Hidlwch y rhestr o nodweddion i ddysgu rhagor.

Dilynwch y dudalen hon i gael diweddariadau drwy e-bost pan fyddwn yn cyhoeddi nodiadau rhyddhau newydd

Ally 2.12.2 | Release to production: February 13, 2025

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed an issue in the Institutional Report that sometimes caused the Term dropdown to not be selectable by the user.
  • Fixed a display issue where the error message for unsupported files was extending beyond the boundaries of the Instructor Feedback panel.
  • Fixed an issue in Moodle where images in a page were not displayed in the Instructor Feedback Preview when accessed via the Course Accessibility Report.

Ally 2.12 | Release to production: January 30, 2025

Alternative Formats for Video Studio Videos within Blackboard

Learners now have the ability to download Alternative Formats for Video Studio videos within Blackboard Documents when using the Ally Alternative Formats feature. When enabled by the Administrator, students see the Video as a valid file type to download a variety of Alternative Formats based on the transcript of the video when navigating through the Alternative Formats menu for Blackboard Documents.

Image 1: Alternative Formats available for Video

Download alternative formats pop-up


Administrators configure this through the Ally Admin Configuration console to enable the ability to download alternative formats for Video Studio videos.

Image 2: Ally Configuration screen with feature defaulted as "off"

Admin Configuration view for alternative formats

Note: The feature is automatically configured as "off" by default in the Ally Admin console.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed an accessibility issue where "Close" was not properly underlined on hover within the Instructor Feedback.
  • Fixed an issue within Ally Configuration where the Disable and Enable and All Terms button arrows were not visible when button was selected.
  • Fixed an issue in Blackboard where the Instructor Feedback flows for WYSIWYG content did not consistently mention table headings missing content as the next item to address after the instructor has fixed another issue.
  • Fixed an issue in Blackboard where the Instructor Feedback Preview window would sometimes timeout and require reloading the browser tab.
  • Fixed a browser state issue in Blackboard where Instructors would sometimes see multiple Ally score indicators on one WYSIWYG item if they had opened multiple courses the same browser session.
  • Fixed an issue where the Course Accessibility Report score appeared out of sync from the live Instructor Feedback for fixes applied to WYSIWYG content with empty headings.
  • Moodle 4.4 plugins have been updated and made available.

Ally 2.11.1 | Release to production: January 13, 2025

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed an issue within D2L Brightspace where instructors could not see the Ally Score Indicators when editing supported WYSIWYG conflict due to a conflict with TinyMCE versions. Note that this does not apply to New Content Experience.
  • Fixed an issue where the fields used to calculate totals for "Used AI for Alt Text Suggestion" and "Used AI but Alt Text was altered" in Ally Usage Report were not being set with a valid value for images embedded within Rich Content.
  • Fixed an issue within the Ally Admin configuration tool where the button for "Disable/enable all existing courses" was clickable outside of the element.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Ally from displaying the correct heading options in the dropdown when applying a Quick Fix for the "Heading do not follow a logical order" issue within the Instructor Feedback guidance panel.

Ally 2.11.0 | Release to production: December 19, 2024

Download Original File is Now Available from the Alternative Formats Window

For students

Students now have the option to download the original version of the file uploaded by their instructor directly from the Alternative Formats download window without having to navigate back to the course. Clicking the download icon next to the file name downloads the file.

Download icon next to originally uploaded file in the Download Alternative Formats modal

This streamlines the student experience and minimizes the amount of back-and-forth required if a student needs to use both the alternative format and the original file.

For administrators

The usage of this feature is tracked within the Usage Report Export, available in the Ally Institutional Report. This is counted in the total downloads and is shown as Original File in the distribution part of overall engagement and can be useful for institutions that want to analyze how alternative formats are being used.

Ally Usage Report with Original File download data

Note: This feature is now available for file content in Blackboard, Canvas, Brightspace, and Moodle LMS integrations, but does not apply to WYSIWYG/Rich Content items.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed an issue in Blackboard where, in some cases, the alternative text entered through the Instructor Feedback quick fix option was not applied to the Document before saving, resulting in the issue still being flagged.
  • Fixed an issue in Blackboard where in some cases other Document quick fixes entered through the Instructor Feedback were not applied to the Document before saving, resulting in those issues still being flagged.
  • Implemented consistency improvements to the Undo and Cancel workflows for Blackboard Documents when making quick fixes through Ally's Instructor Feedback.
  • Implemented accessibility improvements when exiting Instructor Feedback in Blackboard Documents to ensure focus is returned to the score indicator.
  • Improved underlying API support for Blackboard Document content blocks.
  • Fixed an issue where, in some cases, Ally labels remained visible at the top left corner of the screen while navigating through the course.

Ally 2.10.6 | Rhyddhau i gynhyrchiad: 14 Tachwedd, 2024

Trwsiadau ar gyfer Bygiau a Gwelliannau

  • Trwsiwyd problem yn Canvas lle, mewn rhai achosion, nid oedd clicio ar Fformatau Amgen o'r ddewislen opsiynau ychwanegol ar gyfer ffeil o fewn ardal Ffeiliau yn caniatáu i'r defnyddiwr lansio Fformatau Amgen Ally.
  • Trwsiwyd problem gyda'r dewisydd dyddiad yn yr Adroddiad Defnydd a achosodd i ddyddiau'r wythnos gael eu halinio'n anghywir wrth ddewis dyddiad.
  • Trwsiwyd problem yn yr Adroddiad Hygyrchedd Cwrs Blackboard lle dangoswyd rhai delweddau mewn dogfennau Ultra yn anghywir fel dolenni â thestun coll yn hytrach na rhagolwg delwedd wrth lansio'r Adborth i Hyfforddwyr. Mae hyfforddwyr bellach yn gweld delweddau yn rhagolwg cynnwys yr Adborth i Hyfforddwyr yn ôl y disgwyl.

