Map Goals

Administrators can map goals to copy the content alignments of one goal to another. Goals can be mapped between any two goal sets in the system, including goal sets from two different sources.

Only one map can exist between the same two goal sets, but administrators can map a single goal set to many other goal sets. In the Goal Set Maps column, the number of maps associated with a goal set appears. This number is a link that opens the existing map or a list of maps.

Maps can be included in goals packages that are imported into the system. You can manage and edit these maps, and use them to copy alignments from one goal set to another.

Create a new map

  1. In the Goals tool, open the goal set's menu.
  2. Select Update Content Alignments.
  3. In the Update Content Alignments window, select Create Map.
  4. In the Create Map window, select a Set Type from the list.
  5. Select Submit. The Map Goals page appears.

Administrators can map goal sets to one another by comparing a base set of goals to a target set of goals. After mappings are defined and confirmed, copy existing content alignments from the base goals to the mapped target goals.

  1. Search for goals.
  2. Select the reverse icon to switch which set of goals is the base and which is the target.
  3. Confirm Connections. You can confirm connections from the base goal set to the target individually or by selecting multiple goals. Confirming connections serves as a way to flag that the connections have been reviewed by an administrator. Connections must be confirmed for the system to copy existing alignments to the base goals to the appropriate target goals.

    More on creating and viewing connections within a map

  4. Clear Connections. You can clear connections that are made from the base goal set to the target individually or by selecting multiple goals. Cleared connections have all previously defined information deleted, including connection alignment status, connection alignment options, and notes to the associated connection.
  5. Alignment Options. You can set alignment options individually or by selecting multiple goals. Select Allow Automatic Alignment to allow the system to copy alignments automatically. You must select this option for the system to copy existing alignments to the base goals to the appropriate target goals. Select Require Manual Alignment to require an instructor to create alignments to the target goals manually.

    More on applying target alignments

Create and view connections within a map

Mapped goals display this information:

  • The name of the base goal set
  • The name of the target goal set
  • The date the map was last updated
  • The date alignments were last updated based on the map
  • All of the goals within the base set of goals
  • Any target goals already mapped to the goals in the base set of goals

Use the filtering options to locate and display specific goals within the base set of goals.

More on searching for goals

Any current connections that exist for the goals in the base goal set are indicated in the list of goals.

To map a specific base goal to goals in the target set, select Add—if no target goals are mapped. Select Edit—if goals are already mapped to this goal.

  1. Select Find Goals to view the target set of goals and search for goals to connect to the base goal.
  2. After selecting one or more goals, select Submit. The goals appear in the map.
  3. Select the method for Connection Alignments:
    • Allow Automatic Alignment: Allow the system to copy alignments automatically. You must select this option for the system to copy existing alignments to the base goals to the appropriate target goals.
    • Require Manual Alignment: Require an instructor to create alignments to the target goals manually.
  4. To finalize the connection of alignments from the base goals to the target goals, select Confirm Alignments. You must select this option for the system to copy existing alignments to the base goals to the appropriate target goals.
  5. Optionally, select Add Notes to include additional information about the connection.
  6. Select Done to save connection information.

The completed connection information appears in the map. Select Edit to make changes to the connection.

Apply target alignments

After you create a map and make connections between the base and target, you can copy existing alignments from the base goals to the appropriate target goals.

  1. Select the base goals to copy alignments from.
  2. Select Apply Target Alignments. The results of copying the alignments to the target goals appear.

Search for goals

Goal sets can contain hundreds of individual goals. Find specific goals with the search options on the filtering panel. Select filtering options and select Search.


  • All: Displays all goals in the base set of goals.
  • 1:1: Displays all goals in the base set of goals that have a connection to only one target goal.
  • Split: Displays all goals in the base set of goals that have a connection to more than one target goal.
  • No Connection: Displays all goals in the base set of goals that have no connections to any target goals.


  • All: Displays all goals in the base set of goals.
  • Confirmed: Displays all goals in the base set of goals with confirmed connections.
  • Not Confirmed: Displays all goals in the base set of goals that don't have confirmed connections.


  • All: Displays all goals in the base set of goals.
  • Automatic: Displays all goals in the base set of goals that have connections established to allow automatic alignments.
  • Manual: Displays all goals in the base set of goals that have connections established to require manual alignments.


  • All: Displays all goals in all categories for the base set of goals.
  • Categories: Displays only the goals in the base set of goals that are part of the selected categories.

Goals Type

  • All: Displays all types of goals in the base set of goals.
  • Goals categories: Displays only goals that are classified as the selected types.

Keywords typed into the text box will filter the list of goals to display only those in the base set of goals that contain the keywords in the goal ID or description.