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About the content conversion tool
Anthology provides a tool that will converts Building Block links to LTI links in Original Courses. The content conversion tool helps to ensure a smoother transition experience ahead of the removal of Building Blocks in Learn configurations. This tool is available for:
- Kaltura
- Echo360
This conversion supports the Building Block content present within the iframe. This includes Mashup links within the content editor:
- wikis, journals, discussions, groups
- assessments, assignments, test questions, and question banks
- announcements
Some material that is not supported includes:
- Material from older versions of Kaltura (for example, videos embedded within a table and anchor tags) will be handled in a future iteration of this tool.
- Student submissions that include Kaltura content.
- Student feedback in Kaltura.
Core deep links are already LTI content, so they are not converted. Any LTI link in an Original course is not converted because it is already LTI content.
A temporary archive of the course is created before conversion. In case there is a problem with the content or the conversion, the administrator will be able to restore the course.
Using the content conversion tool
You can manage placements through drop-down menus, simplifying the Building Block transition process. The content migration tool can be accessed through Administrator Tools. Select Converting Building Block Content to LTI in Tools and Utilities.
Select Migration Service Settings to configure settings.
Select the required IDs and leverage custom parameters for course details and migrated content.
Building blocks mappings are displayed. Administrators can select whether they want to edit, delete, or turn off the building block for the conversion tool.
Once configurations are set, administrators can manage the placements. They can select for the specific Building Block the courses to which they want to convert the content.
A course search function displays the courses (enabled or disabled) that contain the content links to be converted. There is a designated time range for the search.
You can track the status of courses selected for content link migration. Search for conversion link statuses for each course based on a specified time range.
Finally, at Migration Run Status, users can monitor the status of the conversion process for each course. An email is sent to you confirming whether the process is successful or whether the process failed.
For administrators: For optimal performance, select a maximum of two semesters during content conversion process. If the same course contains content from both Kaltura and Echo360 building blocks, the conversion process must be performed once for each building block.