Ally 2.10.5 | Rhyddhau i gynhyrchiad: 18 Hydref, 2024

Trwsiadau ar gyfer Bygiau a Gwelliannau

  • Trwsiwyd problem lle mewn rhai achosion roedd medrydd sgôr Ally yn cael ei ddangos yn anghywir ar gyfer ffeiliau neu ddelweddau wedi'u plannu tra'u bod yn y modd golygu ar gyfer dogfennau Ultra yn Blackboard, a oedd yn arwain at brofiad Adborth i Hyfforddwyr anghyson ar gyfer Hyfforddwyr gan ddibynnu ar ba fedrydd sgôr y clicion arno.
  • Trwsiwyd problem yn llif gwaith yr Adroddiad Hygyrchedd Cwrs Blackboard lle cafodd y dogfennau Ultra eu hadnabod yn anghywir fel heb iaith na theitl pan lansiodd yr Hyfforddwr yr Adborth i Hyfforddwyr.
  • Gwellwyd olrhain data defnydd ar gyfer trwsiadau sy'n tarddu o'r Adroddiad Sefydliadol (pan fo gweinyddwyr wedi ffurfweddu lansio'r Adborth i Hyfforddwyr yn uniongyrchol o'r adroddiad).

Ally 2.10.4 | Rhyddhau i gynhyrchiad: 3 Hydref, 2024

Trwsiadau ar gyfer Bygiau a Gwelliannau

  • Trwsiwyd problem lle, mewn rhai achosion, ymddangosodd mesurydd sgôr Ally yn anghywir ar ffeiliau neu ddelweddau wedi'u plannu yn y rhagolwg dogfennau yn yr Adborth i Hyfforddwyr ar gyfer dogfennau Ultra yn Blackboard.
  • Datryswyd problem ym Moodle lle arddangoswyd y rhagolwg delweddau yn anghywir yn lle adborth i hyfforddwyr Ally pan gliciodd hyfforddwyr ar fesurydd sgôr Ally.
  • Cywirwyd problem yn D2L a oedd yn atal Ally rhag cael rhifau adnabod pynciau yn gywir, a oedd yn achosi i'r mesurydd sgôr beidio ag ymddangos mewn cyrsiau penodol.
  • Trwsiwyd problem yn Canvas lle nad oedd mesurydd sgôr Ally yn bresennol, a chafodd eicon y fformat amgen ei gamosod ar Drafodaethau.

Ally 2.10.3 | Rhyddhau i gynhyrchiad: 19 Medi, 2024

Trwsiadau ar gyfer Bygiau a Gwelliannau

  • Datryswyd problem lle roedd cyngor fformatau amgen Ally yng ngwedd ffeiliau Canvas ar gyfer myfyrwyr yn diflannu ychydig eiliadau ar ôl dewis yr eicon.
  • Trwsiwyd nam yn yr Adborth i Hyfforddwyr a oedd yn atal defnyddwyr rhag llywio'n gywir trwy'r holl broblemau a amlygwyd gan ddefnyddio'r bysellau saethau i fyny/i lawr.
  • Trwsiwyd problem hygyrchedd lle nad oedd gan y panel canllawiau yn yr Adborth i Hyfforddwyr y rôl briodol a oedd yn atal defnyddwyr darllenyddion sgrin rhag cyrchu'r cynnwys yn gywir.
  • Gwellwyd ymddygiad ffocysu o fewn panel ochr yr Adborth i Hyfforddwyr i sicrhau profiad mwy llyfn i ddefnyddwyr sy'n defnyddio'r bysellfwrdd a'r llygoden. 

Ally 2.10.2 | Rhyddhau i gynhyrchiad: 6 Medi, 2024

Trwsiadau ar gyfer Bygiau a Gwelliannau

  • Trwsiwyd problem yn yr Adborth i Hyfforddwyr a achosodd i'r eicon llwytho droelli am gyfnod amhenodol pan oedd hyfforddwyr yn trwsio dwy ddolen doredig o'r un fath yn yr un eitem gynnwys.
  • Trwsiwyd problem yn yr adroddiad Sefydliadol lle nid oedd cyngor yr eicon Ally yn llwytho'n gywir, gan ei gwneud yn anodd ei lansio'n uniongyrchol i mewn i'r Adborth i Hyfforddwyr.
  • Trwsiwyd problem hygyrchedd lle nid oedd modd hofran ar gyngor Ally wrth lywio â llygoden.
  • Gwellwyd enwau'r blychau ticio a ddangosir ar graff llinell duedd sgôr hygyrchedd yn yr Adroddiad Sefydliadol.
  • Trwsiwyd problem hygyrchedd lle nid oedd modd i ddefnyddwyr bysellfwrdd sgrolio i fyny nac i lawr yn y paneli ochr yn Adborth i Hyfforddwyr Ally.
  • Argaeledd a gwelliannau ategyn 4.3 Moodle.
  • Templed Power BI newydd i'w ddefnyddio gydag API Ally ar gyfer offer adroddiadau. Gallwch ddod o hyd iddo ym Mhecyn Cymorth Mabwysiadu Ally.

Ally 2.10.1 | Rhyddhau i gynhyrchiad: 8 Awst, 2024 

Cefnogaeth ar gyfer Dogfennau Gwell newydd y Dylunydd Cynnwys Blackboard

Mae Ally bellach yn cefnogi'r Dogfennau gwell newydd yn Blackboard ar gyfer hyfforddwyr (Adborth i Hyfforddwyr) a myfyrwyr (Fformatau Amgen) i helpu i gefnogi creu cynnwys hygyrch a diddorol ar gyfer pob defnyddiwr.  Bydd hyfforddwyr a myfyrwyr yn gweld y dangosyddion Ally perthnasol ar y Dogfennau newydd er mwyn parhau i fanteisio ar y nodweddion Ally hyn.

