Diese Seite enthält eine Liste potenzieller Probleme in Learn Ultra und deren Problemumgehungen, die Ihnen helfen, mit Learn Ultra fortzufahren, wenn die Dinge nicht ganz wie erwartet funktionieren.

Learn Ultra Fehlerbehebung

Ein Kompendium bekannter Probleme, die in Learn Ultra auftreten, und deren Problemumgehungen, die Ihnen helfen und Sie bei Ihrer Entscheidungsfindung unterstützen, wie Sie vorgehen können, wenn sich die Optionen nicht ganz so verhalten, wie Sie es erwarten, und wie Sie das, was Learn Ultra zu bieten hat, besser nutzen können.

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Learn Ultra troubleshooting item
CategoryKeywordsQuestion or issueTroubleshooting suggestion
Course contentAdd folder
Add module
Move folder
Move module
Why can't I add a sub-folder to my Course Content?
Why can't I move one Content Folder/Module into another Content Folder/Module?
Organize with folders. You can create two levels of folders to organize your content. Students can navigate easier when they don't have to search for materials. Optionally, add folder descriptions to help students understand what content you've included in them. After you already have two levels of folders, you can't create a third level or upload a folder into the second-level folder.
Course contentSave error
Saving new content
Why won't Blackboard save my answers?

This could mean several different things:

  1. Is the Save/Submit button greyed out?
    • If you've just typed something in, You may need to click on some other part of the form in order for the browser to realize that you are done typing.
    • There may be a required field (denoted in red) which has not yet been filled in.
  2. If you could press the Save button, but your changes aren't showing up:
    • Refresh the page to see if the change just needed to be cached
    • If they still aren't there, then there may be a permissions or connection issue, in that case, you may need to gather a .har file for your System Adminsitrator or Local Support team.
Course contentAdaptive ReleaseHow do I use Adaptive Release?

On the Course Content page, you can access the visibility setting for each item and folder in your content list. In the visibility menu, select Conditional availability to open the item's panel...

Learn more on releasing content

Course contentMath EditorHow do I use the Math Editor in Blackboard?

Wherever you can add and format text in your course, you can launch the math editor to create mathematical formulas.

The math editor is written by WIRIS and based on standards like MathML for internal representation and the PNG image format for displaying formulas. The math editor is based on Javascript and runs on any browser and operating system, including smartphones and tablets...

Learn more about the Math Editor

Course contentCreate test
Edit test
How do I create, edit or deploy a test?

Tests are always available to instructors but anonymously submitted surveys aren't supported at this time.
You can create tests alongside the other content students need as they prepare. On the Course Content page, select the plus sign wherever you want to add a test. In the menu, select Create to open the Create Item panel and select Test. The New Test page opens...

Learn more on creating tests

Course contentCreate bannerHow do I create a banner for my course?

As an instructor, you and administrator users can upload an image to be the thumbnail in the Courses page at Base Navigation. It can be also the internal Course Banner inside your Ultra courses...

Learn more on course banners

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Erfahren Sie mehr über das Learn Adoption Toolkit und darüber, wie Sie den Übergang zu Ultra erleichtern können.


Video zur Hauptnavigation ansehen

Das folgende kommentierte Video bietet eine visuelle und auditive Darstellung einiger der auf dieser Seite enthaltenen Informationen. Für eine detaillierte Beschreibung der im Video dargestellten Elemente öffnen Sie das Video auf YouTube, navigieren Sie zu Weitere Aktionen, und wählen Sie Transkript öffnen aus.

Video: Hauptnavigation in Ultra bietet eine Einführung in die Ultra-Visualisierung von Kursen.

Base Navigation video introduction