Dimension views are views that can be directly used to filter fact views. Miscellaneous views are views that don't fit into a star schema but are useful.
Contains one row for each deployment of a survey. Contains the instrument_pk1 of the survey ('S' concatenated with the survey's pk1 value) that was deployed.
Used in the Rubric, Submission, and Survey star schemas.
Column | Description |
pk1 | Unique Identifier. |
name | The name of the deployment. |
start_date | The date the deployment started. |
end_date | The date the deployment stopped. |
instrument_pk1 | The instrument_pk1 of the current version of the instrument. |
curr_instr_version_pk1 | No longer used. |
place_pk1 | No longer used. |
survey_pk1 | If the deployed instrument was a survey this key identifies the Survey. |
artifact_tmplt_pk1 | No longer used. |
portfolio_tmplt_pk1 | No longer used. |
This view contains a record for each instrument and is used in the Rubric, Submission, and Survey schemas.
Column | Description |
pk1 | Unique Identifier. |
name | The name of the instrument. |
description | The description the instrument. |
curr_instr_version_pk1 | No longer used. |
type | The type of this instrument. S=Survey,G=Course Content Item,Q=Course Test Question,E=Evidence Set. |
offline_instrument_pk1 | No longer used. |
survey_pk1 | If this instrument is a survey or course evaluation this key identifies the survey or course evaluation. |
artifact_tmplt_pk1 | No longer used. |
portfolio_tmplt_pk1 | No longer used. |
dtcreated | When the instrument was created. Will be null for non-outcomes instruments. |
This view contains one row for each person. It is used in the Submission, Survey and Rubric star schemas.
Column | Description |
pk1 | Unique Identifier. |
given_name | The person's first name. |
family_name | The person's last name. |
middle_name | The person's middle name. |
gender | The person's gender: F=Female, M=Male, X=Other, N=Not Disclosed, Null=Not Disclosed. |
gender_label | Can be used to look up the internationalized string for this person's gender. |
ethnicity | The person's ethnicity. A=Asian, B=Black, L=Latino, N=Native American ,X=Not Disclosed, O=Other, P=Pacific Islander, W=White, Null=Not Disclosed. |
ethnicity_label | Can be used to look up the internationalized string for this person's ethnicity. |
socio_economic_status | No longer used. |
standard_test_score | No longer used. |
birth_date | The person's birth date. |
prim_state | The two-letter abbreviation for the state of this person's primary address. |
prim_state_label | Can be used to look up the internationalized string for the two-letter abbreviation for the state of this person's primary address. |
prim_country | The country of this person's primary address. |
zip_code | The person's zip code. |
The person's email address. | |
batch_uid | The person's batch_uid. |
This view maps ods_question_dim records to ods_sog records. It is used in the Survey star schema.
Column | Description |
question_pk1 | Identifies the question that has been mapped to a goal. |
sog_pk1 | Identifies the goal that has a question mapped to it. |
This view contains one record for each goal. Most of the columns contain the same information that is documented for the ods_aligned_sog. It is used in the Learning Standards schemas
Column | Description |
pk1 | Unique Identifier. |
title | The goal's title. |
description | The goal's description. |
owner_title | No longer used. |
type | No longer used. |
ip_pk1 | No longer used. |
ancestor_ou_pk1 | No longer used. |
ancestor_ou_title | No longer used. |
program_pk1 | No longer used. |
ou_pk1 | No longer used. |
course_ee_pk1 | No longer used. |
course_pk1 | No longer used. |
ee_pk1 | No longer used. |
std_category_pk1 | No longer used. |
status | D=Draft, A=Complete, P=Approved, I=Inactive, ACT=Active, INC=Incomplete |
status_label | A tag that can be used to retrieve an internationalized string for the status. |
form_pk1 | No longer used. |
authorized_ind | No longer used. |
start_date | The date time when goal record is applicable. |
end_date | The date time when goal record isn't applicable anymore. |
modifying_user | The user ID of the last user to modify this goal. |
place_pk1 | No longer used. |
std_category_pk1 | No longer used. |
public_ind | Indicates whether this goal is viewable by all users. |
batch_uid | This goal's batch_uid. |
dtcreated | Date on which this goal was created. |
measurement_desc | No longer used. |
dtmodified | Date on which this goal was last modified. |
priority | This is the priority of the goal. |
priority_label | The readable string for the goal priority. |
This view contains a row for each possible answer to any survey question. For matrix questions, this view contains a row for each possible answer to any of the rows of the matrix. This is used in the Survey star schema.
