Release Notes for Learn SaaS - 2023
Learn SaaS release 3900.78.0
Blackboard Learn SaaS Continuous Delivery v3900.78.0
Release to Test/Stage: Tuesday, 10 October 2023 | Release to Production: Thursday, 2 November 2023
Original Experience, Ultra Experience
Original Course View, Ultra Course View
For full feature details please review the corresponding notes for the Learn 3900.78.0 version included below on this page. Details can also be found on Behind the Blackboard.
Latest release: 3900.78.0-rel.23+5efc216 to Production servers to take place on 30 November 2023.
For more information on updates and bug fixes, please visit Behind the Blackboard.
Learn SaaS release 3900.80.0
Blackboard Learn SaaS Continuous Delivery v3900.80.0
Release to Test/Stage: Tuesday, 7 November 2023 | Release to Production: Thursday, 7 December 2023
Original Experience, Ultra Experience
Original Course View, Ultra Course View
For full feature details please review the corresponding notes for the Learn 3900.80.0 version included below on this page. Details can also be found on Behind the Blackboard.
Latest release: 3900.80.0-rel.28+80fe7a8 to Production servers to take place on 21 December 2023.
For more information on updates and bug fixes, please visit Behind the Blackboard.
December 2023 – 3900.80 Release
The December 2023 - 3900.80 is robust with features in 8 areas:
- Instructional design;
- Tests and assignments;
- Flexible grading;
- Gradebook;
- Integrations;
- Learn core and security;
- Mobile app; and
- Upgrade to Ultra
These improvements impact instructors, students, and administrators. Some features do require administrative action.
- Authentic Discussion and Journal prompts
- Large rubric support
- Group assessment due date exceptions
- Goal alignment to questions in banks
- Prevent students from earning full credit when selecting all answers choices on a multi-select question with partial credit
- Sorting controls in Students and Questions tab
- Grid view sorting controls
- Automatic zero gradebook improvement
- Canvas conversion improvements: Support for Multiple Grade Schemes
Instructors and students:
All users:
Instructional Design
Authentic Discussion and Journal prompts – 3900.80
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
AI plagiarism is a growing concern among academics. Research indicates a variety of issues with a reliance on AI detection. Detection models cannot keep up with advancements in AI technologies. Our approach to combatting AI plagiarism is different. We empower instructors and lean on the effective practice of authentic assessment.
Learn more by reading our white paper about AI, Academic Integrity, and Authentic Assessment.
Now, instructors can generate discussion and journal prompts that encourage students to
- engage in higher-order thinking,
- apply their knowledge,
- justify or challenge their beliefs and ideas,
- and emulate real-world situations.
To ensure the instructor is in control, the generation process allows instructors to
- enter a discussion or journal description,
- select a desired cognitive process based on Bloom's Taxonomy,
- set the complexity,
- and generate a discussion or journal title.
The instructor can review the generated prompts and select one to add to the discussion or journal. After adding the prompt, the instructor can edit or further refine the prompt as appropriate.
Image 1. The auto-generate discussion option
Image 2. Three generated prompts; each includes a title, prompt, and cognitive process
Image 3. Instructors can describe the discussion, select the desired cognitive process and complexity, and then generate prompts
Image 4. Selected title and prompt added to a discussion
For administrators: To use this feature, enable the AI Features option in Ultra Experience Management. Select Building Blocks from the Administrator Panel, then select Installed Tools. Locate AI Design Assistant and Unsplash and select Settings from the drop-down. The default state is off. Set Enable AI Design Assistant to on. Set Generate Discussions and Generate Journals to on. You must also activate privileges. Assign the following privilege for the appropriate Course Roles (e.g., Instructor): Use AI features.
Removal of First Time User Experience pop-ups – 3900.80
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: All users
In the past, we provided in-context information pop-ups to support users when they used the system for the first time. These pop-ups, called First Time User Experiences (FTUEs), can be helpful to some users. At the same time, FTUEs can be distracting or unnecessary. Users who would like supportive information can locate that on our help pages. Some institutions want to provide their own support information across Ultra and choose to use tools such as Anthology Adopt.
Based on client feedback, we are removing the FTUEs across Learn Ultra. This improves the users' experience and supports a greater focus on the learning content. Approximately 60 FTUEs are being removed in this release. Examples of some of the FTUEs we removed are below.
Image 1. FTUE in an assessment that guides the instructor to name the assignment
Image 2. FTUE in the gradebook, highlighting the student list view
Image 3. FTUE on the base navigation courses page, highlighting course search
For administrators: This update is available for Base Navigation and Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Additional image insertion and generate options – 3900.80
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
Images enhance comprehension of and engagement with course content. Instructors and students want to use high-quality images in content and submissions. To help, we have added a new image button in the content editor in the following places:
- Announcements
- Assessment Questions
- Student answers on questions (local file upload only)
- Submission feedback (standard view)
- Journal entries and comments
Image 1. Instructor view - image button on content editor for Announcements
We also added the option for instructors to generate images in journal prompts and assessment questions.
To learn more about working with images, please visit the “Work with Text" page.
For administrators: The "Stock images from Unsplash" and "Generate images" options only appear for instructors when each tool is on. Select Building Blocks from the Administrator Panel, then select Installed Tools. Locate "AI Design Assistant and Unsplash" and select Settings from the drop-down. The default state is off. You must also activate privileges. Assign the following privileges for the appropriate Course Roles (e.g., Instructor):
- Search for images using Unsplash
- Use AI features
Tests & Assignments
Large Rubric Support – 3900.80
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Rubrics serve as a well-organized and transparent framework for assessing student work. We now support an unlimited number of rubric criteria and performance levels, up from 15 each. This change empowers instructors to craft rubrics that support diverse assessment scenarios. Unbound rubrics are valuable where a higher number of criteria are needed. Larger rubrics also prove invaluable for rubrics employed in accreditation processes.
Image 1. Large rubric support with the potential for the addition of more rows
Image 2. Large rubric support with the potential for the addition of more columns
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Group assessment due date exceptions – 3900.80
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Instructors may want to set different due dates for each group working on a group assessment.
In the past, there was no way to assign varying due dates for each group working on a group assessment. Now, instructors can assign a unique due date to each group using the exceptions workflow.
On the group assessment Submissions page, the instructor may add or edit exceptions for a group.
Image 1: Instructor view – add or edit exceptions option on the group assessment Submissions page
The Exceptions panel displays relevant information such as the assignment name and selected group name. This helps ensure the accuracy of an exception. Instructors can select a due date for the group using the date and time picker.
Image 2: Instructor view - exceptions panel
Image 3: Instructor view - group assessment Submissions page displays the exceptions indicator for Project Group 1
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Goal alignment to questions in banks – 3900.80
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Institutions want to align goals to course content. Goal alignment ensures that the curriculum is designed to meet specific learning outcomes.
Instructors can currently align goals to the following course items:
- Assignments
- Tests, including individual questions
- Discussions
- Rubrics criterion
- Files
- Web links
- Teaching tools with LTI connection
- Documents
Now, instructors can also align goals to questions within a question bank. Question-level goal alignment ensures that assessment items measure the desired learning outcomes. This helps to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of evaluation and feedback practices.
Image 1: Instructor view of the “Align with goal’ menu option used to align a question to a goal
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Prevent students from earning full credit when selecting all answers choices on a multi-select question with partial credit – 3900.80
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Multi-select questions require students to select multiple correct answers from a list. This variation of a multiple choice question encourages critical thinking. Some instructors may award partial credit to students on these types of questions. Partial credit promotes a fairer and more accurate assessment of students' knowledge.
In the past, students received full credit when selecting all answer choices for a multi-select question with partial credit. This happened because there was no penalty or negative credit applied for wrong answer choices.
Now, when an instructor designs a multi-select question and allows partial and negative credit, the negative credit auto-distributes across wrong answer choices. An instructor can remove or edit the negative credit if desired.
Image 1: Partial and negative credit auto-distributed across correct and incorrect answer choices for a multi-select question
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Flexible Grading
Sorting controls on Students tab – 3900.80
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Grading large numbers of submissions without a way to organize them can be tedious. Now, instructors can apply various sorting options in flexible grading:
- Submission date (oldest - newest) of latest attempt
- Submission date (newest - oldest) of latest attempt
- Last Name (A - Z)
- Last Name (Z - A)
- First Name (A - Z)
- First Name (Z-A)
- Student ID (ascending)
- Student ID (descending)
The grading interface stores the most recently used sorting option. If an instructor stops grading an assessment and resumes grading later, the last sorting option is applied.
Also, if sorting the submissions by last name or grading status, the chosen sorting option carries over into the grading interface.
Image 1: Sorting options as shown from Students tab in flexible grading
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Grid view sorting controls – 3900.80
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Sorting options in the gradebook provide a more efficient grading experience.
We extended the sorting options to all remaining columns in the gradebook grid view:
- Journal
- Group Assessment
- Group Discussion
- Calculations
- Attendance
- Discussion
Instructors can sort records in ascending or descending order and remove any applied sorting. A purple highlight in the column header indicates sorting is applied.
Any sorting applied yields a temporary change to the sort order of all columns in the gradebook grid view.
Image 1: Sorting controls on all grid view columns headers
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Automatic zero gradebook improvement – 3900.80
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Instructors can configure their gradebooks to assign automatic zeros to past due work. In the past, automatic zeros were assigned to past due work regardless of a student’s course enrollment status. For example, automatic zeros were applied to past due items for withdrawn students. This was problematic as, in some cases, it skewed course data.
Now automatic zeros are assigned to past due work only if the student has an enabled course enrollment. Automatic zeroes are no longer applied to past due items for withdrawn students. This helps to ensure that academic records are preserved as they are at the time of withdrawal.
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Gradebook API: Accessing grading dates – 3900.80
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Administrators
Related topic: Learn APIs
In a previous release, we introduced a feature that allows users to retrieve date-related grading data. Now, we incorporate two more fields into the response of all gradebook APIs: first and last relevant dates.
"firstRelevantDate" determined as:
- The first recorded date when an attempt is scored.
- The most recent date in which a final score is overridden.
