Find out more about Anthology Illuminate

Access reports

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in with your Institutional or Anthology Illuminate Account. 
  3. Select the base navigation menu. 
  4. In the navigation panel, select the reporting area you want to access. 
  5. Each reporting area has a list of available reports and a description of the questions each report answers. 
  6. Select a report to access it.

Reports can have multiple tabs of information. Navigate through them to access all the available data.  

Reporting area

Reset password 

You can reset your password by the following method if you have an Anthology Illuminate account. If you're using your Institutional account to login, you have to contact your system administrator. 

You'll be asked to reset your password every 90 days.

  1. Go to and select Sign In. Sign in with your Anthology Illuminate account. 
  2. Alternatively, go to your Snowflake Reader account and select the Login using the Auth0 button. 
  3. Select your SaaS Hosting Region. 
  4. From the Anthology Illuminate account sign-in modal, select Don't remember your password?
  5. Enter your Anthology Illuminate user email into the email field. 
  6. Select Send Email
  7. A confirmation message appears on the page.
  8. Check your inbox for an email from Anthology Illuminate. If you can't find the email in your inbox, check your spam or junk folder. 
  9. In the email, select Confirm. You'll be redirected to the Change Password page. 
  10. From the Change Password page, set your new password. After you enter and confirm your new password, you'll see a message confirming the password change. 
  11. Go back to your Snowflake Reader account or sign-in.

Your account must be created and activated by Anthology Provisioning for this process to work. 

Language settings 

Choose your preferred language 

You can select your preferred language from the available language pack: 

  1. Select the Language choice dropdown menu. 
  2. From the dropdown list of available languages, select your preferred language. 

There are terms that aren't currently localized and will remain in English after you've selected another language. 

Supported languages:

  • cy_GB: Cymaraeg (Cymru)
  • en_AU: English (Australia)
  • en_GB: English (United Kingdom)
  • en_US_k12: English for K-12 (United States)
  • en_US_pro: English for Pro-Ed (United States)
  • es_ES: Español (España)
  • de_DE: Deutsch (Deutschland)
  • fr_FR: Français (France)
  • it_IT: Italiano (Italia)
  • ja_JP: Japanese
  • ko_KR: Korean
  • nb_NO: Bokmål (Norge)
  • nl_NL: Nederlands (Nederland)
  • pt_BR: Português (Brasil)
  • pl_PL: Polski (Polska)
  • sv_SE: Svenska (Sverige)
  • tr_TR:Türkçe (Türkiye)
  • zh-CN: Chinese Simplified
  • zh_TW: Traditional Chinese

Change your calendar's language 

Anthology Illuminate Reporting date picker calendars match your system's language and may differ from your browser's language.  

Update your system settings to view your calendar in another language:   

Set up institutional accounts 

Institutional Authentication is a single-sign-on service for Anthology Illuminate that provides seamless authentication between Blackboard SaaS and Anthology Illuminate. This gives an increased level of security and control over the Anthology Account authentication methods and you can access additional features in Anthology Illuminate. 

Find out more in Institutional Authentication

Reset controls 

  1. Inside a report tab, go to the control you want to reset. 
  2. Select the More Options icon.
  3. Select Reset

Get Detailed Data with Visual Filtering

Visual filtering allows you to filter course and student data by selecting categories in other data visualizations in the same report tab. 

Visual filtering adds filters on top of your selected filters in the Controls section and other filters in the report tab. 

Apply a visual filter 

  1. Select a category in any data visualization inside the report tab you want to filter course and student data. 
  2. The selected category will be highlighted. 
  3. Go to the course and student data to see it filtered by your selected category. 

Review and delete visual filters 

  1. Select the chart or table you want to review or delete the visual filters from. 
  2. In the option menu, select the filter icon.
Applied filter icon in the top right corner options
  1. Select the remove icon next to the filter you want to remove.
  2. To clear all applied visual filters, select Clear
Clear option in applied filters option

A combination of visual filters can result in no data displaying. Remove a visual filter to go back.

 Video example of visual filtering

Maximize or minimize data visualizations 

  1. Inside a report tab, select the data visualization you want to maximize. 
  2. Select the Maximize icon.
  3. To minimize the visualization, select the Minimize icon.

Export to CSV

  1. Inside a report tab, select the data visualization you want to export.
  2. Select the Menu Options icon.
  3. Select Export to CSV.

Print a report

  1. Inside a report tab, select the Export icon.
  2. Select Print.
  3. Choose the print settings.
  4. Select Go to preview.
  5. Check that you selected the settings you want or change your selections by selecting Configure.
  6. Select Print.

Download a PDF of a report

  1. Inside a report tab, select the Export icon.
  2. Select Generate PDF. You may have to wait a few minutes while generating the PDF file.
  3. When the PDF is ready, select Download Now.
  4. You can also select the Export icon again and choose View Downloads. A panel will open with the PDF files generated. Select Click to download.

Reporting data refresh frequency

Reporting data is refreshed overnight, according to the time zone of your Blackboard instance.

Reporting in Sleep Mode

Sleep Mode optimizes the use of resources while making sure that you can continue accessing and experiencing reporting. 

When periods of inactivity in Illuminate Reporting extend beyond 30 days, the reporting area will be temporarily placed in a dormant state until you return. You will always be able to wake the system up whenever you need to. 

Sleep mode means that the nightly refresh to keep data up to date is paused until you have new activity. 

  • Once the system is on sleep mode and you sign in to Illuminate, you will receive a message that Sleep mode is on. Reports are not visible when the system is in sleep mode. Wake Illuminate Reporting up to view updated reports. 
  • The Wake Up button is included in the message saying that you’re in sleep mode.
Sleep Mode Activated
  • After selecting Wake Up, you’ll receive a confirmation message that waking up is in progress. This may take a few minutes or hours to complete, depending on the size of your dataset.
Sleep Mode Wake Up Process
  • After the system has woken up, you can explore our set of reports as usual.

Reporting isn’t working

If you experience issues with Anthology Illuminate Reporting, some frequent issues can be resolved without contacting Customer Support. 

  • Check your Internet and network connection. 
  • Check Anthology Illuminate's status. If your Internet connection has no issues, check to see if Anthology Illuminate is down. If Illuminate is listed, this is a known issue and we are working to resolve it. 
  • Contact your institution's support or help desk. If you don't find an issue and the problem continues, contact your institution's support or help desk. If you don't know how to contact your institution's help desk, you can look up your university with our Support Service.