Find the Attendees panel

  1. From the Collaborate panel, go to the Attendees tab panel.
  2. Spacebar or select the Attendee tab panel to open.
  3. Find the # Attendees heading with heading keyboard short cuts, the Tab key, or visually.
  4. Continue to navigate the panel to find the following features:
    1. More options pop-up button
    2. List of attendees grouped by roles under the headings of Moderators (#), Presenters (#), and Participants (#)
    3. Attendee Controls pop-up button for each attendee
    4. Network Strength Indicator Tooltip for each attendee

More options pop-up button

  1. Go to the More options pop-up button.
  2. Spacebar or select More options pop-up button to open a menu.
  3. More options menu contains the following features:
    1. Find attendee button
    2. Detach panel button or Merge panel button
    3. Mute all button (Moderator role only)