow Activity owner or the user who submitted the comment |