Both students and instructors can launch Blackboard Collaborate Ultra sessions from the Blackboard mobile apps if session links are provided within courses. When you tap a session link, you're directed to a web browser to join the session.

Collaborate in the Blackboard Instructor app

Collaborate in the Blackboard app

Test session

You can join a Collaborate session from your mobile device to see what your students see. Open the participant link, not the moderator link, on your mobile device. You can open the participant link in these ways:

  • Install the Blackboard app and launch the Collaborate session from a course.
  • Send the participant session link to your mobile device in an email or text message and open the link.

Invite participants

Students see your course Collaborate sessions in the Blackboard app just as you see the list in Blackboard Instructor. You may want to use announcements or other methods to remind students of upcoming sessions.

You can invite participants to Collaborate sessions that are not associated with courses as well. If you provide them with the participant link, they can join on a desktop web browser or mobile browser.

Invite Collaborate attendees

Large sessions

Large sessions in Collaborate have over 250 and up to 500 users in the session. To make large sessions easier to manage, some participant features are turned off.

More on large Collaborate sessions

If you expect over 250 participants in your session, you must submit a large session request to the Collaborate support team on Behind the Blackboard BEFORE the session begins. Sessions not designated as large events will continue to have a participant limit of 250.

Facilitate a great session

Check out these resources on moderating Collaborate sessions.

Moderate Collaborate sessions