"lastRelevantDate" determined as:
- The date of the most recent modification of a grade when an attempt is scored.
- The most recent date in which a final score is overridden.
We also introduce the following query parameters:
- firstRelevantDateCompare
- lastRelevantDateCompare
These parameters allow users to filter and refine the results.
For administrators: The required entitlements for Gradebook API remain unchanged. First and Last relevant dates do not apply to calculated columns.
Enhanced user data retrieval with secondary IDs via REST API - 3900.80
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Administrators
Related topic: Learn APIs
The option to retrieve user data is crucial for administrators and support roles. User data retrieval is important for a host of reasons. For example, it allows institutions to ensure access control, user support, and data security.
In the past, retrieving user data depended on a single ID. Now, we are expanding the capabilities of the users' REST APIs to support secondary IDs. This will provide more flexibility and control when accessing user information.
Users can now use a secondary ID:
- Contact Email: Users can now use the "" secondary ID to retrieve user data. This enhancement allows users to access their information by their institution/personal email address.
- Student IDs: The "studentId" secondary ID is now supported in the GET /users public endpoint. You can use this feature to access user data using their student ID.
- "Name" as New Attribute: Users can now retrieve user data based on attributes such as the user name. For this, we have the new query parameter "?name=". This will allow filtering by full names (first names, last names, middle names, or usernames).
These changes provide a significant improvement in the way users can manage user data via REST APIs.
For administrators: The required entitlements for User API remain unchanged.
REST API for accessing assessment passwords - 3900.80
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Administrators
Related topic: Learn APIs
In Learn, assessments can be protected with access codes. Access codes help provide integrity and security for assessments.
To improve the integration with proctoring services, we extended the access code option via REST API.
Now, users can retrieve the access password configuration settings. The configuration setting is for both Ultra and Original courses. This information includes the following key fields:
- Enabled: Flag that indicates whether the assessment is password-protected or not.
- Password: This field contains the 6-digit passcode. The password is available in plain text, simplifying the integration process.
Furthermore, these fields will be accessible through the following Content endpoints:
- GET /learn/api/public/v1/courses/{courseId}/contents
- GET /learn/api/public/v1/courses/{courseId}/contents/{contentId}
For administrators: The required entitlements for Users API remain unchanged.
Converting Building Block content to LTI (Echo360 Course Content) - 3900.80
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Original Experience
Original Course View
Impact: Administrators
In the past, some clients relied on building blocks to enhance course content. To help clients transition from building blocks to LTI tools, we created a Content Migration Tool. This tool focuses on helping clients migrate Kaltura content within Original courses.
We have now updated the migration tool to support the conversion of building blocks content to LTI. This change helps mitigate challenges with migrations from Original to Ultra courses.
Now, administrators can also convert Echo360 content from building blocks to LTI.
This conversion supports the Building Block content present within the iframe. This includes Mashup links within the content editor:
- wikis, journals, discussions, groups
- assessments, assignments, test questions, and question banks
- announcements
As before, administrators can access the Building Block to LTI content conversion service through Administrator Tools.
Image 1. Converting Building Block Content to LTI
Image 2. Migration Service Settings
Administrators can select from a drop-down menu the building block to be configured. The options are Echo360 and Kaltura.
Administrators can configure the required IDs and custom parameters for the conversion details.
Image 3. Migration settings for Echo 360 and Kaltura
Building blocks mappings are displayed. Administrators can select whether they want to edit, delete, or turn off the building block for the conversion tool.
Image 4. Building block mappings
Once configurations are set, administrators can manage the placements. They can select for the specific Building Block the courses to which they want to convert the content.
Image 5. Migrate courses with building block content
Finally, at Migration Run Status, users can monitor the status of the conversion process for each course.
Image 6. Migration run status
For administrators: If the same course contains content from both Kaltura and Echo360 building blocks, the conversion process must be performed once for each building block.
Learn Core & Security
Building Block Management page displays support details – 3900.80
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Impact: Administrators
Related topic: Manage Learn SaaS Building Blocks
Three years ago, we announced the end of support for third-party integrations using Building Blocks. Starting in January 2024, most third-party Building Blocks will no longer be supported. Some Building Blocks have been granted extensions for limited continued support.
To help administrators understand what third-party tools will no longer work in January, we've updated the Building Block management page. Now, each Building Block will have a support indicator. These appear under the header “Support Status” on the Building Block management page.
- ONGOING: These Building Blocks are part of Blackboard Learn and are not third-party. Anthology continues to support these.
- EXTENDED: These are third-party Building Blocks with approved extended support. Support will end sometime in the future. This includes Building Blocks with both announced and unknown support end dates, such as:
- Exceptions, or currently no known end of support date.
- Extended support to specific dates as published on Behind the Blackboard. We will provide updates to support statuses for these Building Blocks in future releases of Blackboard Learn.
- ENDS JAN 2024: These third-party Building Blocks can no longer be used starting with the January 2024 release (3900.82).
Image 1. The Support Status column indicates if support is ongoing or when it will end
This functionality was not included in the Nov. 7 Test/Stage release. It will be included in the Nov. 14, 3900.80 SaaS Test/Stage release.
For administrators: This feature will be available for all Learn environments. There are no configurations needed. These changes won't impact tools integrated with other methods, such as LTI and REST. You can access the Building Block list in Administrator Panel > Building Blocks > Installed Tools.
If you believe the status of a third-party Building Block isn’t correct, please contact Anthology Product Support.
Mobile App
Enhancements to Grades – 3900.80
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
In response to user feedback, we've made improvements to the Grades page. The Grades page now offers more comprehensive information for students and instructors. We enhanced both the appearance and functionality.
For Instructors:
- Upcoming Grading
- Upon expansion, instructors find items that need grading.
- Concise View
- We've limited the display to only three items at a time.
- A Show More link is available, leading to the gradebook for that course.
- Efficient Navigation
- Instructors can access grading tasks by selecting the respective item.
- In the past, grade pills were black. Now grade pills display corresponding grade colors.
Image 1. Instructor view of Grades
For Students:
- Upcoming Due Items
- When expanding the section, students now find items that are due within a week.
- Recently Graded
- Expanded sections display items that have been recently graded.
- Concise View
- To avoid clutter, we've limited the display to only three items at a time.
- A Show more link is available, leading to the gradebook for that course.
- Quick Access
- By selecting any item, users can navigate to the specific assessment or activity.
- In the past, grade pills were black. Now grade pills display corresponding grade colors.
Image 2. Student view of Grades
For administrators: No additional settings are required for this feature.
Improved mobile experience for Course Content page – 3900.80
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: All users
The Course Content page had several issues on mobile devices. We have made the following improvements:
- Anthology Ally icons no longer overlap with other elements on the page.
- Items nested in learning modules and folders no longer occupy as much space.
- Icons on the content page are smaller, providing more space for titles and descriptions.
- Titles and descriptions are no longer truncated. The full title and description are always visible now.
- The button to make an item visible to students or hidden from students no longer goes off the page.
Image 1. The course content page before improvements.
Image 2. The course content page after improvements.
For administrators: This update is available for Base Navigation and Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Canvas conversion improvements: Support for Multiple Grade Schemes – 3900.80
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Instructors
The Canvas Learning Management System allows instructors to create Grade Schemes. Grade schemes can use point or percentage ranges. Each point or percentage range has a name value.
Image 1. A Grade Scheme in Canvas
In the past, Grade Schemes in Canvas did not convert. We have updated the conversion so that Grade Schemes from Canvas are now preserved. Instructors no longer need to rebuild Grade Schemes when converting a course from Canvas.
For administrators: This feature is available for all Original and Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
November 2023 – 3900.78 Release
The November 2023 - 3900.78 release contains features and improvements in eight (8) areas:
- Instructional design;
- Tests and assignments;
- Communication and collaboration;
- Flexible grading;
- Gradebook;
- Integrations;
- Learn core and security; and
- Upgrade to Ultra
These improvements impact instructors, students, and administrators. Some features do require administrative action.
- Matching question updates: partial credit auto-distribution and other updates
- Tab navigation for Journals
- Anonymous grading in Flexible Grading view
- Grading optimization for file-based Assignment submissions in Flexible Grading
- Edit/Regrade in Questions view
- Sorting controls for Student Name, Overall Grade, Assessments, and Manual Columns in grid view
- Gradebook grid view performance improvements
- Canvas conversion improvements: Support for equations
Instructors and students:
All users:
- Data state management from Administrator Panel
- Multiple LTI Deployments
- Content management: Blank page handler supported via REST API
- Institutional Hierarchy: Move child nodes to new parent node via REST API
- Calendar REST API: Enable non-3LO users to manage personal, course/organization, and institution calendars
Instructional Design
Image insertion option for Ultra Documents, Journals, Discussions, Assessment attempts, and Course Messages – 3900.78
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
Images play an important role in a student's education experience. Images help to enhance comprehension of and engagement with course content. To help instructors more easily identify high-quality images, we have added a new image button in the content editor in the following places:
- Ultra Documents
- Journal prompts
- Discussions
- Course Messages
Image 1. Instructor view - New image button on content editor for Ultra Documents
When selected, the instructor has the following options:
- Upload an image through selection or drag and drop
- Select a royalty-free, high-quality image from Unsplash.
- Generate images using AI (initially, only for Ultra documents)
Image 2. Instructor view - Image source options
Students can also access the new image button on the content editor in the following areas:
- Discussion responses
- Assessments and test question inputs
- Course Messages
Image 3. Student view - New image button on content editor for discussion response
Image 4. Student view – Drag and drop or upload an image file
After selecting the image, instructors and students can reposition the focus and zoom of the image. There's also an option to alter the aspect ratio of the image.
Image 5. Modify the zoom and focus of the image; set the aspect ratio.
Users can rename the image. It is important always to consider the accessibility of course content. The user should mark the image as decorative or provide suitable alternative text.
Instructors can also set the view and download file options for the image. After the image is inserted, the user can resize the image.