Trwsiadau ar gyfer Bygiau a Gwelliannau

  • Gwellwyd canllawiau Ally ar gyfer eitemau nad ydynt yn dechrau ar y lefel uchaf drwy ddarparu geiriad cyson sy'n berthnasol i bob golygydd testun cyfoethog lle nad yw opsiynau penawdau bob amser yn dechrau ar lefel 1.
  • Trwsiwyd problem lle roedd y geiriad yn y canllawiau Ally ar gyfer dogfennau PDF a nodwyd fel bod heb iaith wedi crybwyll trwsiadau penawdau yn anghywir (yn hytrach nag iaith). 
  • Trwsiwyd problem ar gyfer tudalennau Canvas lle nad oedd yr eicon Fformatau Amgen wedi'i leoli'n gywir ar deitl y dudalen.
  • Trwsiwyd problem yn Blackboard lle na ddangoswyd delweddau yn Adborth i Hyfforddwyr Ally pan gafodd ei lansio o'r Adroddiad Hygyrchedd Cwrs.
  • Trwsiwyd problem yn yr Adroddiad Sefydliadol lle nad oedd yr opsiwn Cyrsiau Eraill yng nghwymplen tymor y tab Cyrsiau yn hidlo cyrsiau'n gywir heb dymhorau ac yn dangos yr holl gyrsiau yn y sefydliad yn lle hynny.
  • Trwsiwyd problem hygyrchedd yn yr Adroddiad Sefydliadol lle nad oedd darllenyddion sgrin yn darllen label rheoli'r botwm cwymplen i ddewis tymhorau.
  • Trwsiwyd problem hygyrchedd yn yr Adborth i Hyfforddwyr lle nad oedd y cyngor ar gyfer y dewisydd lliwiau yn nheclyn trwsiad cyflym Ally ar gyfer problemau cyferbyniad testun yn ymddangos gyda llywio â'r bysellfwrdd. (Mae'r cod lliw HEX bellach yn cael ei ddarllen gan ddarllenyddion sgrin).
  • Trwsiwyd problem hygyrchedd lle ymddangosodd y dangosydd ffocws yn anghywir ar y gydran dudalennu yng nghornel chwith uchaf yr Adborth i Hyfforddwyr ar ôl cau'r panel cyfarwyddyd gan ddefnyddio llywio â bysellfwrdd. (Mae'r ffocws bellach yn parhau i fod ar yr elfen sbarduno).
  • Trwsiwyd problem hygyrchedd lle nad oedd cynghorion yr eiconau Ally yn diflannu wrth bwyso'r fysell ESC.
  • Trwsiwyd problem hygyrchedd lle mewn rhai achosion nid oedd modd i ddarllenyddion sgrin ddarllen botymau yn Adborth i Hyfforddwyr ar gyfer problemau a adnabyddir yng nghynnwys WYSIWYG.
  • Trwsiwyd problem hygyrchedd lle mewn rhai achosion nid oedd modd sgrolio'r paneli ochr yn Adborth i Hyfforddwyr Ally gan ddefnyddio saethau'r bysellfwrdd.

Ally 2.10.0 | Rhyddhau i gynhyrchiad: 17 Gorffennaf, 2024

Cynorthwyydd Testun Amgen AI newydd Ally

Nid yw ysgrifennu testun amgen syml ond ystyrlon ar gyfer delweddau yn dasg hawdd bob tro.  Yn aml, mae hyfforddwr yn chwilio am fach o ysbrydoliaeth neu awgrym am fan dechrau.

Wedi'i gynllunio i fynd i'r afael â'r her hon mewn ffordd sy'n integreiddio'n ddi-dor i brofiad Adborth i Hyfforddwyr Ally, rydym wrth ein boddau i ddatgelu ein harloesedd diweddaraf a gynlluniwyd i drawsnewid sut mae addysgwyr yn rheoli hygyrchedd: Cynorthwyydd Testun Amgen AI Ally. Mae'r nodwedd newydd hon yn canolbwyntio ar wella a gwella effeithlonrwydd hyfforddwyr drwy awtomeiddio awgrymu testun amgen ar gyfer delweddau i helpu ysgrifennu testun amgen gwell a sicrhau bod deunyddiau dysgu yn gynhwysol ac yn hygyrch i bob myfyriwr.

Ar gyfer Hyfforddwyr

Gall hyfforddwyr manteisio ar gyfleuster a phŵer y botwm "Cynhyrchu Disgrifiad yn Awtomatig" sydd ar gael yn rhyngwyneb Adborth i Hyfforddwyr Ally a gadael i'r Cynorthwyydd Testun Amgen symleiddio'r broses o fynd i'r afael â delweddau sydd heb ddisgrifiadau. Gyda dim ond un clic, gall hyfforddwyr bellach gynhyrchu disgrifiadau amgen a awgrymir ar gyfer delweddau a blannir mewn cynnwys WYSIWYG neu fel eitemau unigol.

Delwedd 1: botwm cynhyrchu disgrifiad yn awtomatig wrth drwsio delwedd heb ddisgrifiad yn Adborth i Hyfforddwyr Ally

Ally Instructor Feedback screen displaying auto-generate description button

Mae'r offeryn greddfol hwn yn grymuso hyfforddwyr i greu disgrifiadau syml ond cywir ar gyfer delweddau ar unwaith, gan gael gwared â'r gwaith dyfalu a'r dasg drafferthus o lunio disgrifiadau â llaw o'r newydd.  

