Installer update

Admin Installer 1.6.3 | Release to Production 28 September 2016
Updated Features

System administrators can install the Blackboard Collaborate Launcher on all institutional Windows machines using the Admin Installer. This installation results in deployment to the Program Files (x86) folder. All users, except Guest, will be able to launch Blackboard Collaborate session and recording files (.collab files) without having to install the Blackboard Collaborate launcher program themselves.

To take advantage of this release, please visit our Support Portal. You can find Collaborate product downloads, such as Window Launcher Admin Installer, from the Behind the Blackboard home page by selecting Downloads in the Self Service section. You can also select Downloads in the Self Service menu at the top of any Behind the Blackboard page, or directly to the article (available in English only).

If you have any questions or for more information, please feel free to contact our Technical Support team by submitting a ticket through our Support Portal.