For administrators: The "Stock images from Unsplash" and "Generate images" options only appear for instructors when each tool is on. Select Building Blocks from the Administrator Panel, then select Installed Tools. Locate "AI Design Assistant and Unsplash" and select Settings from the drop-down. The default state is off. You must also activate privileges. Assign the following privileges for the appropriate Course Roles (e.g., Instructor):
- Search for images using Unsplash.
- Use AI features.
Tests & Assignments
Matching question updates: partial credit auto-distribution and other updates – 3900.78
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Matching questions are useful for testing a student's skill in making accurate connections between related concepts. This question type also checks students' understanding in a structured format.
To reward students who show partial understanding, some instructors wish to award partial and/or negative credit for matching questions.
In the past, instructors selected a scoring option:
- allow partial credit,
- all or nothing,
- subtract points for incorrect matches, but question score can't be negative
- or allow negative question scores.
These options were exclusive and, at times, created confusion for instructors. We removed these options.
Now, partial and negative credit is turned on by default. We auto-distribute partial credit as a percentage across the matching pairs. The auto-distribution of credit saves instructors time. Instructors can edit the partial credit values if needed to grant some pairs more or less credit. Values for partial credit must sum to 100%.
If desired, instructors may also specify a negative credit percentage to any pair. Negative credit is only assessed when applied and when a student mismatches a pair. If desired, instructors may choose to allow an overall negative score for the question.
We also made a few other improvements to this question:
- We re-worded the question construction guidance and moved it to an info bubble.
- In the past, the "reuse an answer" and "delete pair" options were behind the three-dot menu. Now, these options appear on the right side of the answer for each pair.
- Before reused answers appeared as "Reused answer from pair #" in the answer field. Now, the answer itself is displayed in the answer field. "Reused answer" appears beneath the answer for the pair.
- We renamed "Additional answers" to "Distractors."
Image 1. Before – Matching question
Image 2. After - Matching question
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Late submission indicator in submission receipts – 3900.78
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Students
Students lead busy lives and sometimes submit assessments late. Some instructors and institutions use penalties or deduct points for late submissions. Based on direct feedback from instructors, we added a new ‘late indicator’ to the submission receipt. This indicator is present only if a student submits the assessment late.
Students can view the late submission indicator in:
- the confirmation modal displayed upon a successful submission,
- the downloaded version of the submission receipt, and
- the emailed submission confirmation.
Image 1. Student assessment submission receipt confirmation with ‘late’ indicator
Image 2. Late submission indicator in downloaded submission receipt
Image 3. Late submission indicator in email submission confirmation
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Communication & Collaboration
Tab navigation for Journals – 3900.78
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
To improve navigation for journals, we have introduced a new tab navigation. Now, instructors can switch between the Journal and the Participation page. When an instructor sets up a journal for grading, the Participation is replaced by Grades & Participation. This update improves the usability of the journal. It also provides consistency of navigation with discussions and assessments.
Image 1. Tab navigation for a graded journal
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Flexible Grading
Anonymous Grading in Flexible Grading view – 3900.78
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Instructors can reduce grading bias for high-stakes assessments by enabling anonymous grading. Many consider it an important grading approach.
Anonymous grading is now available in the new Flexible Grading experience. Instructors can now complete the following tasks and actions:
- Grade test and assignment submissions by student
- Filter on grading status of choice
- Navigate between students and multiple submission attempts
- Keep track of grading progress
- View both the attempt- and the final grade for each assessment
- Provide meaningful feedback, with or without a rubric
- Grade inline using Blackboard Annotate
- Collapse side panels to view more of the student submission
- Show an originality score if SafeAssign is used
We plan to support anonymous grading for tests by question in a future release.
Image 1. Instructor uses a rubric to grade an anonymous submission
For administrators: This feature is available in Ultra Experience Management and is "On" by default to ensure the Flexible Grading interface is available to users. You can turn off the Flexible Grading interface by setting this feature to "Off."
Grading optimization for file-based Assignment submissions in Flexible Grading – 3900.78
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Some instructors design assignments that require students to attach one or more files.
In the past, if a student attached multiple files to their assignment submission, the Bb Annotate inline grader displayed for each submitted file. This behavior introduced usability issues:
- It was difficult for the instructor to know how many files the student had submitted easily.
- Multiple stacked Bb Annotate instances, one for each attachment. This caused multiple scroll bars on the grading page, making navigation difficult.
Now, when grading file-based submissions, a tabbed interface appears. The first tab displays the assessment instructions. After that, there is one tab for each submitted file. The first attached file displays by default.
This new tab-based navigation has several benefits:
- More of the student submission is visible to the grader without scrolling.
- Navigating file-based submissions is more transparent and easy by removing multiple scroll bars.
- The option to download the student-submitted file(s) is more apparent.
- The number of files the student attached to their submission is clear.
- Graders can switch between the assessment instructions and the submitted file(s).
- Graders can easily navigate across the submitted files.
Image 1. A submission with two files attached, with the first file attachment is open in Bb Annotate
Image 2. Tab navigation supports switching between the assessment content and attachments
For administrators: This feature is available in Ultra Experience Management and is "On" by default to ensure the Flexible Grading interface is available to users. You can turn off the Flexible Grading interface by setting this feature to "Off."
Edit/Regrade in Questions view – 3900.78
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Instructors may spot a mistake in a test question when grading a test submission. For example, instructors may have found a typo, chosen a wrong answer, or want to adjust points.
In the past, the "Edit/Regrade Questions" option was only available when grading submissions by "Student." Now, instructors can also access the Edit/Regrade workflow when grading by question.
Image 1. Instructor view - Edit/Regrade option when grading a test by question
Image 2. Instructor view - editing a question using the Edit/Regrade option
For administrators: This feature is available in Ultra Experience Management and is "On" by default to ensure the Flexible Grading interface is available to users. You can turn off the Flexible Grading interface by setting this feature to "Off."
Sorting controls for Student Name, Overall Grade, Assessments, and Manual Columns in grid view – 3900.78
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Sorting options in the gradebook provide a more efficient grading experience.
Now instructors can sort the following gradebook grid view columns:
- Student Name
- Overall Grade
- Tests and Assignments
- Manual columns
Instructors can sort records in ascending or descending and remove any applied sorting. A purple highlight in the column header helps instructors identify where sorting is applied.
Any sorting applied yields a temporary change to the sort order of all columns in the gradebook grid view.
Image 1. Sorting an assessment in the grid view with filters applied
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses.
A new configuration option called "Grid view record sorting" has been added to the Ultra configuration page in the Administrator Panel. The default state is "On." Administrators can opt out of using the sorting controls by setting the option to "Off."
Gradebook grid view performance improvements– 3900.78
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Some instructors prefer to work in the gradebook grid view. To improve the user experience, we made several improvements to this view. These improvements address overall performance and reduce the load time.
Performance tested scenarios:
- 25K student enrollments and 400 gradable items:
Load time reduced from 108 s (about 2 minutes) to 14s (87% performance improvement) - 2000 student enrollments and 400 gradable items:
Load time reduced from 19s to 8s (57% performance improvement) - 40 students and 400 gradable items:
Load time reduced from 8s to 6.8s (14.75% performance improvement)
For administrators: These improvements are available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Data state management from Administrator Panel – 3900.78
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience and Original Experience
Impact: Administrators
Related topic: Data Source Key Overview
In the past, the York DSK tool allowed users to change record row status and the data source key for records. This was helpful because users could make these changes without using the SIS Framework or REST API calls.
Now, users can change data integration one at a time or in bulk in the LMS. This functionality is critical since the York DSK tool is no longer available.
Learn administrators can change the Data Source Key and enable or disable by bulk the following items:
- Users
- Courses
- Organizations
- Enrollments
Users with permission can modify the data source key or change the status from the administrator panel by selecting the “Integration” button
Image 1. Change Row Status or Data Source Key by batch
Image 2. Data Source Key by item
Each time the administrator changes the row status or data source key, the administrator is asked to confirm the change.
Image 3. Confirmation of change to row status or data source
When the administrator disables a user, course, or enrollment, no changes are applied to it. The administrator needs to enable the item first so that changes can be made.
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra and Original courses/organizations, users, and enrollments' administrator pages. There are no configurations needed.
Multiple LTI Deployments – 3900.78
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience and Original Experience
Ultra Course View and Original Course View
Impact: Administrators
Related topic: Managing LTIs
Some instructors like to integrate content tools so they have more options in their courses. Institutions can integrate third-party tools through LTI. Blackboard Learn had a model of one deployment of a tool to a single domain. Administrators managed that single domain when a tool provider was registered.
Now, administrators can register third-party integrations. After that, they can create multiple deployments of the same tool. These deployments create unique deployment IDs for managing different access credentials. Institutions can now license multiple versions of the same third-party tool. This provides benefits allowing integration for distinct parts of an organization.
Image 1. The Manage Deployments option in tool provider menus
Administrators can assign Deployments IDs to nodes based on the organization hierarchy and its integrations.
Image 2. Create a Deployment ID
After submitting the form, the new deployment IDs display on the “Manage Deployments” page.
Image 3. Deployment ID created
Multiple LTI Deployments are available for item creation for course content. LTI links can be added to the course content page. This implementation applies to deep linking and cloud documents. We are planning support for multiple LTI deployments for Books and Tools and the content editor in an upcoming release.
This implementation will be available for LTI 1.3 Tools.
For administrators: This feature is available for System Administrator and System Support. There are no configurations needed.
Content management: Blank page handler supported via REST API – 3900.78
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Original Experience
Original Course View
Impact: Administrators
Related topic: Learn APIs
The blank page content type is a versatile tool. With this tool, educators can create engaging and interactive teaching materials. In Original courses, the blank page can incorporate files, images, and text as links. But we had no supported integration with REST APIs, creating inefficiencies in content management.
Now, users create and organize blank pages directly from the Content REST API. We have added support for the blank page handler (resource/x-bb-blankpage). This streamlines the content management process.
