Mastery tab configuration 

Instructors and students can access the Mastery tab in the Gradebook to review how their activities align with institutional goals. Based on the goal performance scale set by your institution, the tab displays the mastery of each alignment. For more information about how instructors use the Mastery tab, refer to Mastery Tab.

Turn on the Mastery tab 

The Mastery tab feature must be turned on before it’s available. In the Administrator Panel, go to the Ultra Experience Management page. Under Available Features, select Mastery Tab in Gradebook. You can now select whether the Mastery tab is on or off.

Configure the Performance Scale 

The performance scale is an institutional configuration. This allows for consistent aggregation across courses. It also creates consistency for students in mastery-based programs. 

You can configure the number of levels as well as the labels and colors for each level.

Goal Performance Scale from the Administrator panel