Course Activity Report

The Course Activity report helps you understand how well your students are performing and how much they are interacting with your course. This report is available in both Ultra courses and Original courses.

All roles with the privilege to view grades can access the Course Activity report. Turn on the Overall Grade feature to enhance your experience with the Course Activity report. You can:

  • Identify struggling students based on their overall grade, missed due dates, the number of hours they spend in your course, and the number of days since their last access
  • Message students who are falling behind and encourage them to increase their course activity
  • Congratulate students performing well in your course and ask them to be mentors
  • Customize your course alerts to identify struggling students when their overall grade drops below a specific value, they've missed due dates, or they haven't accessed the course for a certain number of days
  • Download the table view to a CSV (comma-separated values) file to analyze the data with other tools
  • Download the scatter plot as a PDF or image to share information with other instructors or mentors of the course

The Overall Grade in Learn Ultra or Learn Ultra Course View is called External Grade in Learn Original.  

Topics on this page include:

For administrators: To view the Course Activity and Student Activity Details reports, the user’s role needs to have the “Course/Organization Control Panel (Grade Center) > View Grades” privilege. You can control alerts for Student Last Access, Student Low Overall Grade, and Student Missed Due Dates at the institutional level through Notification Settings in the administrator panel.

Access the Course Activity report

Select Course Activity in your course's Analytics tab.

The table view of the Course Activity report on the Analytics tab, with a blue box around Analytics and Course Activity.

You can also access the report in the Grades section of the base navigation. Select the pie chart button next to a course.

Visit the "How Am I Doing" topic to see reports that students have available in their Grades section of the base navigation.

Image of the Grades tab, showing the pie chart icon to the left of the blue-outlined Overall Grade icon.

The last way to access the Course Activity report is in the Student Performance section of the Gradebook settings. Open the settings panel by selecting the Settings button at the top of the Gradebook. Select View Course Activity.

Performance settings section of the Gradebook, showing View Course Activity beneath the alert fields

Table view

After students have interacted with the course and the report has data to display, you can use the table view.

The table view of the Course Analytics tab. Student names with additional information are on the left, with color-coded grades, hours in course, and days of inactivity.

You might see the table differently depending on settings, student activity in the course, and the data gathered in the course. 

  • Student: Student's first and last name. Additional student information is shown if available: accommodations, additional name, name pronunciation recording, pronunciation description, pronouns, and Student ID.
  • Overall Grade: A student's overall grade in the course. If the overall grade column is not turned on or if there is no graded material, this column won't display information. This column is updated every 24 hours in the early morning, so the overall grade in the report might not match what is currently in the gradebook.
  • Missed Due Dates: counts the number of activities a student has not completed before the established due date, including assessments, graded discussions, and graded journals. Your institution can choose whether or not to include information on missed due dates in the Course Activity report. Visit the "About Missed Due Dates counts" section on this page to learn more about how missed due dates are counted.
  • Hours in Course: Number of hours a student has been active in your course. Hours in course are counted from the time students select something within the course to when students select something outside the course. If a student is logged out from their course session, only the time before their last action within the course is counted. This column is updated every 24 hours in the early morning.
  • Days Since Last Access: Counts the days since a student last accessed a course. Each time a student accesses the course, the count of days since last access changes to 0. If a student has never accessed the course, days since last access are null and “--” is displayed.

When there are no students enrolled in the course, the table is not available.

The table view of the Course Analytics tab when no students are enrolled. A person is looking at a cell phone above a caption saying, "No data to display."

Table options

  • You can choose students and send them messages by selecting the Send message button. When you send a message to multiple students, each student will receive an individual message and will not know which other students were included.
  • Select the Download button to download the table as a CSV. The exported file contains the following columns:
    • Last Name
    • First Name
    • Username
    • Student ID
    • Overall Grade
    • Overall Grade Alert
    • Missed Due Dates
    • Missed Due Dates Alert
    • Hours in Course
    • Last Access Date
    • Days of Inactivity
    • Days Since Last Access Alert
The CSV output of the Course Activity report

Scatter plot

The scatter plot's Y axis represents the students' overall grades and the scatter plot's X axis represents the students' number of hours in the course. You have a broad view of your students' performance in relation to each other and their activity levels. The data shown is updated every 24 hours in the early morning. You can access the scatter plot through the Course Activity tab or by selecting an alert notification on your activity stream.