Users can perform the following content operations using the blank page handler:
- GET for the following endpoints:
- /learn/api/public/v1/courses/{courseId}/contents/{contentId}/attachments
- /learn/api/public/v1/courses/{courseId}/contents/{contentId}/attachments/{attachmentId}
- /learn/api/public/v1/courses/{courseId}/contents/{contentId}/attachments/{attachmentId}/download
- POST for the following endpoints:
- /learn/api/public/v1/courses/{courseId}/contents
- /learn/api/public/v1/courses/{courseId}/contents/{contentId}/children
- /learn/api/public/v1/courses/{courseId}/contents/{contentId}/attachments
- PATCH for the following endpoints:
- /learn/api/public/v1/courses/{courseId}/contents/{contentId}
- DELETE for the following endpoints:
- /learn/api/public/v1/courses/{courseId}/contents/{contentId}
- /learn/api/public/v1/courses/{courseId}/contents/{contentId}/attachments/{attachmentId}
For administrators: The required entitlements for Content API remain unchanged.
Institutional Hierarchy: Move child nodes to a new parent node via REST API – 3900.78
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Administrators
Related topic: Learn APIs
Institutional hierarchy is a valuable tool for some institutions. It provides a framework that reflects the institution's structure. This helps administrators to manage schools, departments, or academic programs in Learn.
We have improved the hierarchy management experience in Institutional Hierarchy. Users can move a child node to a new parent node via REST API.
Now, users can restructure their institutional hierarchy using the following endpoint:
- PATCH /public/v1/institutionalHierarchy/nodes/{nodeId}
This feature helps users streamline the organization of courses, organizations, and users.
For administrators: Nodes cannot be moved into themselves, their child node, or parent nodes. The required entitlements for Course Content API remain unchanged.
Calendar REST API: Enable non-3LO users to manage personal, course/organization, and institution calendars – 3900.78
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Administrators
Related topic: Learn APIs
Calendars play a vital role in helping users manage academic schedules and deadlines. With calendar integration, users gain greater control and flexibility in managing their events.
In the past, the Three-Legged OAuth (3LO) access rule caused limitations. This affected users who wanted to integrate external calendaring systems with Blackboard Learn. It was also difficult to develop integrations via API that synchronize calendar events.
Now, with the latest enhancements for Calendar API, non-3LO users can:
- retrieve
- create
- update, and
- delete calendar events in Learn.
Moreover, users can integrate external calendar systems with the Learn Calendars. This includes Personal, Course/Organization, and System calendars.
For administrators: To use the endpoints, the REST integration user must have full calendar privileges. To enable integration with Learn calendars, users do not have to be enrolled in a course. When users attempt to create a Course Schedule or Office Hours event, course membership will be checked for that event type.
Learn Core & Security
Accessibility link before and after authentication – 3900.78
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Impact: All users
Related topic: Accessibility Overview
In the past, when clients turned on the Base Navigation, there was no link to the accessibility information. Now, all users can access the accessibility link for Blackboard Learn on the login page and anytime after logging in. The links direct users to our Help Center. On the Help site, users can find the following information about the accessibility statement, standard, and information needed to best navigate key features of Blackboard Learn Ultra:
- Accessibility statement
- Accessibility standards in use
- Navigating key features and tools using assistive technologies
On the default login page, the Accessibility link appears below the login area. After logging in, the Accessibility link appears at the bottom of the Base Navigation menu.
Image 1. The link for accessibility information on the login page
Image 2. The link for accessibility information in the Base Navigation after logging in
Legacy Navigation already includes an accessibility disclosure link on the login page. There is no change with this release.
For administrators: This feature is available for all environments with Base Navigation enabled. If a custom login page is used, it may be necessary to update it. The updated login page template can be downloaded in “Admin Panel > Brands.” Create or edit a brand and select the button "Download Template."
Self-enrollment via URL – 3900.78
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: All users
Related topic: Enroll Users
Self-enrollment empowers learners and provides them with control over their educational journey. Self-enrollment also streamlines administrative tasks for instructors and learning administrators.
Now, users can self-enroll in Ultra courses through the course URL. Instructors can copy the course URL and share it with anyone they'd like to invite to enroll. Link recipients select the link, which takes them to the self-enrollment page. From there, students can join the course.
Image 1. Self-enrollment page when user selects a link to access a course where self-enroll is turned on
Administrators must select the self-enroll option for courses before instructors share the course URL. Administrators may also select the "require access code to enroll" option as desired.
Image 2. Self-enrollment page for a course that has the “require access code to enroll” setting applied
For administrators: This feature is available for Ultra courses that have the self-enrollment option selected. Administrators may select this setting when creating or editing a course.
Upgrade to Ultra
Canvas conversion improvements: Support for equations – 3900.78
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Instructors
The Canvas Learning Management System provides instructors with a LaTeX Math Editor. The Math Editor is accessible from the content editor. Instructors can use the Math Editor to create equations and expressions.
Image 1. The Math Editor in Canvas
In the past, equations created using the Math Editor in Canvas did not convert. We have updated conversion so that equations from Canvas are now preserved. Instructors no longer need to rebuild equations when converting a course from Canvas.
For administrators: This feature is available for all Original and Ultra courses. There are no additional configurations needed.
Learn SaaS release 3900.76.0
Blackboard Learn SaaS Continuous Delivery v3900.76.0
Release to Test/Stage: Tuesday, 12 September 2023 | Release to Production: Thursday, 5 October 2023
Original Experience, Ultra Experience
Original Course View, Ultra Course View
For full feature details please review the corresponding notes for the Learn 3900.76.0 version included below on this page. Details can also be found on Behind the Blackboard.
Latest release: 3900.76.0-rel.24+c0388a7 to Production servers to take place on 26 October 2023.
For more information on updates and bug fixes, please visit Behind the Blackboard.
October 2023 – 3900.76 Release
The October 2023 - 3900.76 release is robust with features in eight (8) areas:
- Assignments and tests;
- Communication and collaboration;
- Gradebook;
- Learner progression and personalized experience;
- Integrations;
- Learn core and security;
- Mobile; and
- Upgrade to Ultra
These improvements impact instructors, students, and administrators. Some features do require administrative action.
- SafeAssign Direct Submit
- Delegated grading distribution by group membership
- Partial credit auto-distribution for correct answers for Multiple Choice questions
- Sorting controls for manually added gradable Items
- Last access course alert default set to 15 days
- Student Activity report for Assessments enhancements for small devices and the Mobile app
- Edit Settings for Partner Cloud Content Items
- Canvas conversion improvements: Removed unnecessary Content Item/Document
- Canvas conversion improvements: Preserving videos
Instructors and students:
- Send Reminder from Gradebook list and grid views
- Anonymous comments in Bb Annotate
- Copying grading schemas from course to course
- Deselect answer choice for Multiple Choice question
- Messages tool availability settings respected in Mobile App
All users:
Assignments & Tests
SafeAssign Direct Submit – 3900.76
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Direct Submit allows instructors to submit items to SafeAssign outside of the assessment context. Now, instructors can use the Direct Submit option in Ultra courses. SafeAssign appears as an instructor tool in Books & Tools.
Upon opening the Books & Tools section, SafeAssign is in the Instructor tools section. If it is missing, this means your administrator has not turned on SafeAssign for your institution.
Image 1. Access SafeAssign Direct Submit from Books & Course Tools
Using SafeAssign Direct Submit
There are two document submission methods:
- Upload File: Select this option to drag or upload files via a pop-up window. The standard SafeAssign document processing rules apply:
- Maximum support file size is 10 MB
- Supported file types: .zip, .doc, .docx, .docm, .ppt, .pptx, .odt, .txt, .pdf, .rtf, and .html.
- Copy/Paste Text: Select this option to enter a title for the submission and paste the text.
Image 2. Options to upload or copy/paste text
Image 3. Upload file options
Image 4. Copy/paste text options
Submission Options
As part of the submission process, instructors will have a few processing options:
- Check for Plagiarism (on by default):
- If on, SafeAssign processes the submission and generates an Originality Report.
- If off, SafeAssign does not produce an Originality Report. The submission is processed.
- Use case: The instructor uploads scripts or materials they suspect students might misuse. The instructor doesn't require a report for these specific materials and turns off the "Check for plagiarism" option. Submission is processed, but the Originality Report is not generated. The system will compare all future student submissions against these resources.
- Add to Institutional Database (on by default): When on, submissions are added to the institutional database.
Instructors cannot deactivate both 'Check for Plagiarism' and 'Add to Institutional Database' at once. If both options are turned off, it is not possible to proceed with file submission.
- Share option (deselected by default):
- All submissions are private by default. These submissions are only visible to the person who submitted the file across courses.
- If selected, the submission is visible to other course instructors within the course where the file was submitted.
Once a user submits the file, the submission panel closes, and a confirmation message appears. Users may see the information as it processes.
Image 5. Submission confirmation and processing is underway
Navigating the Direct Submit page
Instructors can use the Search Item field to locate submissions quickly. Instructors can filter entries based on Privacy (All, Shared, Private) or Database (All, Added, Not Added). The pagination at the bottom lets instructors view more submissions across several pages.
For each submission, instructors can view the following:
- Item name
- Processing status
- Link to the Originality Report
- Matching Score
- Database status
- Submission Date
- Privacy status
Instructors can organize the table entries by:
- Item Name (alphabetical order)
- Matching Score (from highest to lowest or vice versa)
- Submission Date (from newest to oldest)
Image 6. Direct Submit page
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. Direct Submit for Original courses remains unchanged. SafeAssign Direct Submit is exclusively available to those with Instructor roles. Administrators must turn on SafeAssign for the Direct Submit option to appear in Books & Tools (Building Blocks, Installed Tools, SafeAssign).
Delegated grading distribution by group membership – 3900.76
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Instructors sometimes distribute the grading workload for an assessment to multiple graders. This is a popular practice in larger classes. Instructors can assign graders to groups of students with the new delegated grading option. Each grader will only see the submissions made by students in the group(s) assigned to them.
Delegated Grading can be used with all available group types. This first release of Delegated Grading supports assignment submissions from individual students. Tests, group assessments, and anonymous submissions are not supported at this time.
After selecting the Delegated Grading option, select the appropriate Group Set. Instructors can assign one or more graders to each group in the group set. If multiple graders are assigned to the same group, they will share the grading responsibility for the group members.