Mae'r Cynorthwyydd Testun Amgen AI yn sicrhau bod yr hyfforddwr yn parhau i fod mewn rheolaeth lwyr. Gallwch olygu neu dynnu'r awgrymiadau a gynhyrchir gan AI yn hawdd i gyd-fynd yn orau â chyd-destun a chynulleidfa eich cynnwys. Mae'n bwysig nodi nad yw disgrifiadau amgen yn cael eu defnyddio'n awtomatig—mae pob awgrym yn gofyn i'r hyfforddwr ei adolygu a'i gymeradwyo - gan warantu bod yr allbwn terfynol yn alinio â diben gwreiddiol yr hyfforddwr. 

Ar gyfer gweinyddwyr

Gall gweinyddwyr Ally ffurfweddu'r nodwedd newydd hon o'r gosodiadau Ffurfweddu Ally.  I ddefnyddio'r Cynorthwyydd Testun Amgen newydd, bydd yn rhaid i chi optio i mewn a'i droi ymlaen o'ch consol gweinyddu (mae'r nodwedd hon wedi'i hanalluogi yn ddiofyn).

Delwedd 2: Gosodiadau ffurfweddu Ally gyda fflag nodweddion optio i mewn i droi'r Cynorthwyydd Testun Amgen AI ymlaen

Ally configuration settings with feature flag opt-in to turn on the AI Alt Text Assistant

Ar ben hynny, gall gweinyddwyr olrhain defnydd o'r nodwedd newydd o Adroddiad Defnydd Ally (a allgludir o ddangosfwrdd eich Adroddiad Sefydliadol Ally).

Delwedd 3: Adroddiad defnydd Ally gyda data ychwanegol wedi'i ychwanegu i olrhain defnydd o'r Cynorthwyydd Testun Amgen AI

Ally Usage report with additional data added to track usage of the AI Alt Text Assistant

Yn nhab Lansiadau Adborth i Hyfforddwyr yr Adroddiad Defnydd, gall gweinyddwyr weld y nifer o weithiau mae AI wedi'i ddefnyddio i gynhyrchu testun amgen ar ddelweddau a'r nifer o weithiau mae'r hyfforddwr wedi newid y testun a grëwyd gan AI cyn ei gadw ar gyfer cwrs penodol.  

Mae'r wybodaeth hon hefyd ar gael yn y tab data crai yn yr Adroddiad Defnydd.

Mae'r nodwedd hon yn dilyn egwyddorion AI Dibynadwy Anthology, gan gynnwys:

  • Cael bodau dynol mewn rheolaeth
  • Tegwch
  • Preifatrwydd
  • Diogelwch
  • Cadw defnyddwyr yn ddiogel

Rydym yn argymell adolygu'r dogfennau rydym wedi cysylltu â nhw isod wrth i chi ystyried defnyddio Cynorthwyydd Testun Amgen AI Ally:

Mae'r rhyddhad hwn ar gael ar gyfer integreiddiadau Blackboard, Canvas, D2L Brightspace a Moodle LMS.

Adnabod a sgorio dolenni toredig ar gynnwys WYSIWYG ar gyfer Ultra a Canvas

Fel rhan o'n hymrwymiad i helpu hyfforddwyr i wella ansawdd a dibynadwyedd cynnwys addysgol, ehangwyd rhestr wirio hygyrchedd Ally ar gyfer LMS i gynnwys gwiriad newydd ar gyfer Dolenni Toredig (gwallau 404) o fewn cynnwys WYSIWYG.  Mae dolenni toredig yn broblem hygyrchedd bwysig a godir yn aml sy'n gallu rhwystro, tarfu neu'n waeth – arwain at golli hyder yn y deunydd ei hun - ar gyfer pob myfyriwr yn y cwrs.

Bydd Ally bellach yn rhoi gwybod am y broblem hon fel rhan o'r adroddiad hygyrchedd ac adborth i hyfforddwyr.  Mae dolenni toredig yn cyfrannu at sgôr hygyrchedd cynnwys WYSIWYG, ac mae'r cyfraniad hwn yn ddibynnol ar y nifer o ddolenni toredig o fewn y cynnwys ei hun.

Wrth i hyfforddwyr greu neu addasu cynnwys WYSIWYG, mae Ally yn nodi a yw dolen wedi torri ac yn amlygu hyn i'r hyfforddwr yn y rhagolwg cynnwys ynghyd ag opsiynau greddfol a chyflym i gywiro'r broblem yn uniongyrchol ym mhanel Adborth i Hyfforddwyr Ally. Mae'r adborth sydyn hwn yn sicrhau bod yr holl gynnwys yn cael ei ddilysu a'i fod yn ddibynadwy cyn i fyfyrwyr ddod ar ei draws.  Gall hyfforddwyr hefyd ddefnyddio'r canllawiau 'Beth' a 'Pam' i ddysgu mwy am effaith Dolenni Toredig.  Trwy adnabod a datrys y dolenni hyn, gall hyfforddwyr atal tarfu ar y broses ddysgu a chynnal uniondeb eu cwrs.

Delwedd 1: Adnabod Dolenni Toredig yn Adborth i Hyfforddwyr Ally 

Broken Link identification in the Ally Instructor Feedback

Bydd adroddiadau Ally, gan gynnwys yr Adroddiad Sefydliadol, ffeiliau allgludo CSV, APIs ar gyfer offer adroddiadau allanol, a'r Adroddiad Hygyrchedd Cwrs yn adlewyrchu'r gwiriad hygyrchedd newydd hwn fel rhan o'r sgôr a'r rhestr o broblemau sylfaenol.

Mae hwn yn newid sydd dim ond yn effeithio ar sgôr cynnwys WYSIWYG sydd newydd ei ychwanegu neu ei ddiweddaru ar ôl y rhyddhad hwn.  O ganlyniad i hyn, gall sgôr hygyrchedd cyffredinol WYSIWYG llawer o sefydliadau ostwng o'i gymharu â misoedd/blynyddoedd blaenorol oherwydd cyflwyno'r gwiriad hygyrchedd newydd hwn.  

