This information applies only to the Original experience. Your institution controls which tools are available.
You can submit an assignment with the screen reader JAWS.
- From your course's main page, find the name of the section where the assignment is located. Ask your instructor if you don't know the name of your section.
- Use the H key to find the name of the assignment to be submitted. It will be a Heading 3. Press the Enter key on its name to proceed.
If the Heading 3 of the assignment isn't a link, it means you've selected the wrong link. Ask your instructor for the name of the assignment to look for.
- Optionally, review Submission History.
- If you've already submitted an attempt for this assignment, you arrive on a page listing the attempts. Use the Down arrow key to review the contents of this page, which includes your grades (if any) for the attempt, and links to download your original submission.
- If your instructor has allowed the submission of more than one submission, you will find a Continue button at the bottom of the page. Select it to proceed to the Upload Assignment Page.
- Review the assignment information. Here you find the points possible for this assignment along with the assignment's instructions and any attachments your instructor has provided.
- If this is a text submission assignment, you can write the assignment's contents into a field on this page. You may also upload attachments. Your instructor will tell you which is appropriate. Select the Write Submission link to expand the Rich Content Editor where you may write the contents of the assignment.
- Upload a file. Find the text Attach File along with a Browse button below it. Select Browse to bring up the standard Windows® Open dialog.
- Optionally, add comments. Find a Rich Content Editor here where you can add comments. Below the Rich Content Editor are buttons to Cancel, Save Draft or Submit the assignment. If you save your assignment, it appears here again the next time you load the page.
After you submit your assignment, you return to the Review Submission History page.