Graders assigned to a group of students will only see submissions for those students on the assignment’s submission page. They can only post grades for their assigned group members. Any unassigned instructors enrolled in the course will see all student submissions on the assignment’s submission page. They also post grades for all students.
If you would like to delegate randomly to course graders, first set up a randomized Group Set.
At least one Group Set complete with Groups must be present in the course before using the Delegated Grading option.
Image 1. Instructor view of the assessment Settings panel with the Delegated Grading option enabled
Image 2. Instructor view of the Delegated Grading interface where the Group Set to be used for distributing the grading workload is selected
Image 3. Instructor view of the Delegated Grading interface with a Group Set selected
Image 4. Instructor view of how to align graders to a group to distribute the grading workload
Image 5. Instructor view of the completed delegated grading set up where all groups have been aligned to one or more graders
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Partial credit auto-distribution for correct answers for Multiple Choice questions – 3900.76
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Multiple-choice questions with more than one correct answer are valuable assessment tools. Also known as multiple-answer or multiple-select questions, these questions assess comprehensive understanding. They also promote deeper learning and higher-order thinking skills.
Some instructors wish to award partial credit for these question types. This practice awards students who have a partial understanding. It also fosters a positive learning experience.
In the past, instructors had to enter a value for partial credit percentage for each option. Now, we auto-distribute partial credit across correct answer choices. This distribution provides efficiency and saves instructors’ time. If desired, instructors can edit the values if some correct answer options warrant more or less credit. Values for correct answers must sum to 100%.
Image 1. Question credit auto-distributes across correct answer options; values can be edited
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Deselect answer choice for Multiple Choice question – 3900.76
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Students
In the past, a student could select an answer choice for a multiple-choice question, change their mind, and mark another answer choice. However, the student wasn't able to deselect an answer choice to return the question to an unanswered state. Now, students can deselect an answer choice. Deselecting a choice is helpful when a student doesn't want to guess. Deselecting a choice also allows the student to skip the question and return to it using the unanswered questions filter.
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Communication & Collaboration
Send Reminder from Gradebook list and grid views – 3900.76
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
Part of effective teaching is student support. Instructors may want to send a reminder to students or groups who haven't yet made a submission for an assessment. To make this easy, we have added a "Send Reminder" option to items in the Gradebook.
Reminders is an option for all gradebook items, including LTI and third-party tools. Please note: Reminders can only be sent if you are enrolled in the course. The item must be visible to students and have no release conditions. Future updates will allow you to send reminders for items with release conditions.
From the Gradebook list view, this option is in the overflow menu.
Image 1. Send Reminder option from list view
Instructors may access the "Send Reminder" option in the grid view by selecting the gradebook column header.
Image 2. Send Reminder option from grid view
Reminders are sent as a blind carbon copy to non-submitting students or groups as a course message.
Instructors can view the sent message in their course messages. If messages are off and the reminder is sent as an email, the instructor will receive a copy of the email.
When sending the reminder, the instructor will need to confirm their intent to send the reminder. The confirmation displays a count of the number of non-submitting students or groups who will receive the reminder.
Image 3. Send Reminder confirmation
Image 4. Instructor view of the reminder as a course message
For anonymous grading, non-submitting students receive the reminder via e-mail. This ensures that anonymity is preserved.
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Course/Organization Level Override option for Messages – 3900.76
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Administrators
Related topic: Messages
Some institutions want to allow instructors to set Messages options with a course or organization. In the past, administrators defined the default settings, but these couldn't be changed at the course or organization level. Now, administrators can choose to allow instructors to set the Messages options at the course or organization level.
Image 1. Administrator’s view of new Course and Organization Level Override option
When the administrator selects the override option, the Messages Options appear in the Settings area of the course or organization.
Image 2. Instructor's view of Message Options from Course Settings
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses and organizations. This setting can be managed from the Administrator Panel >Tools & Utilities module > Messages.
Administrators should enable the following privileges to use this feature:
- To allow a user to change the messages options at Course Settings using the API:
Course/Organization Control Panel (Customization) > Edit messages option - To permit system roles to send messages without being enrolled in the course:
Course/Organization Control Panel (Customization) > Create message
Note: This functionality will be available in December, but the privilege is included in this release
Anonymous comments in Bb Annotate – 3900.76
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
In some grading scenarios, instructors prefer their students not to identify the individuals offering feedback on their submissions. To enhance anonymity, graders can now post Bb Annotate comments without disclosing their names. Instructors have the option to mark inline comments as anonymous when creating them or even after comments are added.
Image 1. Setting a comment as anonymous while editing the comment
Image 2. Anonymous comment as seen by the student
For administrators: A new configuration option, "Enables anonymous comments in Bb Annotate", appears on the Ultra Experience Management page in the Administrator Panel. The default state is "off.” The feature will have a phased release that may occur after the release date.
Sorting controls for manually added gradable Items – 3900.76
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Sorting controls help instructors organize and find the information in the gradebook. Instructors can now use sorting controls on the grades page for manually created items. The sorting controls enable sorting in both ascending and descending order. Instructors can sort the following information:
- Student name
- Grade
- Feedback
- Post status
The applied sorting order is temporary and resets when you leave the page.
Sorting controls can be applied to one column at a time. When you sort another column, items will order according to the selected column.
Image 1. Instructor view of sorting controls on the grades page for a manually added gradable item
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Copying grading schemas from course to course – 3900.76
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Instructors can now copy individual grading schemas from Ultra and Original courses to other Ultra courses. Previously, you had to copy all schemas from the Original course. From the new Grading Schemas folder on the Copy Items panel, you can select which schemas to copy.
A course may contain up to 100 grading schemas. If the number of selected schemas plus that already in the course exceeds this limit, the system will copy as many schemas as possible up to a total of 100. An informative banner alerts the instructor of this situation so they can take appropriate action.
Image 1. Grading Schema folder now appears as an option in Copy Items
Image 2. Selected Grading Schemas to copy
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Learner Progression & Personalized Experience
Last access course alert default set to 15 days – 3900.76
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
User feedback is key. Users told us that the frequency of access to Ultra courses depends on several factors, such as workload or class meetings recurrence. Previously, the default value for the "Number of days a student is inactive" was 5. Now, the default is 15. The alert for overall grade percentage is blank by default and is unchanged.
As before, instructors can adjust or remove course alerts.
The new default value of 15 applies to new courses and courses that did not have values set for course alerts. Course alerts values set in existing courses are maintained.
Image 1. Alerts Settings panel
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. To view the Course Activity and Student Activity Details reports, the user role needs to have the “Course/Organization Control Panel (Grade Center) > View Grades” privilege.
Student Activity report for Assessments enhancements for small devices and the Mobile app – 3900.76
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Related topic: Study Activity Details for Assessments
Instructors lead busy, on-the-go lives and access Learn from a variety of devices. To provide a better experience on small devices, we have added more capabilities for the Student Activity report for assessments. Instructors can access this report from their mobile devices with greater flexibility.
Now, in addition to a student’s name and grade, instructors can view student information on small screens:
- Late submission indicator
- Date opened
- Date started
- Attempts
Instructors can download the report in CSV format from small devices.
Image 1. Student Activity report for an assessment on a small screen
The “Time to open” metric is no longer available in the Student Activity report. This metric was deprecated based on user feedback. The activity timeline chart is not available on small devices due to space restrictions. The messaging option from this report is planned for a future release.
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Edit Settings for Partner Cloud Content Items – 3900.76
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Partner Cloud tools provide flexibility in content and assessment creation. This release includes improvements to partner cloud settings in Learn Ultra. Instructors can now edit these settings from the Ultra Course page.
The edit settings include:
- Name/Title
- Description
- Visibility including Release Conditions
- Option to Launch to the tool
- Open in a New Window
- Enable Class Conversation
- Grade information if Partner Content is gradable
- Goals & Standards
Image 1 and 2. Partner Cloud Edit Settings
If the Partner content is gradable, the due date and grade maximum are read-only. These are only configurable within the Partner Cloud tool.
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses and all Partner Cloud tools. There are no configurations needed.
REST API to track content copy history – 3900.76
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Administrators
Related topic: Learn APIs
Understanding the copy history of course content is crucial to improve version control. Now users can retrieve a detailed history of content copies across different courses.
Administrators can use the endpoint GET /learn/api/public/v1/courses/{courseId}/contents/{contentId} to access course content. To retrieve the content copy history, include the "expand=copyHistory" parameter.
The "copyHistory" attribute contains a list of Content Copy history objects, each with two attributes:
- contentId: Refers to the historical hierarchy of LTI content IDs
- courseUuid: Refers to the corresponding course IDs from which the content was copied
For administrators: The required entitlements for Course Content API remain unchanged.
REST API to access Gradebook dates – 3900.76
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Administrators
Related topic: Learn APIs
Users can now retrieve valuable date-related grading data. This provides a more effective experience when working with this API.
For the endpoint GET /learn/api/public/v2/courses/{courseId}/gradebook/columns, users will now have access to the following attributes:
- Created: This attribute allows you to find out when a grade or gradebook column was created.
- Modified: With this attribute, you can get the date when a grade or gradebook column was last modified.
For this, we have also introduced corresponding query parameters to allow filtering:
- ?date_created= date: Use this query parameter to filter the results based on the creation date.
- ?date_modified= date: This query parameter enables you to filter results based on the date of the last modification.
These query parameters allow users to tailor their API requests. This ensures that the data required for reporting or management purposes is obtained.
For administrators: These query parameters allow users to tailor their API requests. This ensures that the data required for reporting or management purposes is obtained. The required entitlements for Gradebook API remain unchanged.
Migration Tools (Kaltura Course Content) – 3900.76
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Original Experience
Original Course View
Impact: Administrators
We are committed to ensuring a smoother transition experience ahead of the removal of Building Blocks. To help, we've enhanced Building Block content migration related to converting Kaltura content in Original Courses. The conversion transforms Building Block links to LTI links.
Administrators can manage placements through intuitive drop-down menus, simplifying the Building Block transition process.
The Content Migration Tool service for Kaltura can be accessed through Administrator Tools.