Mae'r rhyddhad hwn yn cynnwys integreiddiadau Ultra a LMS Canvas.   Fel rhan o ryddhad yn y dyfodol, rydym yn bwriadu dod â'r gwiriad hwn i'r integreiddiadau LMS eraill hefyd.


Ally 2.9.8 | Rhyddhau i gynhyrchiad: 02 Gorffennaf, 2024 

Trwsiadau ar gyfer Bygiau a gwelliannau

  • Gweithredwyd gwelliannau seilwaith a optimeiddiadau i'r prosesau sgorio pen ôl ar gyfer cynnwys HTML a WYSIWYG er mwyn rhoi profiad cyflymach a mwy dibynadwy i Hyfforddwyr. 
  • Trwsiwyd problem hygyrchedd lle na chafodd Adborth i Hyfforddwyr Ally eu cyhoeddi'n gywir fel blwch deialog i ddarllenyddion sgrin.
  • Trwsiwyd problem hygyrchedd lle roedd geiriad penodol o fewn y canllawiau Adborth i Hyfforddwyr yn seiliedig ar nodweddion synhwyraidd ac nid oedd yn glir i bob defnyddiwr, gan gynnwys y rhai a allai ddefnyddio darllenydd sgrin.
  • Trwsiwyd problem hygyrchedd lle na chyhoeddwyd botymau llywio'r dudalen yn Rhagolwg Cynnwys Adborth i Hyfforddwyr gan ddarllenyddion sgrin wrth gadw'r ffocws. 

Ally 2.9.6 | Rhyddhau i gynhyrchiad: 13 Mehefin, 2024

Trwsiadau ar gyfer Bygiau a gwelliannau 

  • Trwsiwyd problem hygyrchedd yn yr Adborth i Hyfforddwyr lle ni chafodd teitl y canllawiau ei amlygu'n gywir i dechnolegau cynorthwyol. 
  • Trwsiwyd problem ar gyfer defnyddwyr Learn Gwreiddiol lle roedd Adborth i Hyfforddwyr Ally yn dangos neges gwall ("Wps") pan gafodd ei gyrchu trwy'r Adroddiad Hygyrchedd Cwrs ar gyfer dogfennau WYSIWYG.  

Ally 2.9.4 | Piyasaya çıkış tarihi: 2 Mayıs 2024

Hata düzeltmeleri ve iyileştirmeler

  • Kurumsal Rapor'da, silinen dosyaların sorun sayısına dâhil edilmesi nedeniyle erişilebilirlik sorunu bulunan ögelerin sayısının hatalı şekilde şişirilmesine ve rapora boş ek sayfaların eklenmesine neden olan bir sorun düzeltildi.
  • D2L Brightspace kullanıcıları için, Eğitmen Geri Bildirimi aracılığıyla HTML dosyalarına uygulanan hızlı düzeltmelerin stillerin kaldırılmasına ve LMS kaydedilen içeriğin yanlış biçimlendirilmesine neden olan bir sorun düzeltildi.

Ally 2.9.3 | Rhyddhau i gynhyrchiad: 6 Ebrill, 2024

Trwsiadau ar gyfer Bygiau a gwelliannau

  • Wedi trwsio problem lle nad oedd Adroddiad Sefydliadol Ally yn dangos y rhestr lawn o broblemau pan oedd gan adran, cwrs neu barth (yn Ally ar gyfer y We) fwy na 1000 o broblemau. Roedd hyn yn atal gweinyddwyr rhag gallu adolygu a nodi'r blaenoriaethau ar gyfer datrys problemau hygyrchedd a amlygwyd gan Ally yn gywir.

Ally 2.9.2 | Rhyddhau i gynhyrchiad: 22 Mawrth, 2024

Trwsiadau ar gyfer Bygiau a gwelliannau

  • Wedi gwella'r testun disgrifiadol ar dab ffurfweddu Vimeo yn yr offeryn ffurfweddu Ally.
  • Wedi gweithredu gwelliannau ychwanegol o ran perfformiad a sefydlogrwydd yn swyddogaeth prosesu ffeiliau Ally.

Ally 2.9.0 | Release to production: March 07, 2024

Vimeo and HTML5 video caption checking is now available for HTML and WYSIWYG content

As part of our efforts to expand our support for more types of video content, Ally now can flag Vimeo or embedded HTML5 videos that do not have captions or may have automated captions. This helps instructors quickly identify if video content is accessible and increases the awareness of the importance of accurate captions for student video content.

Ally will identify and highlight videos from Vimeo and videos embedded via HTML5 within the Ally instructor feedback.   Keeping with our current approach to scoring YouTube videos, flagged Vimeo and HTML5 videos will not change the overall accessibility scores and will be shown as 100% in the Instructor Feedback panel.

Image 1:  Video highlighted within Ally’s Instructor Feedback Preview

Accessibility checker with video without captions flagged

Note for Administrators:  Opting In to New Vimeo Configuration Settings

Checking for public and private videos in Vimeo is an opt-in feature that administrators can choose to configure based on your institutional needs.  Ally admins will see a new configuration tab for Vimeo where it is possible to configure and manage the institution’s Vimeo account token to enable Ally’s caption check.  Once configured, Ally video checks count towards your institution's Vimeo account and apply to any associated rate limits that you may have.

If you do not configure your Vimeo settings, Ally will not pick up on any embedded Vimeo videos.

(Please note that HTML5 video checking does not require any admin configuration.)

This is a go-forward change that only affects newly added or updated HTML files or WYSIWYG content after this release.

