The Payment Gateway extension allows Course Catalog learners to purchase premium content through a configured Payment Service Provider (PSP) by going through the Course Catalog interface. The Payment Gateway extension is configured by a Blackboard system administrator.

General Configuration

  1. Sign in to Blackboard.
  2. Select Admin in the navigation menu.
  3. Select Platform Extensions Manager in the Tools and Utilities section.
  4. Select Configuration on the Payment Gateway v2 tile to access the Payment Gateway v2 Settings.
  5. Choose the roles you want to have access to the Payment Administrator area of the extension. This will grant access to the Notifications settings inside Payment Gateway. These roles can be a combination of system and institutional roles.
  6. The From Email is the email address from which system notifications will be sent. To change it, please put in the desired address and validate it (click the Confirm button, then follow the instructions). Once the email is validated, create a ticket to have the change finalized.
  7. Enter an optional message in the Payment Information box that will appear on the payment page.
  8. Choose all desired Available Languages from the menu.
  9. Choose the Default Language from the menu.
  10. Choose the Available Metadata fields. These are fields from the user, item, or payment data that are available to be sent as metadata to the PSP when a learner makes a purchase.
  11. Select Save.

Payment Service Providers

  1. Access the Payment Gateway v2 Settings.
  2. Select the Lock icon.
Payment Gateway lock icon
  1. Select the toggle for each PSP you want to enable.
  2. Enter the required information for those PSPs.
  3. Select Save.


MerchantIDAny text you want to name the integration.
Merchant EmailAn email address that will receive all emails from learner purchases.
TokenBase 64 encoded format combination of the PayPal Client ID and Secret Key in the format ClientID:SecretKey.
PayPal with CardShow PayPal with Card logo on the payment page.

Mercado Pago

MerchantIDAny text you want to name the integration.
Merchant EmailAn email address that will receive all emails from learner purchases.
TokenThe Mercado Pago Access Token.


Merchant IDProfileID
Merchant EmailAn email address that will receive all emails from learner purchases.
Access KeyThe Cybersource Access Key.
TokenThe Cybersource Security Key.


Merchant IDAny text you want to name the integration.
Merchant EmailAn email address that will receive all emails from learner purchases.
TokenLeave this box blank.
Integration Site IDA value obtained from your TouchNet executive.
Integration URLA value obtained from your TouchNet executive.

WPM (Flywire)

MerchantIDAny text you want to name the integration.
Merchant EmailAn email address that will receive all emails from learner purchases.
Client IDUnique Client ID provided by Flywire/WPM
Action URLUnique Pathway URL for this income provided by Flywire/WPM
Payment OptionTo be agreed up with Flywire/WPM
Path IDUnique Pathway ID provided by Flywire/WPM
DepartmentUnique Department ID provided by Flywire/WPM
VAT CodeDefined by the institution
Customer IDDefined by the institution
Shared SecretIntegration API shared secret provided by Flywire/WPM

If you use WPM as a payment provider, an additional field is available when you create an offering. After assigning a cost to an offering, you can enter a finance code to indicate where the funds should be directed.