Image 1. Content Migration Tool
Administrators will find a dedicated location for configuring settings.
Image 2. Migration Service Settings
Administrators can select the required IDs and leverage custom parameters for course details and migrated content.
Image 3. Migration settings for Kaltura
Once configurations are set, administrators can manage placements seamlessly. They can select the courses to migrate to and monitor the status of the migrated courses.
Image 4. Content Migration Tool
A course search function will display the courses (enabled or disabled) that contain the content links to be migrated. This has a designated time range for the search.
Image 5. Example – courses that contain Kaltura content links
Administrators can easily track the status of courses selected for content link migration. They can search for migration link statuses for each course based on a specified time range.
Image 6. Search options for identifying courses for migration
This tool has been designed to accommodate other B2s and to allow for future enhancements without major changes to the interface.
For administrators: For optimal performance, select a maximum of two semesters during content migration process.
Set allowed number of concurrent sessions – 3900.76
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Impact: All users
Institutions may want to restrict access to Learn from several devices at the same time. In the past, administrators could restrict users from accessing Learn on more than one device at the same time. Now, we have updated the number of concurrent sessions to include options for 2 or 3 concurrent sessions.
When users surpass the limit at login, they receive a notification that they will be logged out from devices with the oldest sessions.
Image 1. Concurrent session notice when a user surpasses the limit
Image 2. Concurrent session notice for mobile users when a user surpasses the limit
Image 3. Administrator view - Concurrent Session controls
For administrators: Administrators may define their preference in the Administrator Tool Panel > Security module > Account Lock Settings option. We have updated the default value for the IL4/FedRAMP boundary to 2 sessions allowed. Every other institution continues to have "Unlimited" as a default value.
This feature is available for all users of the Mobile App. No action is needed from users who have enabled automatic updates on their devices. Users who have turned off automatic updates on their devices must download the update.
Mobile App
Messages tool availability settings respected in Mobile App – 3900.76
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Students
With this release, the mobile app aligns to the course settings for Messages. If Messages are "off" for the course, the Messages option is not displayed in the mobile app. This applies to both courses and organizations. When Messages are "on", the messages options for students are enforced on the app.
For administrators: This feature is available for all users of the Mobile App. No action is needed from users who have enabled automatic updates on their devices. Users who have disabled automatic updates on their devices must download the update.
Inactive session termination warning in Mobile App – 3900.76
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: All users
Terminating inactive sessions reduces the risk of unauthorized access to a user's account. When an administrator defines a timeout for inactive sessions, the auto-login option for the Mobile app does not renew the session. To improve the user experience, users are now alerted 6 minutes before the session expires. When the session expires, the user is logged out. If the app runs in the background, it counts as an inactive session.
Image 1. Notification appears 6 minutes before session termination
For administrators: Administrators can configure the time for inactive session termination from the Admin Panel > Security > Account Lock Settings. The default time a user can be inactive is 180 minutes (about 3 hours). The inactive time can be configured between 15 to 480 minutes. As before, session cleanup is a background task, so the ending of a session will be approximately the configured time, typically in a minute or two.
Upgrade to Ultra
Canvas conversion improvements: Removed unnecessary Content Item/Document – 3900.76
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Instructors
Related topic: Migrate from Canvas
Canvas Modules convert to Content Areas in the Original Course View. The conversion created a Content Item inside the Content Area using the same title as the Content Area. The content item didn't contain any content. This created more work for users as they now needed to delete the unnecessary Content Item.
Image 1. Unnecessary Content Item with the same title as the Content Area
Canvas Modules convert to Folders in the Ultra Course View. The conversion created a Document inside the Folder using the same title as the Folder. The Document didn't contain any content. This also created more work for users as they now needed to delete the unnecessary Document.
Image 2. Unnecessary Document with the same title as the Folder
Now the conversion process no longer creates unnecessary Content Items or Documents.
For administrators: This feature is available for all Original and Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Canvas conversion improvements: Preserving videos – 3900.76
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Instructors, Administrators
Related topic: Migrate from Canvas
In some cases, video files from Canvas were not coming over during conversion. We have resolved this issue for those converting to both Original and Ultra courses.
For administrators: This feature is available for all Original and Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Learn SaaS release 3900.74.0
Blackboard Learn SaaS Continuous Delivery v3900.74.0
Release to Test/Stage: Tuesday, 15 August 2023 | Release to Production: Thursday, 7 September 2023
Original Experience, Ultra Experience
Original Course View, Ultra Course View
For full feature details please review the corresponding notes for the Learn 3900.74.0 version included below on this page. Details can also be found on Behind the Blackboard.
Latest release: 3900.74.0-rel.32+80961aa to Production servers to take place on 21 September 2023.
Since this release includes a Tomcat update, it is required that self-hosted clients have New Relic updated to its current version if New Relic is in use
For more information on updates and bug fixes, please visit Behind the Blackboard.
September 2023 – 3900.74 Release
The September 2023 - 3900.74 release is robust with features in eight (8) areas:
- AI Design Assistant;
- Instructional design;
- Flexible grading;
- Gradebook;
- Learner progression and personalized experience;
- Integration;
- Learn core and security; and
- Mobile App
These improvements impact instructors, students, and administrators. Some features do require administrative action.
- Course structure suggestions
- Learning Module image integration options
- Rubric generation
- Test question generation
- Question Bank generation from Ultra Documents
- Course banner images from Unsplash
- Auto-captioning for video and audio feedback
- Batch Edit support for recursive actions
- Copying Announcements
- Flexible Grading support for tablets and other improvements
- TurnItIn support for Ultra Assignments (limited release)
- Turn off/on Class Collaborate per course
Instructors and students:
- Reminder improvements for anonymous grading
- Improved progress tracking for graded LTI content
- Updated wording for course alerts in the Activity Stream
- Google Workspace – Cloud File Collaboration
- Mobile App – Grades landing page improvement
All users:
- REST APIs to expand Rubric associations in Gradebook column endpoints
- REST APIs to REST API to track the origin of courses
- REST APIs to REST API to REST API to modify formulas for enhanced grading control
- Messages restrictions and update to email copy of announcement option
- Manage inactive session timeout
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Design Assistant
The potential uses of Artificial Intelligence are exciting. As we look to explore the benefits AI has to offer, we are prioritizing lawful, ethical, and responsible use. We have established our Trustworthy AI principles, where we commit to:
- humans in control,
- fairness,
- privacy,
- security and
- safety to name a few.
We recommend reviewing the documents linked below as you consider using AI within Learn Ultra. These documents are designed to support your implementation, training, and policy setting as it relates to AI usage.
- Our Trustworthy AI Principles can be found in our Trust Center.
- Further information on the AI Design Assistant can be found on our help pages.
- (Link on the item above still to be created, Legal is working on the content)
We chose to partner with Microsoft to provide this functionality for many reasons. A primary reason is that Microsoft has a long-standing commitment to the ethical use of AI. Please find helpful resources from Microsoft below:
- Microsoft’s Responsible AI page
- Microsoft’s Transparency Note for Azure Open AI Service
- Microsoft’s page on Data, privacy, and security for Azure OpenAI Service
Course structure suggestions – 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Related topic: AI Design Assistant
Creating a course from the ground up can often feel like a daunting and time-intensive task. Some educators might find themselves without access to the necessary instructional design resources, leaving them in search of extra support.
Enter the AI Design Assistant—an innovative solution designed to tackle these very challenges. By harnessing the power of advanced AI, this assistant offers a helping hand in structuring your course. Drawing insights from the course's title, description, and contextual information, it effortlessly generates learning modules.
What sets the AI Design Assistant apart is its commitment to putting instructors in the driver's seat. Empowering educators, it allows for the provision of supplementary context, such as descriptive text or keywords. Instructors have the flexibility to add a title prefix—think "topic" or "unit"—infusing a personalized touch. Visual elements can also be seamlessly integrated, amplifying the learning experience.
In a testament to customization, instructors wield the ability to fine-tune the complexity of their content. Additionally, they can precisely dictate the quantity of learning modules to be generated, ensuring a tailored approach to their teaching journey.
Image 1: Option to auto-generate modules in an empty course
Image 2: Auto-generated modules with an option to select and add to the course
Image 3: Auto-generated modules added to the course
All learning module images are automatically marked as decorative by default. The instructor has the ability to edit each learning module and add a specific alternative description if this image context is required.
On August 15, 2023, we will release to test/stage environments the option to generate images with the AI Design Assistant. We expect this to be a highly adopted feature. Service interruptions may occur during this time as we monitor usage. To ensure reliable use of this service, the usage data we gather may alter or defer our planned September production release of generating images.
On September 11th, 2023, we will release to production environments the option to generate course structure suggestions with the AI Design Assistant. This will need to be enabled by your system administrator and you'll need to belong to a course role with the appropriate privilege assigned.
For administrators: A new Building Block, AI Design Assistant and Unsplash, will be available after test/stage sites are updated to 3900.74. In Installed Tools, select Settings for AI Design Assistant and Unsplash. The default state is 'off.' When this feature is ‘on,’ the privilege will need to be assigned to course roles as necessary, i.e. Instructor. The privileges that need assigning are ‘Search for images using Unsplash’ and ‘Use AI features’.
Learning Module image integration options – 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Related topic: Create Learning Modules
Learning modules serve as a strategic tool for structuring and curating course content. Elevating both the visual allure of the learning modules and the ease of content discernment is important. To help, we plan to provide two more options for integrating images into learning modules.
- Search stock images from Unsplash. With this option, instructors can enter keywords to search for and select high-quality, royalty-free images. When enabled, the AI Design Assistant suggests keywords.
- Generate images with the AI Design Assistant. Image generation leverages insights from the learning module description and other contextual cues in the course. To further empower instructors, they can describe the ideal image and regenerate images.
Image 1: Add image option when editing an existing or creating a new learning module
Image 2: Enter keyword (s) and search stock images from Unsplash
Note that images will automatically appear if your administrator activates “Generate keywords for Unsplash.”
Image 3: Generate images using AI Design Assistant
Once the ideal image is selected, the instructor can choose the focal point of the image.
