This information applies only to the Ultra Course View.

System administrators can find information for settings and configuration on the Video Studio page for Administrators.

Video Studio is an audio/video tool to help you create a more engaging learning experience for students. The lightweight and deeply integrated solution gives users the ability to record or upload audio and video recordings within enhanced Documents.

Video Studio requires a premium license. To learn whether you have access, contact your Blackboard administrator. This page gives a brief overview of using Video Studio.

Using Video Studio

Video Studio is available for enhanced documents. to create audio and video files from a camera, audio recording, or from screen recordings. You can also upload audio and video files. For information about creating Documents, visit our Create Documents Help page.

In a created enhanced Document, in the options for Select a type of content to add a block select Audio/Video.

Adding a content block in enhanced Document

In an Audio/Video content block, options include:

  • Camera
  • Audio
  • Screen
  • Audio & Screen
  • Upload from device
Options for recording a content block in an enhanced Document

When you start recording, there is a three second countdown before recording begins. You can pause, resume, retake, or end the recording as needed.

Instructor getting ready to record a video

After you end the recording, the uploading process begins. During this time, you can preview the result, edit the title, and add a description. Select Save to add the audio or video into the enhanced Document.

Uploading an enhanced document video with options to edit title and description

 After saving the video, auto captioning for videos is available.

Instructor displayed on recording in an enhanced Document

For administrators: These new video capabilities require a license for Video Studio. The videos created using Video Studio will not count towards your existing storage entitlement. The following existing privileges are used for the Video Studio solution:

  • Course/Organization (Content Areas) > Create Materials: To create videos. Includes all operations like save, finish, check Video upload Status. Not needed for playback.
  • Course/Organization (Content Areas) > Delete Materials: To delete videos.