The dashboard displays all the past, current, and future courses you are enrolled in, the certificates you have earned and those you can still earn, and your course progress in those courses with the progress tool enabled. Select Dashboard in the navigation menu to see the available dashboard options.


The Courses tab contains three options:

  • Active Courses: courses for which the current date is within the start and end dates for the course
  • Past Courses: courses for which the current date is past the course's end date
  • Upcoming Courses: courses for which the current date is before the course's start date

Access your course

If a course is currently open, you can access it from the dashboard. Hover over the course tile on the dashboard and select Continue Course.

Unenroll from a course

If your course has been configured to allow unenrollment, you can unenroll from the dashboard. Hover over the course tile on the dashboard. Select the ellipsis icon and choose Unenroll. You will receive an email verifying that the unenrollment has been completed successfully.

Move a course tile between tabs

You can move a course tile from one tab to another. Hover over the course tile on the dashboard and select the ellipsis icon. Choose which tab you want to move the tile to, past or upcoming.

Copy your course transaction data

You can copy the transaction data from the dashboard for any course you've purchased.

  1. Hover over the course tile on the dashboard.
  2. Select the ellipsis icon.
  3. Choose Payment Transaction.
  4. Select the copy icon to copy the transaction details and paste them anywhere you'd like.
Transaction information to be copied and pasted


The Achievements tab contains two tabs, Certificates and Badges. Each tab is broken down further into three tabs :

  • Achieved: achievements you earned that have not expired.
  • Obtainable: achievements that are still available to be obtained.
  • Expired: achievements you earned that have expired.

Download a Certificate

You can download certificates you have earned in your courses from the dashboard.

  1. Select Dashboard from the navigation menu.
  2. Select the Achievements tab.
  3. Select Achieved.
  4. Hover over the title of the certificate you want to download and select Download.
Download a certificate from achieved tab

Certificate Authenticity

You can generate an authenticity link to share with others that will display your certificate along with the generated date and the validity date.

  1. Navigate to the Achieved Certificates tab on the Dashboard.
  2. Hover over the certificate image and select the ellipsis icon. Select Certificate Authenticity Link.
  3. Select Generate Link, then select the copy icon to copy the link. That link can be sent to anyone and can be pasted into a browser to view information about the certificate.
The certificate of authenticity

By default, the certificate authenticity link will show the unique Certificate ID, whether the certificate is valid, the name of the course, and the certificate dates. You can choose to have your name displayed as well:

  1. Navigate to the Achieved Certificates tab on the Dashboard.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Choose Allow certificate authenticity data under Privacy. Your name will now appear with the other information at the authenticity link.

View a Badge

  1. Select Dashboard from the navigation menu.
  2. Select the Achievements tab.
  3. Select the Badges tab.
  4. Select Achieved.
  5. Hover over the tile of the badge you want to view and choose View Badge.


If the progress tool has been enabled in a course, it will appear on the Progress tab of the Dashboard. For each course with Progress enabled, the Course Name, the Course ID, and the percentage of progress you have made in the course will be displayed. Progress is determined based on the specific markers that have been set for each individual course.

The progress tab on the Dashboard

If none of your instructors have enabled the progress tool, you will see a "No data found" graphic.