Goal Performance Dashboard
Goal Performance Dashboard is a competency-based education Building Block to map goals to courses within Learn. The Goal Performance Dashboard evaluates evidence of competencies individually, allowing for true measurement of knowledge.
More on Goal Performance Dashboard
Grades Journey
Grades Journey integrates your institution's Student Information System with Learn. Grades Journey allows you to exchange grade information between two separate systems.
More on Grades Journey for Administrators
PowerSchool SIS Integration
As part of the innovative classroom, SIS Central two-way integration is now available for PowerSchool customers who license Blackboard Learn 9.1 October 2014 release or higher.
With this release, Blackboard's SIS Central will provide bi-directional integration between all Blackboard Learn deployment options and the PowerSchool Student Information System. The Blackboard Learn PowerSchool Integration provides a hands-free, seamless synchronization of users, classes, enrollments, assignments, and grades between Blackboard Learn and PowerSchool.
More on SIS Central
Certain clients may have experienced performance issues and outages when common notification queries were processed on their servers. Learn 9.1 Q4 2015 addresses many of these issues.
More on Administrator: Notifications | Instructor: Notifications | Student: Notifications
When creating an announcement, "Not Date Restricted" is now selected by default.
More on Administrator: Announcements | Instructor: Announcements | Student: Announcements
This release fixes an issue with email sent from Learn. Some email clients do not use the reply-to header of emails sent by BbLearn to populate the "To:" field when the user replies to an email. As a result, some students were confused when they received email from do-not-reply@<bblearn_domain> instead of their instructor's email address.
More on Administrator: Email | Instructor: Email | Student: Email
Users can navigate from thread to thread without having to return to the main Discussions page.
More on Administrator: Discussion Boards | Instructor: About Forums and Threads | Student: Threads
Browser & HTML5 support
Learn 9.1 now supports the Microsoft Edge browser. Some new browser releases no longer support NPAPI plugins. Without these plugins, some Learn features may not render correctly. The Content Editor now supports HTML5 Audio and Video playback in Chrome and Edge browsers.
More on Q4 2015 Browser Support
Language Packs
This release includes new language packs for Thai (th_TH) and Malay (ms_MY) languages.
More on Language Packs