Membership data includes two subclasses: Enrollment and Staff Students. Enrollment requires a ROLE of Student, while Staff Students require any role including Student. Each subclass, enrollment and staff Students, may be input in separate feed files. Alternatively, all data may be included in a Staff Student feed file. Local policies and data source key management will determine whether Student enrollments should be included in staff Students, or processed as enrollments. Note that including a user with a role other than Student or Guest in an enrollment (ENR_SNPSHT) will cause that record to fail.

Enrollment information files can also contain Organization membership information. The primary key for enrollments is a composite of the user ID and the Course or Organization ID. Enrollment files may only add users to a Course or Organization as a Student or member respectively. Staff Students must be input in a separate file that can contain staff Students for Courses and Organizations as well as Student enrollments.

The following table details the Enrollment and Staff Students data feed elements.

Enrollment and Staff Students Data Feed Elements
Element Description and Data Type
Used to look up appropriate keys. This is the same key used to identify the Course or Organization.
This is the same key as the Course.
Not Null, external key. Multi-byte characters accepted.
EXTERNAL_PERSON_KEY Used to look up appropriate keys. This is the same key used to identify the user.
Not Null, external key. Multi-byte characters accepted.
ROLE The user's role in the Course. String. The valid values for the Course Role are: Instructor, teaching_assistant, course_builder, Grader, Student, guest, none.
Not Null.
ROW_STATUS Sets the value of the record to one of the following:
  • Enabled: Normal access to the record.
  • Disabled: Record is visible in some areas of the UI, but may not be changed or accessed.
  • Deleted: Record is scheduled to be removed.
Passed as a string. ("enabled", "disabled", "deleted).
AVAILABLE_IND Establishes enrollment availability in Blackboard Learn.
Char(1). Y/N
LAST_ACCESS_DATE The last time the user accessed materials for an associated Course.
LINK_NAME_1 Link name for a user's home page within a Course. Each user may have a maximum of three home pages within a Course.
String. Max length 100. Multi-byte characters accepted.
LINK_URL_1 Link URL for a user's home page within a Course. Each user may have a maximum of three home pages within a Course.
String. Max length 100
LINK_DESC_1 Link description for a user's home page within a Course. Each user may have a maximum of three home pages within a Course.
String. Max length 255. Multi-byte characters accepted.
LINK_NAME_2 Link name for a user's home page within a Course. Each user may have a maximum of three home pages within a Course.
String. Max length 100. Multi-byte characters accepted.
LINK_URL_2 Link URL for a user's home page within a Course. Each user may have a maximum of three home pages within a Course.
String. Max length 100
LINK_DESC_2 Link description for a user's home page within a Course. Each user may have a maximum of three home pages within a Course.
String. Max length 255. Multi-byte characters accepted.
LINK_NAME_3 Link name for a user's home page within a Course. Each user may have a maximum of three home pages within a Course.
String. Max length 100. Multi-byte characters accepted.
LINK_URL_3 Link URL for a user's home page within a Course. Each user may have a maximum of three home pages within a Course.
String. Max length 100
LINK_DESC_3 Link description for a user's home page within a Course. Each user may have a maximum of three home pages within a Course.
String. Max length 255. Multi-byte characters accepted.
INTRODUCTION Introduction information for User Home Page within the Course.
String. Max length 4000. Multi-byte characters accepted.
PINFO Personal Information for User Home Page.
String. Unlimited. Multi-byte characters accepted.
NEW_DATA_SOURCE_KEY Used to assign a new datasource key on the rare occasions that the datasource key must change.
Multi-byte characters accepted.
ENROLLMENT_DATE The enrollment date.
INCLUDED_IN_ROSTER Define inclusion in the roster.
INTERNAL_ID The internal identification.
INTERNAL_GROUP_ID The internal group identification.
RECEIVE_EMAIL Designate the ability to receive email.
ROLE_TYPE The role type.
ID_TYPE The identification type.
WEBCT_INHERITED_MEMBERSHIP Define inherited WebCT membership setting.