When you first access Blackboard Collaborate you'll encounter an intuitive design for scheduling sessions in the Ultra experience and viewing recordings. We call this the Collaborate Scheduler.

The Collaborate scheduler is available in Blackboard Learn and LTI compliant LMS courses or directly from a web link. The Collaborate scheduler is not available in the Blackboard Open LMS Collaborate activity module.

Set the date for your session, the designated start and stop times, and then tell your student how to find it.

In the Scheduler, or sessions list, you'll find these things.

  • Course room: At the start of the page is a course room. The course room is an open session dedicated to your course.

    This is only available when you go to Collaborate from inside a course.

  • Create Session: Create new sessions. Sessions you create appear after the course room and Create Session button. 
  • Session options: Open the Session options menu to join, edit or delete the session. You can also copy a guest link and view reports for this session.
  • Menu: Open the menu to switch between a list of sessions and a list of session recordings.