For additional information on this feature and Vimeo configuration, please see Caption Checks for Videos

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the issue highlighting and issue navigation from showing for issues within the Instructor Feedback Preview in D2L Brightspace integrations.  Fixed an issue where the Ally Instructor Feedback displayed "Oops! Something seems to have gone wrong. Please try again later” when HTML files are flagged as having empty headers in D2L that prevented instructors from seeing the score and guidance.
  • Fixed an issue in D2L Brightspace where Ally quick fixes for Empty Headers within the Instructor Feedback were sometimes applying the fix for multiple instances even if the “Apply For All” option was not selected.
  • Fixed an issue where the term dropdown and trend chart  were not showing all the terms in the Institutional Report Overview when admins selected the “By Term” view.
  • Fixed an issue for Learn integrations where WYSIWYG content for external links was not being picked up correctly within the Course Accessibility Report after a course copy.
  • Implemented performance and stability improvements to Ally’s processing for generating alternative formats.

Ally 2.7.13 | Rhyddhau i gynhyrchiad: 16 Ionawr, 2024

Trwsiadau ar gyfer bygiau a gwelliannau

  • Wedi trwsio problem lle cafodd botwm fformat amgen Ally ar frig tudalen Canvas ei ystyried yn H1 yn anghywir.  
  • Wedi trwsio problem lle roedd rhagolwg dogfennau WYSIWYG yn Adborth i Hyfforddwyr Ally yn diflannu ar ôl ychydig eiliadau pan agorwyd yr adborth drwy'r Adroddiad Hygyrchedd Cwrs.  
  • Wedi trwsio problem lle roedd trwsiadau cyflym Ally yn yr Adborth i Hyfforddwyr weithiau'n defnyddio'r trwsiad ar gyfer eitemau lluosog yn yr un ddogfen ac nid ar gyfer yr eitem a amlygwyd yn unig.  

Ally 2.7.11 | Rhyddhau i gynhyrchiad: 5 Rhagfyr, 2023

Trwsiadau ar gyfer bygiau a gwelliannau

  • Wedi trwsio problem ar gyfer defnyddwyr Learn Ultra lle nad oedd y panel Adborth i Hyfforddwyr Ally ar gyfer cynnwys WYSIWYG yn cael ei ddangos fel sgrin lawn wrth olygu Dogfen Ultra newydd.
  • Wedi gwella'r canllawiau "Sut i Ysgrifennu Disgrifiadau Da" ar gyfer trwsio delweddau heb destun amgen o fewn ffeiliau HTML annibynnol i roi cyd-destun gwell ar sut i drwsio'r broblem hon.

Ally 2.7.10 | Release to production: November 1, 2023

Bug Fixes and improvements 

Fixed an issue where the alternative text of deleted images was considered in course copies, causing the text of some images to be incorrectly copied.  

Ally 2.7.9 | Release to production: October 18, 2023

Bug Fixes and improvements 

  • Fixed an issue in Canvas integrations where the side panel used to upload files was displayed over the Ally Institutional Report and prevented instructors from going through the Ally Guidance.  

  • Fixed an issue related to the recent implementation of the session timeout that was causing generic errors to display in the browser console while accessing the Institutional Report.

Ally 2.7.8 | Release to production: September 20, 2023

New features

Guidance is now available for HTML and WYSIWYG content with images without Alternative Text 

As part of our continued effort to expand Ally’s guidance and feedback, instructors accessing the Ally Instructor Feedback for HTML files and WYSIWYG content can now find the Ally guidance for images that do not have Alternative Text.  

Screenshot of the Ally Instructor Feedback highlighting the guidance buttons

This guidance provides a detailed description of the issue and a step-by-step guide to teach instructors how to fix this issue. 

Screenshot of the Ally Instructor Feedback showing the guidance to fix alternative text issues

Bugs fixes and improvements

  • Fixed an issue where instructors could not upload files with accented characters in the Ally Instructor Feedback panel. Now characters using the ISO-8859-1 standard are supported.  
  • Fixed an issue in the guidance for password-protected files that caused PowerPoint files to be incorrectly referred to as Word documents within the text displayed to instructors.  
  • Fixed an issue where the Alternative Formats icon was not getting displayed for the Homepage in Canvas courses.  
  • The date picker used in the Ally Institutional Report has been updated and improved for a better visibility an usability

Ally 2.7.7 | Release to production: September 6, 2023

New features

API endpoints for reporting tools

Administrators can now integrate their Ally data into reporting tools and applications like Power BI, Tableau, or even Microsoft Excel more seamlessly than before, using two new private Ally API endpoints for reporting.  This API provides two GET endpoints that allow Administrators to quickly build reports or dashboards and retrieve information on accessibility scores and issues.

Screenshot of Power BI dashboard

Instead of reconfiguring dashboards each time a new CSV export is available, these new endpoints allow Administrators to configure a report once and refresh the data at 15-minute intervals to update dashboards in the preferred reporting tool. Administrators can obtain all the credentials needed to configure the data in the external reporting tool from the Institutional Report.  

Screenshot of the Export button in the Institutional Report

Additional information about the API for reporting, including configuration examples, is available in the Integrate Ally's API with an External Reporting Tool help page. Technical documentation around the new API endpoints is also available in the Reporting API Endpoints help page.  

Endpoints included in the API for reporting are private endpoints and do not come with a deprecation policy at this time. Anthology Ally may change or update these endpoints depending on our roadmap or future releases. 

Bug Fixes and improvements 

  • Fixed an accessibility issue where controls in the Ally configuration were not properly announced as control groups by screen readers. 

  • Fixed an accessibility issue where the file drop area in the Ally Instructor Feedback did not have descriptive text for screen readers. 

  • Fixed an issue where videos without captions that were embedded using HTML code in HTML files or WYSIWYG documents were not correctly highlighted in the Ally instructor feedback. 

  • Added a session timeout to the Ally Institutional Report when it is accessed outside of the LMS via a direct URL. The timeout prevents unwanted access when the report is left unattended, or there is no activity.  (The timeout is triggered after 900 seconds of inactivity and signs out the user automatically.) 