Image 4: Select focal point of the image
The image is marked as decorative by default. The instructor can untick ‘Mark the image as decorative’ and add specific alternative text.
Image 5: Image marked as decorative.
On August 15, 2023, we will release to test/stage environments the option to generate images with the AI Design Assistant. We expect this to be a highly adopted feature. Service interruptions may occur during this time as we monitor usage. To ensure reliable use of this service, the usage data we gather may alter or defer our planned September production release of generating images.
For administrators: A new Building Block, AI Design Assistant and Unsplash, will be available after test/stage sites are updated to 3900.74. In Installed Tools, select Settings for AI Design Assistant and Unsplash. The default state is 'off.' When this feature is ‘on,’ the privilege will need to be assigned to course roles as necessary, i.e. Instructor. The privileges that need assigning are ‘Search for images using Unsplash’ and ‘Use AI features’.
Rubric generation – 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Related topic: AI Design Assistant
Grading rubrics offer a structured framework to assess student work. They ensure both fairness and consistency in grading. Moreover, they furnish students with clear directives to meet desired learning outcomes. However, crafting rubrics can be a time-intensive task. The AI Design Assistant can take the helm in rubric creation, drawing cues from course context. While retaining human-centered authority, instructors can define the rubric. This includes specifying details like descriptions (learning objectives or topics), rubric type (percentage, points, or range), complexity, and dimensions. The rubric remains open to review and refine, guaranteeing the instructor's input at every step.
Rubric generation is an option everywhere we support rubric creation.
Image 1: Generate rubric from a discussion
Image 2: Define the rubric
Image 3: Name and otherwise edit rubric to add rows, columns, or edit cell descriptions
Image 4: Add generated rubric to a discussion
On September 11th, 2023, we will release to production environments the option to generate rubrics with the AI Design Assistant. This will need to be enabled by your system administrator and you'll need to belong to a course role with the appropriate privilege assigned.
For administrators: A new Building Block, AI Design Assistant and Unsplash, will be available after test/stage sites are updated to 3900.74. In Installed Tools, select Settings for AI Design Assistant and Unsplash. The default state is 'off.' When this feature is ‘on,’ the privilege will need to be assigned to course roles as necessary, i.e. Instructor. The privileges that need assigning are ‘Search for images using Unsplash’ and ‘Use AI features’.
Test question generation – 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Related topic: AI Design Assistant
Crafting test questions from the ground up demands a significant amount of time. The AI Design Assistant steps in to offer test question suggestions, helping instructors reclaim valuable time. This resource is beneficial for both formative and summative assessments.
Image 1: Auto-generate question option in assessments
Instructors can refine the suggested questions by adding a description. The description might be learning objectives or topics. Furthermore, instructors can handpick preferred question types. The innovative "Inspire me!" question type suggests a variety of question types that an instructor might not typically consider. The instructor can specify the desired level of complexity and number of questions.
Image 2: Define, select, and add questions to an assessment
Image 3: Questions added to an assessment; instructors can edit as desired
On September 11th, 2023, we will release to production environments the option to generate test questions with the AI Design Assistant. This will need to be enabled by your system administrator and you'll need to belong to a course role with the appropriate privilege assigned.
For administrators: A new Building Block, AI Design Assistant and Unsplash, will be available after test/stage sites are updated to 3900.74. In Installed Tools, select Settings for AI Design Assistant and Unsplash. The default state is 'off.' When this feature is ‘on,’ the privilege will need to be assigned to course roles as necessary, i.e. Instructor. The privileges that need assigning are ‘Search for images using Unsplash’ and ‘Use AI features’.
Question Bank generation from Ultra Documents – 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Related topic: AI Design Assistant
The Ultra Document is a valuable way to present content. It seamlessly blends text and media components, enriching content presentation. With the aid of the AI Design Assistant, instructors can build question banks to gauge comprehension of the text-based elements within an Ultra Document. This streamlined process saves significant time. It also stands as a robust aid in shaping both formative and summative assessments.
Image 1: Generate a question bank from the text content of an Ultra Document
Instructors can select preferred question types or use the “Inspire me!” option. The instructor can specify the desired level of complexity and number of questions. After reviewing the questions, it’s a single click to publish the questions to the question bank.
Image 2: Define, select, and add questions to a question bank
Image 3: Confirmation that the question bank creation with an option to navigate to the bank
From the question bank, the instructor can filter, search, and edit questions as desired.
Image 4: Generated question bank, with options to filter, search, and edit questions
On September 11th, 2023, we will release to production environments the option to generate question banks from Ultra Documents with the AI Design Assistant. This will need to be enabled by your system administrator and you'll need to belong to a course role with the appropriate privilege assigned.
For administrators: A new Building Block, AI Design Assistant and Unsplash, will be available after test/stage sites are updated to 3900.74. In Installed Tools, select Settings for AI Design Assistant and Unsplash. The default state is 'off.' When this feature is ‘on,’ the privilege will need to be assigned to course roles as necessary, i.e. Instructor. The privileges that need assigning are ‘Search for images using Unsplash’ and ‘Use AI features’.
Course banner images from Unsplash – 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Related topic: Course Banner
The course banner image provides an important sense of identity for the course. We are expanding the image options for the course banner by introducing Stock Images from Unsplash. Instructors can enter keywords to search for high-quality, royalty-free images.
Image 1: Add image option when editing the display settings
Image 2: Enter keyword(s) and search stock images from Unsplash
Images will automatically appear if your administrator has activated "Generate keywords for Unsplash." Once the ideal image is selected, the instructor can choose the focal point of the image.
Image 3: Select focal point of the image
The image is marked as decorative by default. The course banner toggle is turned on. The instructor can untick ‘Mark the image as decorative’ and add specific alternative text.
Image 4: Image marked as decorative and course banner toggle set to on
For administrators: A new Building Block, AI Design Assistant and Unsplash, will be available after test/stage sites are updated to 3900.74. In Installed Tools, select Settings for AI Design Assistant and Unsplash. The default state is 'off.' When this feature is ‘on,’ the privilege will need to be assigned to course roles as necessary, i.e. Instructor. The privileges that need assigning are ‘Search for images using Unsplash’ and ‘Use AI features’.
Instructional Design
Auto-captioning for video and audio feedback – 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Instructors
Ensuring accessible and inclusive experiences for our students is of paramount importance. We have taken a significant step forward by implementing automatic captioning for audio and video content used in assessment feedback and announcements. This feature enhances accessibility and fosters inclusivity. Auto-captioning also supports diverse language preferences, aligning with the user's chosen language in Learn.
Image 1: Auto-captioning within Learn Ultra Assessments
For administrators: This solution is available as part of your existing Learn license and will be on by default with no additional settings required.
Batch Edit support for recursive actions – 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Batch editing offers value by streamlining and expediting repetitive tasks. We have updated batch edit to now support recursion. Batch edit actions now apply to all items inside of Folders and Learning Modules.
Image 1: Items inside of Folders and Learning Modules are now included in selections
With this change, all items are now visible on a single page. We have added the ability to expand and collapse Folders and Learning Modules.
Instructors can now perform the following tasks much faster:
- Shift Dates: Select all items and shift the dates forward before you adjust the dates for each item. This is helpful when needing to make sweeping date adjustments.
- Adjust Visibility: Select all items and set them to visible or hidden. This is helpful after course copies, imports, or conversions. In some copy cases, items are hidden by default. Instructors may want to make them visible.
- Remove date/time release conditions: Select all items and set them to visible or hidden. This is helpful when having trouble updating due dates. Due dates must be after the Show On date and before the Hide After date.
We have also made a couple of usability improvements:
- Truncated Long Titles: Items with long titles would overlap with dates and times. Long titles are now truncated to prevent that from happening.
- Fixed Table Header: Batch Edit was difficult to use with courses that had a lot of items. Users would need to scroll to the top of the page to see the column title. The table header now follows the user as they scroll down the page.
- Replaced Dropdown: The batch edit actions available were not obvious. We have replaced the dropdown with individual buttons. The buttons do not become active until a user has selected items.
Users can select up to 100 items when performing a batch edit action.
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Copying Announcements – 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Reusing content eliminates the need to create everything from scratch. This saves time and effort in the content development processes. To support reuse, instructors can now copy specific announcements or all announcements from another course. Instructors can copy Announcements from both Original and Ultra courses. When copied, each announcement will be set to draft.
Image 1: Instructors now have the option to copy announcements from Original and Ultra courses
This change improves the course rollover process. Instructors no longer need to reschedule or delete announcements immediately after copying. Instructors can take their time reviewing announcements and adjusting as needed.
Image 2: Copied announcements are set to draft
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Flexible Grading
Flexible Grading support for tablets and other improvements – 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Flexible Grading is a new, efficient assessment grading experience introduced in the August 3900.71 release. We are happy to now support Flexible Grading for instructors using tablet devices. When grading using the Flexible Grading experience from a table, only one of the side panels will be open at any time. Accessing another panel will collapse the other.
Image 1: Flexible grading view on a tablet
Image 2: Tablet view – Students and Questions tabs
Image 3: Flexible Grading view of an essay question on a tablet
We have also made changes to the on-hover and on-select states in the Students list. Now when an instructor selects a student card, the card is outlined in purple. When an instructor hovers over a student card, the card is outlined in grey. These changes help to reduce confusion about which student submission is in view on the main panel.
Image 4: Instructor hovers over student card when another student submission is in view (on-hover state with grey outline)
Flexible Grading is best performant on large and medium screens using a browser.
For administrators: This feature is available in Ultra Experience Management from the 3900.71 release. The feature is on by default to ensure the Flexible Grading interface is available to users. You can turn off the Flexible Grading interface by setting this feature to Off.
Reminder improvements for anonymous grading – 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
Students may sometimes complete an assessment but fail to submit it. Instructors can send email reminders to non-submitters. In the past, it was unclear if all students received the emailed reminder. Now a banner informs instructors of the number of students who received the email reminder. Information for any student who did not receive the email due to an invalid or missing email address is also included.