Column | Description |
pk1 | Unique Identifier. |
name | The text of the answer. |
display_order | The zero-based index of the position in which the answer is displayed. |
points | The point value assigned to the answer. |
question_pk1 | Identifies the question that the answer applied to. |
score_as_percent_of_range | The score for this answer as a percentage of the range between the min and max values for this question. |
This view contains one record for each Distribution List. It's used in the Rubric, Submission and Survey star schemas.
Column | Description |
pk1 | Unique Identifier. |
name | The name of the distribution list. |
This view contains a mapping of rubrics to the instruments whose responses the rubric can be used to evaluate. It is used in the rubric star schema.
Column | Description |
rubric_pk1 | Identifies the Rubric that has an instrument mapped to it. |
instrument_pk1 | Identifies the instrument that is mapped to a Rubric. |
rubric_title | The title of the Rubric that has an instrument mapped to it. |
This view contains one record for each question in any survey or course evaluation. For matrix questions, this view contains one record for each row in the matrix and each of those view rows will contain the matrix question's text in its super_question_desc column. The super_question_description column is only populated for view rows related to matrix questions.
Column | Description |
pk1 | Unique Identifier. |
question_desc | The text that is displayed for this question. If this is a matrix question, this is the text that's displayed to the left of a matrix row. |
super_question_desc | If this is a matrix question this is the text that is displayed for the matrix as a whole. If this isn't a matrix question, this column is null. |
question_display_order | The zero-based display order of this question. |
question_type | This question's type. M=Multiple Choice, L=Likert, X=Matrix, B=Boolean, O=Open Ended |
question_type_label | Can be used to retrieve the internationalized string for this question's type. |
numbering_type | Indicates how the answers for this question are numbered. N="1,2,3,4" L="a,b,c,d" A="A,B,C,D" I="I,II,III" R="i,ii,iii" X=none |
survey_name | The name of the survey or Course Evaluation that this question belongs to. |
survey_desc | The description of the survey or Course Evaluation that this question belongs to. |
survey_type | The type of the Survey or Course Evaluation that this question belongs to. "S"=Survey, "C"=Course Evaluation. |
super_question_pk1 | Identifies the super question that this answer applies to. |
survey_pk1 | Identifies the survey or course evaluation that this question belongs to. |
This view maps tags to ods_question_dim records.
Column | Description |
tag_value | The string displayed for the tag. |
question_pk1 | Identifies the question that has been tagged with tag_value. |
This view contains one record for each cell defined for any rubric. It also contains information about the row, column, and rubric the cell belongs to.
Column | Description |
pk1 | Unique Identifier. |
rubric_pk1 | Identifies the rubric that this cell belongs to. |
rubric_row_pk1 | Identifies the rubric row that this cell belongs to. |
rubric_column_pk1 | Identifies the rubric column that this cell belongs to. |
rubric_title | The title of the rubric that this cell belongs to. |
rubric_desc | The description of the rubric that this cell belongs to. |
rubric_row_header | The displayed header of the rubric row that this cell belongs to. |
rubric_row_order | The zero-based display order of the row that this cell belongs to. |
rubric_column_header | The displayed header of the rubric column that this cell belongs to. |
rubric_column_order | The zero-based display order of the column that this cell belongs to. |
Points | The points assigned to this cell. |
This view contains one row for each time any rubric is used to evaluate any instrument.
Column | Description |
rubric_pk1 | Identifies the rubric that has an instrument mapped to it. |
instrument_pk1 | Identifies the instrument that's mapped to a rubric. |
rubric_title | The title of the rubric that has an instrument mapped to it. |