Ally 2.7.5 | Release to production: August 10, 2023

New features

Guidance is now available for password-protected files 

Instructors accessing the Ally Instructor Feedback for password-protected files can now find additional Ally guidance and instructions to learn how to remove passwords to improve the file for students.

Ally's Instructor Feedback highlighting the password protected issue in PDF files

What and Why information panels are now available for videos flagged with automated or no captions 

As part of our ongoing efforts to expand support for Video content, instructors who access Ally Instructor Feedback for WYSIWYG or HTML files containing videos flagged with automated or no captions can now discover an informative “What it means” section. This addition provides valuable context about the significance of captions for video content.

What this means screen for the "Item has videos with automated or no captions"


Bugs fixes and improvements

  • Fixed an accessibility issue where a decorative image from the Ally instructor feedback was not hidden from screen readers. 
  • Fixed an issue where the file preview of some PowerPoint files was not displayed correctly in the Ally Instructor Feedback panel. 

Ally 2.7.4 | Release to production: July 26, 2023

Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration

New features

Audio Alternative Format character limit increased 

Ally now supports files with up to 200,000 characters when downloading the Audio Alternative Format.  

alternative formats modal with audio highlighted

Improvements and bug fixing

  • Fixed an accessibility issue where visually grouped controls in the Instructor Feedback were not being grouped correctly.  

  • Fixed an issue for Learn where in some cases, using the Microsoft Immersive Reader Alternative Format, caused the Learn session to crash for users. 

  • Fixed an issue where the total issue count for “HTML content containing images without a description” was not always decreasing in the Ally reports after the issue had been fixed in the course. 

  • Fixed an issue for Learn Ultra users where images having a redundant description were not being flagged as issues in Ally’s Instructor Feedback. 

Ally 2.7.0 | Release to production: June 14, 2023

Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration

Improvements and bug fixing

  • Improved the WYSIWYG Instructor Feedback experience in Learn Ultra to allow instructors to return to the list of remaining issues after fixing an issue.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing learners from downloading the audio Alternative Format when using the Learn Ultra mobile application.
  • Fixed an issue that was creating unintentional error logs in the browser console after opening the Instructor Feedback in D2L environments.

Ally 2.6.6 | Release to production: June 6, 2023

Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration

Improvements and bug fixing

As part of our efforts to support universal design and equitable access around the world, Ally now supports the User Interface in the Chinese Traditional language (zh-TW). Chinese Traditional is now available in Ally Institutional Report, configuration UI, Alternative Formats modal, Instructor Feedback, and Course Accessibility Report.  

This does not represent changes in the current language support in other Ally features. 

Ally 2.6.5 | Release to production: April 26, 2023

Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration

Improvements and bug fixing

In cases where the same YouTube video is used multiple times within WYSIWYG and HTML content, the Instructor Feedback preview window now lists all instances of the video (instead of just one), to provide the instructor with a better understanding of where the issue is happening.  

Screenshot of Ally's Instructor Feedback preview

Ally 2.6.4 | Release to production: April 19, 2023

Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration

Improvements and bug fixing

We improved Ally's performance flagging issues when adding YouTube video links within WYSIWYG content.  As of now, instructors will have a better user experience when they include multiple videos in the same document. 

Ally 2.6.3 | Release to production: April 4, 2023

Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration

Guidance is now available for HTML files containing links with missing text

Instructors accessing the Ally Instructor Feedback for HTML files with links missing text can now find the Ally guidance.

Screenshot of Ally's Instructor Feedback when HTML has missing text

 It provides a detailed description of the issue and a step-by-step guide to teach instructors how to fix this issue.

Screenshot of Ally's Instructor Feedback on how to update missing link text

This guidance is available for Learn, Canvas, and Moodle customers. We are working to bring this additional guidance to D2L Brightspace customers as part of a follow-up release. 

Ally 2.6.2 | Release to production: March 29, 2023

Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration

Improvements and bug fixing

  • Ally now supports version 6 of the TinyMCE rich text editor in D2L Brightspace.

    Discussion Topics, Modules, Quiz descriptions, and Assignments are supported. This does not apply to web page content. 

  • Fixed an accessibility issue where the tooltip on the Overall Accessibility Score pie chart was not accessible using the keyboard.

  • The Braille Alternative Format has been upgraded to improve overall performance and incorporate general Braille table improvements.

Ally 2.6.1 | Release to production: March 15, 2023

Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration

Improvements and bug fixing

  • Fixed an accessibility issue where screen readers were not correctly announcing the values of highlighted issues when a user navigates through the Ally Instructor Feedback Preview for WYSIWYG content.
  • Fixed an accessibility issue where screen readers were not correctly announcing the "What this means" button located in the right-hand side panel of the Ally Instructor Feedback.

Ally 2.6.0 | Release to production: March 8, 2023

Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration

Guidance is now available for HTML files containing text with insufficient contrast

Instructors accessing the Ally Instructor Feedback for HTML files with contrast issues can now find the Ally guidance. 

Ally's instructor feedback highlighting the "What this means" and " How to fix contrast" buttons for texts with insufficient contrast.

It provides a detailed description of the issue, and a step-by-step guide to teach instructors how to fix this issue.

Screenshot of Ally's Instructor Feedback guidance on how to fix text with insufficient contrast.

This guidance is available for Learn, Canvas, and Moodle customers. We are working to bring this additional guidance to D2L Brightspace customers as part of a follow-up release.  

NEW Canvas scopes for developer keys have been added for future video support

Ally integrations now include 4 new scopes to the Canvas developer keys to support future development towards extending Ally's existing accessibility checks to more video providers, including uploaded video files within the Canvas LMS.  These new scopes will provide Ally with the appropriate permission to analyze those video files once we release this additional functionality. 