Note: The scatter plot is not compatible with screenreaders.

The scatter plot of the Course Activity report. There is a dot in the center showing a specific student, with Overall Grade, Hours in Course, and Days of Inactivity displayed above View Details, with an Alerts section at the bottom.

Each dot represents a student. Students who spend more hours in the course tend to have higher grades. You can:

  • Zoom in or out by selecting the + and icons at the top right. To focus on a specific region, select somewhere on the chart and drag to zoom in.
  • Identify visually odd trends, such as students with low grades who are spending a lot of time in the course or high performing students.
  • Select a dot to display the student's name, overall grade, missed due dates, hours in course, days of inactivity, and alerts. Hours in course are counted from the time students select something within the course to when students select something outside the course. If a student is logged out from their course session, only the time before their last action within the course is counted.
  • Purple dots indicate students with at least one alert. An alerts section displays the applicable alerts for the student.
  • Select View Details to bring up the student's activity details report to check the student's progress on a weekly basis. Visit the "Student Activity Details Report" topic for more information.
  • Select the Download button to download the scatter plot as a PDF or image file. The scatter plot can be shared with other instructors, academic staff, or mentors of the class.

When there are no students enrolled in the course, the scatter plot is not available.

The scatter plot view of the Course Activity report, showing a person looking at a cell phone above a caption saying "No data to display."

Alert settings

You can customize your alerts to fit your teaching style.

  • Select Alert Settings on the Course Activity report to open the alert settings panel. 
The table view of the Course activity report, with the Alert Settings icon outlined in blue in the top right corner.
  •  You can also adjust alerts in the Student Performance section of the Gradebook settings. Open the settings panel by selecting the Settings button at the top of the Gradebook.
The Performance Alerts section of the Gradebook settings, showing the option to change number of days of inactivity and overall grade percentage.

Based on your settings, you'll see students with alerts highlighted in the Course Activity report. You'll also receive activity stream notifications when new students have alerts.

Alert settings options from the Course Activity report

You have several options for customizing your alerts:

  • When a student's overall grade is below or equal a certain percentage
  • If a student's number of missed due dates is above or equal a certain amount
  • If a student's days since last access are above or equal a certain amount 

Alerts for days since last access are set to 15 days of student inactivity by default, but you can adjust alerts for each course. There are no default settings for sending alerts for overall grade or missed due dates. 

To remove alerts, leave the alert fields empty

You can also select whether or not students will receive alerts in their activity stream based on your settings for low overall grade and days since last access alerts.

Students will not receive notifications based on course missed due dates alert settings. If a student opts in to missed due dates alerts, alerts are sent for each content item.

Alert flags

Students with alerts are highlighted with flags in the Course Activity report. You can identify students at risk, even within larger courses. 

Table view 

In the table view, flags are next to students who meet alert conditions you’ve set for overall grade, missed due dates, and days since last access. Hover over a flag to view the alert type.

The Course Activity table view, showing alert flags for overall grade and days since last activity, as well as the filter dropdown with alert options

You can filter the student list by alerts and focus on students who need more attention and message them if needed. There are three filter options:

  • All students
  • Students with alerts
  • Students without alerts

In the CSV download, low overall grade, missed due dates, and last access alert columns indicate when a student has an alert.

The CSV output of the Course Activity report, with alerts for overall grade and last date of access highlighted

Scatter plot

In the scatter plot, students who have at least one alert are displayed as a purple dot. Select the dot for more information on the student. An alerts section lists all of the alerts the selected student has.

The Course Activity Related to Grades scatter plot, showing a student (Cami) with an alert for days since last access

Activity stream

In the activity stream, you'll receive an alert every time a new student meets your alert conditions. In a summary notification you can view how many students have an alert for low overall grade, missed due dates, or days since last access. 

If you select the notification in your activity stream, you're directed to the Course Activity report. The report is already filtered to students with alerts.

The summary of student alerts in the activity stream are only available for courses with at least 10 and up to 2000 students. Courses with enrollment outside of that range won’t receive notifications. No alerts will appear on the activity stream until there have been at least two weeks of activity in the course.

