This schema provides results of instrument submission evaluations completed using rubrics.


ODS_RUBRIC_EVAL_CELL_FACT has one row in this view for each row selected in each rubric evaluation. Only rows belonging to evaluations of the most recent submissions are included (for a user-deployment combination). Rows belonging to self evaluations are filtered out.

Fact table
ColumnDescriptionUsed to filter ods_rubric_eval_cell_fact records by:
pk1Unique Identifier. 
person_pk1Identifies the person that submitted the instrument being evaluated.Personal attributes such as gender or zip code.
rubric_cell_pk1Identifies the ods_rubric_cell_dim record for the cell that was chosen as part of the published evaluation.Rubric attributes.
submission_pk1Identifies the ods_submission_fact record for the submission that the published Rubric is evaluating.In cases where a single student responds twice to the same deployment and both are evaluated with the same Rubric, the two sets of ods_rubric_eval_cell_fact records can be grouped by their submission_pk1 values.
submission_recieved_dateThe date that the instrument being evaluated was submitted. 
deployment_pk1Identifies the deployment that caused the survey or course evaluation being answered to be sent to the submitter.Deployment, or by the instrument being deployed. Only one instrument can be deployed at a time.
rubric_eval_pk1Identifies the evaluation during which this cell was chosen.Data about the evaluation such as when it was last saved.
instrument_pk1Identifies the instrument that this submission is for. 
distr_list_pk1No longer used. 
pointsMax points defined in the rubric cell. 
submission_dateThe date this evaluation was submitted. 


ODS_INSTRUMENT_RUBRIC contains a mapping of rubrics to the instruments whose responses the rubric can be used to evaluate.

Fact table
rubric_pk1Identifies the rubric that has an instrument mapped to it.
instrument_pk1Identifies the instrument that is mapped to a rubric.
rubric_titleThe title of the rubric that has an instrument mapped to it.
rubric_pointsThe maximum amount of points that could be awarded for this combination of rubric and instrument.
curr_instr_version_pk1Identifies the current (i.e. "live") version of the instrument referred to by instrument_pk1.


ODS_RUBRIC_CELL_DIM contains one record for each cell defined for any rubric. Also contains information about the row, column and rubric that this cell belongs to.

Fact table
pk1Unique Identifier.
rubric_pk1Identifies the rubric that this cell belongs to.
rubric_row_pk1Identifies the rubric row that this cell belongs to.
rubric_column_pk1Identifies the rubric column that this cell belongs to.
rubric_titleThe title of the rubric that this cell belongs to.
rubric_descThe description of the rubric that this cell belongs to.
rubric_row_headerThe displayed header of the rubric row that this cell belongs to.
rubric_row_orderThe zero-based display order of the row that this cell belongs to.
rubric_column_headerThe displayed header of the rubric column that this cell belongs to.
rubric_column_orderThe zero-based display order of the column that this cell belongs to.
pointsThe points assigned to this cell.


ODS_RUBRIC_EVAL_DIM contains one row for each time any rubric is used to evaluate any instrument.

Fact table
pk1Unique Identifier. In the case of a collected rubric evaluation also need the instrument_pk1 to uniquely identify an evaluation since the same evaluation (pk1) can apply to multiple evidence sets (the instrument_pk1) if a single rubric evaluation was collected in multiple evidence sets.
rubric_pk1Identifies the rubric used to do this evaluation.
submission_dateWhen this evaluation was last saved.
deployment_pk1Identifies the deployment (if any) for which the submission being evaluated was received.
total_valueTotal points awarded in this evaluation. This value is scaled to the instrument and reflects any overrides entered by the evaluator.
instrument_pk1Identifies the instrument that the submission being evaluated corresponds to.
item_received_dateWhen the submission being evaluated was submitted.
distr_list_pk1Identifies the distribution list (if any) that caused the instrument to be sent to the person whose submission is being evaluated.
person_pk1Identifies the person that submitted the submission being evaluated. This value is null for non-outcomes instruments.


ODS_RUBRIC contains one row for each rubric.

Fact table
pk1Identifies a rubric.
rubric_typeN=numeric, P=percentage, T=no points, R=point range. Set to N (numeric) for outcomes rubrics (where course_pk1 is null).


ODS_RUBRIC_ROW contains one row for each rubric row.

Fact table
pk1Identifies a rubric row.
headerThe header text for the rubric row.
row_orderThe order of the rubric row.
rubric_pk1The parent rubric that the rubric row is defined within.


ODS_RUBRIC_COLUMN contains one row for each rubric column.

Fact table
pk1Identifies a rubric column.
headerThe header text for the rubric column.
column_orderThe order of the rubric column.
rubric_pk1The parent rubric that the rubric column is defined within.


ODS_RUBRIC_ROW_MAX_POINTS contains one row for each rubric cell in a rubric that is associated with an instrument.

Fact table
rubric_row_pk1Identifies a rubric row.
curr_instr_version_pk1The live version of the instrument that is associated with this rubric.
row_max_pointsThis is the maximum points defined for the rubric row when used for the instrument identified by curr_instrument_version_pk1.


ODS_RUBRIC_CELL_POINTS contains one row for each rubric cell in a rubric that is associated with an instrument.

Fact table
rubric_cell_pk1Identifies a rubric cell.
curr_instr_version_pk1The live version of the instrument that is associated with this rubric.
pointsThis is the points defined for the rubric cell for percent and numeric rubrics, null for other rubric types. This value is scaled to the instrument.
max_pointsThis is the maximum points defined for the rubric cell for range rubrics, null for other rubric types. This value is scaled to the instrument.
min_pointsThis is the minimum points defined for the rubric cell for range rubrics, null for other rubric types. This value is scaled to the instrument.

Sample query

This query lists the results of a rubric that was used to evaluate the submissions for a single deployment of an instrument. Counts of how many evaluations chose each rubric cell are grouped by row and column and sorted by the gender of the submitter.

SELECT cell.rubric_row_header, cell.rubric_column_header, count(*)
  FROM ods_rubric_eval_cell_fact rf
       INNER JOIN ods_rubric_cell_dim cell ON cell.pk1 = rf.rubric_cell_pk1
       INNER JOIN ods_person_dim per ON per.pk1 = rf.person_pk1
 WHERE rf.deployment_pk1 = 1 AND
       cell.rubric_pk1 = 1
GROUP BY cell.rubric_row_header,
ORDER BY cell.rubric_row_header,