We will announce support for checking uploaded Canvas videos as part of our roadmap plans for the upcoming months.  Until then, existing clients do not need to take any action and your Ally instance will continue working normally, without any additional configuration.  Upon release of the new accessibility check for Canvas videos, we will provide further instructions and steps to reintegrate Ally with these additional scopes. For new clients, these scopes will be included in the standard implementations going forward.  

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fixed an issue where Ally's alternative format and scoring indicators, within courses using D2L Brightspace's New Content Experience,  were no longer being displayed due to a conflict with a new pathname within the LMS. 

Ally 2.5.9 | Release to production: March 1, 2023

Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration

Identification and scoring of Microsoft Office and LibreOffice Password-protected files

Password-protected Microsoft Office and LibreOffice documents are now identified and scored by Ally. When you upload a password-protected document, Ally will flag it with a 0% score. This will increase the instructor's awareness to update and make the content available to learners without any blockers.

Screenshot showing low score in Ally because of password protected document


This is a go-forward change that only affects the score of newly added or updated password-protected Office content after this release.

As part of future releases, we will incorporate additional guidance and feedback for these files into the Instructor Feedback.

Translated Version Alternative Format character limit increased

Ally now supports files with up to 60,000 characters when downloading the Translated Version Alternative Format.

Screenshot of the alternative formats modal with the Translated version highlighted

Ally 2.5.8 | Release to production: February 22, 2023

Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration

Bug fixes and improvements

  • We improved guidance in the Ally Instructor Feedback for untagged PDFs. As of now, instructors have a simpler and more informed step-by-step guidance to help them to fix this issue faster.
  • Fixed an issue in Canvas environments where the Revision History information was not being passed correctly back into Canvas when an instructor used the quick fix functionality (part of the Instructor Feedback) to update content. 

Ally 2.5.6 | Release to production: February 7, 2023

Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fixed an issue where custom heading styles were not converted to headings when generating Alternative Formats.

  • Fixed an issue that made the Instructor Feedback panel for WYSIWYG content unavailable when accessed from the Institutional Report.

  • Fixed an issue where numbered lists in LibreOffice and Office files were displayed incorrectly in the Ally Instructor Feedback panel. 

Ally 2.5.5 | Release to production: February 1, 2023

Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration

Alternative Formats views count towards Progress Tracking in Blackboard Learn Ultra

Blackboard Learn Ultra has the capacity to keep track of the course progress for both instructors and students. After a learner downloads an Alternative Format of any content file, the course content will indicate its progress.

Progress Tracking in Blackboard Learn Ultra

Instructors will see the progress made by learners based on their access to the original file or an Alternative Format. For further information about Progress Tracking, refer to the Progress Tracking Release note in Learn Ultra 3900.58.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fixed an issue where custom javascript —present in certain Canvas integrations— conflicted with the Ally javascript, resulting in some features of the rich text editor, including the scrollbar and the save button, being hidden during content editing

Ally 2.5.4 | Release to production: January 25, 2023

Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fixed an issue where Ally was not recognizing embedded YouTube videos without captions when using an iframe in WYSIWYG content in Canvas.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Ally Score gauge to incorrectly overlap with the title field while editing content in the WYSIWYG content editor for Moodle 4 (Boost Theme).
  • Fixed an issue in Canvas where the Rich Text editor remained at maximum width after exiting the Instructor Feedback preview, instead of returning to normal size, which caused the Ally indicator to be hidden without scrolling further. 

Ally 2.5.3 | Release to production: January 18, 2023

Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Enabling and Disabling Courses Confirmation Message

    Administrators are now presented with a confirmation message when enabling or disabling Ally across all existing courses within the Ally Configuration Tool. This confirmation shows after selecting either Enable or Disable in all courses from the configuration drop down. (Refer to the below example for Disabling all existing courses).
    Screenshot of "Disable/enable all existing courses" in Ally's configuration tool
    Screenshot of confirmation to disable Ally across all existing courses
  • Improved Ally infrastructure scaling policies and alarms to better identify issues during peak usage periods and improve performance to reduce delays on files scanning.

Ally 2.5.2 | Release to production: January 12, 2023

Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Added Euskera language (eu-es) support for the user interface.
  • When you open the Instructor Feedback, Ally now displays the Help link in the right-hand side panel. Note that this does not change the configuration of the custom help, as this is still done in the Ally administration panel. See how to configure Ally user help settings.
    Screenshot of Instructor Feedback highlighting the Help link at the bottom.
  • We improved the user interface when guidance is not yet available.
    Screenshot of Ally with "Guidance not available yet" highlighted

Ally 2.5.1 | Release to production: January 5, 2023

Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration

Bug fixes and improvements

  • A help link is now displayed in the Instructor Feedback when guidance is not available yet. This link provides instructors access to resources that help them improve their content. This help link uses the custom help configuration, which is still done in the Ally administration panel. Learn how to configure Ally user help settings.
    Screenshot of Ally with help link in the bottom left corner
  • In cases where a standalone image is set as decorative, Ally's accessibility score will increase to 100%. As of now, Ally shows a warning message stating:
    • The image may need further improvements if there are additional accessibility issues. For example, an image that is marked as decorative could still induce seizures, even if it has a 100% score.
    • These improvements can be reviewed in the Course Accessibility Report or the Institutional Report
      Screenshot of Ally with warning stating the image may need further improvements
  • Fixed an issue where the Ally score indicator was missing in the WYSIWYG content in the Canvas rich content editor (RCE). This was due to recent updates, published in the Canvas Deploy Notes 2022-12-20. As of now, the Ally score indicator and instructor feedback are fully compatible with all new RCE updates and features done by Canvas.
  • Fixed an issue regarding keyboard navigation within Ally's Instructor Feedback for WYSIWYG content. The problem was that the space bar didn't navigate as expected when a user selected a specific accessibility issue.
  • Fixed an issue where Ally was not announcing the loading status message to assistive technologies whilst downloading an Alternative Format.