Several student warnings in the activity stream

You'll also receive a notification at the beginning of your course when there is enough activity and grade data to receive alerts. 

For these alerts to be sent, at least 50% of students must have at least one graded item and the specific student needs to have at least thirty minutes of activity over the past week.

Notification on the activity stream for student activity and grades

You can turn these notifications off or on in your activity stream settings. Select or deselect the boxes under Student alerts to adjust the alerts related to the Course Activity report. The checkbox to the left of Student alerts applies your settings to all notifications. Open this panel by selecting the Settings button at the top of the activity stream page.

The Performance Alerts section of the Notification settings on the Activity Stream.

Notification information

The following table is for administrators and instructors. The table matches administrator system settings to the corresponding instructor activity stream settings and notification messages, including the rules for triggering the alert.

A nightly process identifies if there are new students with alerts and sends you a notification with the summary of student alerts in the course. 

For example, a student alert could include 5 students with last access alerts, 3 students with low overall grade alerts, and 10 students with missed due dates alerts.

This table is for administrators and instructors. The table maps system settings to activity stream setting, with rules for triggering the alert.
Admin Notification SettingActivity Stream SettingNotification messageRules
Student Activity AvailableIf activity data is available, identify those who are participating or may need help

Review student activity for this course.

 Activity data can help you identify students who are participating or may need help.

The median activity for students in the course must be at least 30 minutes over the past week.

This notification is only sent once per course.

Student Grade Data AvailableIf grade data is available, compare grades with activity levels

Review student activity and grades for this course. 

Compare student's grades with their activity levels.

At least 50% of students enrolled in a course must have at least one graded item.

This notification is only sent once per course.

Student Last Access Alert for InstructorsLast access alertStudent alerts: 1 with last access alertThere is at least 1 student with a new last access alert. This alert is because a student hasn't logged into your course within a certain number of days you've set.
Student Low Overall Grade Alert for InstructorsLow overall gradeStudent alerts: 1 with low overall grade alertThere is at least 1 student with a new low overall grade alert. This alert is because a student's overall grade has dropped below a certain percentage you've set.
Students Missed Due Dates Alert for InstructorsMissed due dates alertStudent alerts: 1 with missed due date alert

There is at least 1 student with a new missed due date alert. This is because a student has missed more due dates than the ones you've set.

Visit the "Missed due dates counts" topic for detailed rules for this alert. 

For administrators: This feature is available for all courses. There are no configurations needed.

About Missed Due Dates counts 

Missed due dates counts allow you to know if your students are submitting their work on time. Students who match your settings for the missed due dates count appear in the Course Activity report’s table and scatter plot, downloaded CSV file, and your activity stream. You’ll receive activity stream notifications for new students matching the missed due counts alert every day. 

Missed due dates are counted when a student doesn't submit before the due date in the following circumstances: 

  • Assessments, including group and formative
  • Assessments with the “Collect submissions offline” option selected - when you create an attempt and enter the submission date and time after the due date
  • Assessments with the “Hide student names” option selected – you’ll receive alerts only after all student submissions are graded and student names are unhidden
  • Discussions and journals that are graded SCORM packages with the “Grade individual SCOs” option is selected in SCORM settings
  • Other 3rd party features, such as LTI and Respondus

 Exceptions to the missed due date counts: 

  • Students with a due date accommodation will never have their work marked late.
  • Students with a due date exception will have a missed due date only if the due date exception passes and there is no submission.
  • Students with an exemption never have their work marked late. A student with an exemption won't have any missed due dates in the exempted activity.
  • Hidden content with a due date or content with date, time, or performance release conditions are included in missed due dates counts.
  • Content with a due date and release conditions for individual course members or groups will count a missed due date only for those students or groups included in the condition who miss the due date.
  • New items added to the gradebook with a due date are not included in the missed due dates counts. 

For administrators: A configuration option for missed due dates counts is in Administrator Panel that’s called “Missed due dates metric and alert included in the Course Activity report.” The default state is on. If the missed due dates option is set to off, the Course Activity report still displays students’ overall grade, hours in course, and days since last access.