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Calendar Building Block

  • Version: v.2.0.990824
  • Release date: February 13, 2013
  • Dependencies: Blackboard Learn 9.1 SP 10 (Build: 9.1.100401.0) or Blackboard Learn 9.1 SP 11 (Build: 9.1.110082.0)

Release highlights

Recurring events

Users can optionally make events repeat by selecting the Repeat checkbox. When this is selected, additional options appear that allow the user to create multiple events based on a repeating pattern, as shown below.

Recurring Events Supported
Repeat Options Daily, Weekly and Monthly Supported
Daily End after X number of times or on a particular date
Weekly Repeat Day(s) of the week supported. End after X number of times or on a particular date
Monthly Repeat Day of the month (1-31) or day of week (first Sunday, Second Monday etc.) supported. End after X number of times or on a particular date
Bulk Add (Series) Users can create a series with the Repeat Options
Bulk Delete (Series) Users can delete the entire series created via Repeat Options
Edit an Instance Users can edit an instance of the series. If date/time of the instance is changed, that particular instance has a "broken" icon to indicate that it no longer conforms with the original series rules.

Changing the name or description of an instance DOES NOT break the instance from the series.

Editing Series (Known Limitation) At this time users CANNOT edit the series. Once the series has been created, they can bulk delete or make changes to individual instances.

Due dates

  • When instructors create items such as tests in the course with Due Dates, the calendar event automatically appear on the calendar for the day it is due.
  • Due Date fields have been added to several Tool settings pages that previously lacked them, including SCORM, Blogs, Journals, Wikis, and Discussions. The latest release of these Building Blocks are available on Behind the Blackboard and through Software Updates.

Release Notes for Earlier Versions