Organize the /institution folder

There are two main areas found in the /institution folder: one for institution content and one for library content.

In addition or as an alternative to serve the needs of members in a broader context than just a single course or organization for storage and access to course content, folders can be created for whole departments, for library branches, or for any group of users that exists in an institution's setting.

In addition to using the Course Content area, the institution area can be used to serve the needs of users in a broader context than just a single course or organization. Folders can be created for whole departments, for library branches, or for any group of users that exists in the institution's setting.

Setting up this area involves creating sub-folders, then setting permission on those folders to control access to them. The institution area gives all system users read permission to the institution folder. This permission is extended to all sub-folders under the Institution Folder. After creating a sub-folder, use the Manage Permissions page to manage access to it.

A typical use case would be to create sub-folders in the institution or library folders, remove all system users read access to the sub-folder. Then, grant specific permission on the sub-folder so that only a specific group of users sees the folder, and a smaller subset of those users can write to, remove items from, or manage the sub-folders. Specific examples are discussed below.

The eReserves sub-folder in the library folder has separate rules and uses associated with it.

Create shared course content

The temporary nature of course folders makes it beneficial to put content that is public in nature and could be useful to many instructors in a centralized place. In this way, folders for types of content can be created, such as the Biology folder, the French folder, and the Algebra folder.

The following is an example of how the permissions can be set up:

  1. Remove all system users read access on the sub-folders.
  2. Grant full permissions-read, write, remove and manage-to any users or user group who should manage this area. Users with manage permission can create additional sub-folders, assign permissions, and set folder properties.
  3. Consider which users or groups of users will be creating the content for a sub-folder, and assign read and write access to them.
  4. Give read access to instructors or course builders who might want to use the content. Instructors will not directly link to this content from their courses because they do not have manage permission on the files. Instead, they could copy the file into their courses or user folders and link to it there if needed.

Create library content in the /library folder

Similar to the preceding example, the /library folder can be used to set up sub-folders for the law library and the medical library, for example, and then grant additional permissions to the librarians for those institutions. One or more librarian who manages the folder would have manage access, and other librarians may have read, write, and possibly also remove permissions. Faculty, staff and students who should see the content in a specific folder can be granted read permission based on a user list or an institution role.

Administrators should remember to remove all user accounts read access from folders considered protected or private for a certain subset of the Institution community.

More on Library content

More on creating librarians

Create private and public folders

Administrators can choose to create private and public sub-folders within the institution area.

  • Private Folder: Access to a private folder is limited to one or a few users. For example, a folder may be created which only the librarians have access to. They may use this area to manage documents about library processes and procedures.
  • Public Folder: Content in public folders is usually made available to a large number of users. For example, a folder including all of the schedules for athletic teams may be created and shared with all system accounts.

Administrators can decide to retain the institution area as a public information area, but not store protected content in this area.

More on Content Collection folder types