Ally 1.42.1 | Release to production 1 May 2020

Updated features, Moodle integration

HTML Block support

The Ally for Moodle integration has been expanded to provide support for the “HTML Block” plugin. Content created through this plugin will now also be checked for accessibility issues by Ally, and the results will be included in the institutional report and the course accessibility report. Alternative formats and instructor feedback will be provided for file content linked from the HTML block as well.

The HTML block support requires the latest version of the Ally Moodle plugins that correspond with your version of Moodle.

Ally 1.42.1 bug fixes and improvements

  • Added the institution name to the file name for the institutional report CSV export and the usage report export
  • Added a more meaningful error message when an audio alternative format can’t be generated because the original document is longer than 100,000 characters 
  • The usage report export is now supported on older versions of Excel as well 
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Features tab in the Ally Configuration UI to not be internationalized correctly
  • Fixed a bug in the Accessibility Score overview graph in the institutional report that caused time periods without any associated data to show as a 0% score 
  • Implemented improvements to reduce the number of LMS API calls made when a sudden spike in LMS activity takes place