Image 1: Instructor view - banner displays the number of students for whom the reminder was sent; the banner also notes the number of students who did not receive the email
Image 2: Student view - email reminder now includes the due date
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Learner Progression & Personalized Experience
Improved progress tracking for graded LTI content- 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
Related topics: Progress Tracking for Students
Accurate course progress tracking is key for both students and instructors. Some instructors include graded LTI content in their course. In the past, progress tracking for graded LTI content was only updated manually by the student. Now when a student submits their work, their progress status updates to "complete." This change ensures better reporting for instructors and accurate progress tracking for students.
Image 1: Graded LTI content is marked as complete after the student submits their work
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Updated wording for course alerts in the Activity Stream - 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Consistency is key. In the past, we used different wording for course alerts on the Activity Stream versus the Course Activity report. Now activity stream notifications use the same wording as the course activity report.
Before, Activity Stream notifications used the following wording to count course alerts:
- # Students are falling behind, # Falling, # Absent
Now, the wording for Activity Stream notifications is consistent with the wording on the Course Activity report:
- Student alerts: # with low overall grade, # with last access alert
Image 1: Consistent wording for alerts in the Activity Stream
For administrators: To view the Course Activity and Student Activity Details reports, the user’s role needs to have “Course/Organization Control Panel (Grade Center) > View Grades” privilege.
Google Workspace - Cloud File Collaboration - 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
Related topics: Google Workspace (Administrator),
Google Workspace (Instructor)
Collaborative documents foster active engagement and dynamic interaction among participants. Instructors can now create a Google Workspace collaborative document.
Supported file types include:
- Google Docs
- Google Sheets
- Google Slides
Ultra Course View
In the Ultra Course View, Google Collaborate Document appears in the Create Item menu.
Image 1: Create a Google Collaborative Document
Instructors may need to sign into a Google Workspace account to continue. Instructors can select an existing file or create a new file for collaboration.
Image 2: Create a new collaboration
All student members of the course can access the file with permission to edit.
Image 3: Students can view the file inline and edit
Original Course View
In the Original Course View, a link appears in the Build Content menu and/or the add content button (+) in the content editor. The system administrator can decide the specific name in the Original Course View.
Image 4: Add Google Workspace Cloud Collaboration
An instructor can choose to create an item or edit an existing item and select the + symbol from the content editor. Select the “Google Cloud Collaboration document” to continue.
Image 5: Start a new Collaboration
Instructors may need to sign into a Google account to continue. Instructors can select an existing document or create a new file for collaboration. All student members of the course can access the file with permission to edit.
Image 6: Students can view the file inline and edit
For administrators: Please register the LTI Tool Provider in the Administrator panel. Only users in the same Google Workspace tenant can collaborate on documents.
Turnitin support for Ultra Assignments (limited release) – 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
For some clients, Turnitin plays a vital role in promoting ethical academic practices. Turnitin currently integrates with Ultra courses through their LTI 1.3 integration. By deepening the integration further, Turnitin can now be enabled directly on Ultra assignments. This allows student submissions to be matched against the Turnitin database.
Note: This is a limited release. Clients signed up and approved by Turnitin will gain access to the feature. Flexible Grading must be enabled to access the Originality Report scores.
A new option appears in the Assessment Settings panel to enable Turnitin.
Image 1: Instructor enables TurnItIn in Assessment Settings
Image 2: Student view - Originality Report in progress
Image 3: Instructor view - originality score
For administrators: This feature is available in the Ultra Experience Management settings as “Asset Processor in Institution.”. The feature is off by default. Turn on the Turnitin Integration by setting this feature to On.
Anthology Adopt powered by Pendo – 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: All users
Related topic: Anthology Adopt
It's important that we help institutions drive digital adoption of Learn Ultra. That's why we've created Anthology Adopt. Anthology Adopt allows institutions to create their own in-app messages and digital walkthrough guides in Learn. Institutions can segment these guides to targeted audiences for greater adoption. Anthology Adopt comes with a host of pre-created and defined guides that are updated each month based on each Learn release.
Institutions can analyze users' interactions of the guides. This supports customizations to further support adoption. Anthology Adopt is an additional license for Learn.
Image 1: Guides built in Anthology Adopt
Anthology Adopt provides users with different templates to build custom guidance in Learn. Font, colors and buttons are customizable. Users with Anthology Adopt permissions can access the Default Layouts page and create guides.
Image 2: Templates for building guides
Anthology Adopt also includes the following:
- Option to segment pop-up messages to specific audience
- Ability to analyze the users' interactions of the message prompted
- Get support from our expert team
For administrators: Only users with a license will be able to create and publish guides in Learn. Institutions can acquire a license under the name of Anthology Adopt by contacting their account team for more information or requesting more information at
REST APIs to expand Rubric associations in Gradebook column endpoints – 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Administrators
Related topic: Learn APIs
We aim to bring greater clarity and control to the grading process. As such, we have updated the Rubric API, which extends the capabilities of our Gradebook Columns API. This API includes rubric association information.
Now, when retrieving information about gradebook columns using the endpoints below, users gain insights into the rubric associations linked to each column:
- GET /learn/api/public/v2/courses/{courseId}/gradebook/columns
- GET /learn/api/public/v2/courses/{courseId}/gradebook/columns/{columnId}
By including the query parameter ‘?expand=rubricAssociations’ in the API requests, the user receives an enriched payload that includes rubric association information.
This enhancement contributes to better-informed decisions and improved assessment management for our users.
For administrators: To make use of the new endpoints, the REST integration user must have the following privileges: “Course/Organization Control Panel (Tools) > Rubrics > View Rubric”
REST APIs to REST API to track the origin of courses – 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Administrators
Related topic: Learn APIs
To provide greater clarity and increased control of your grading process, we have expanded our Courses Public API. Now this API includes a new ‘copyHistory’ field.
Using the following endpoints, users are able to trace the origin of content in cloned courses.
- GET /public/v3/courses
- GET /public/v3/courses/{courseId}
This read-only attribute will provide UuIds, offering a complete content history.
For administrators: To make use of the new endpoints, the REST integration user must have the following privileges: “Administrator Panel (Courses) > Courses”
REST APIs to REST API to REST API to modify formulas for enhanced grading control – 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Administrators
Related topic: Learn APIs
We have extended the capabilities of our Gradebook Columns API to provide greater flexibility in grading. Users can now change the formulas used in the grade calculations for the "Overall Grade" column. Users can update the formula by making a request to the following endpoint:
- PATCH /public/v2/courses/{courseId}/gradebook/columns
This update ensures that the grading process aligns with specific institutional grading policies. This allows instructors to provide a more accurate representation of student performance.
For administrators: To make use of the new endpoints, the REST integration user must have the following privileges: “Course/Organization Control Panel (Grade Center) > Full Control”.
It is mandatory that the sum of weighted overall values for calculated grading items must equate to exactly 100%.
Learn Core & Security
Messages restrictions and update to email copy of announcement option – 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Administrators
Related topic: Messages
Institutions want control over the way Messages function in Courses and Organizations. To better support institutional policy and preferences, institutions can now determine messaging options:
- Students can message anyone in their course
- Students can only send a message to staff and students in their groups
- Students can only send a message to staff
- Students can only reply to messages
We also decoupled the Ultra Course Message Settings. Now an admin can configure the option to always send a copy of messages by email for Courses separately from Organizations. This option provides institutions with greater flexibility and control. This option is deselected by default.
Image 1. Administrator’s view of Ultra Course Message Settings
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses and organizations. This setting can be managed in the Administrator Tool Panel | Messages module. If in the Overall Message settings, the option “Students and participants can't create or reply to course and organization messages.” is selected, both Course & Organizations Messages options will not apply.
Manage inactive session timeout – 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience and/or Original Experience
Impact: Administrators
Related topic: Session Management
In the past, administrators could not configure the inactive session time-out option from the Administrator Panel. Instead, administrators had to request changes through a support request. Now, administrators can configure the maximum time a user’s session can be inactive before they are logged out.
Image 1. Inactive session time-out configuration from the Administrator Tool Panel
For administrators: This setting can be managed in the Administrator Tool Panel | Security module | Account Lock Settings option. The default time a user can be inactive is 180 minutes (about 3 hours). The inactive time can be configured between 15 to 480 minutes. As before, session cleanup is a background task, so the ending of a session will be approximately the configured time, typically within a minute or two. Compatibility with the Blackboard Mobile App is planned for a future release.
Mobile App
Grades landing page improvement – 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience and/or Original Experience
Ultra Course View and/or Original Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
Grade information is one of the most important data points for instructors and students. The latest update to our mobile app brings an improvement to the grades landing page. With this update:
- Students can now see their overall grade on the grades landing page.
- Instructors can now see the overall course grade on the landing page.
These changes aim to enhance the user experience and provide a more streamlined way to access grade information.
Image 1. Grades landing page that allows both instructor and students see the overall grade for a course
For administrators: This feature is available for all users of the Mobile App version 8.8. No action is needed from users who have enabled automatic updates on their devices. Users who have disabled automatic updates on their devices must download the update.
Learn SaaS release 3900.71.0
Blackboard Learn SaaS Continuous Delivery v3900.71.0
Release to Test/Stage: Tuesday, 11 July 2023 | Release to Production: Thursday, 3 August 2023
Original Experience, Ultra Experience
Original Course View, Ultra Course View
For full feature details please review the corresponding notes for the Learn 3900.71.0 version included below on this page. Details can also be found on Behind the Blackboard.
Latest release: 3900.71.0-rel.35+2d54bde to Production servers to take place on 17 August 2023.
For more information on updates and bug fixes, please visit Behind the Blackboard.
August 2023 – 3900.71 Release
The August 2023 - 3900.71 release is replete with features in seven areas:
- Assessment and grading;
- Richer course and content;
- Data and analytics;
- Groups;
- Communications & social engagement;
- Mobile app; and
- Integration, extension, and management
These improvements impact instructors, students, and administrators. Some features do require administrative action.
- Flexible Grading
- Gradebook: New default cell status in grid view
- Increased visibility of Gradebook ‘Move Item’ icon
- Bulk download of anonymous submissions
- Rubrics: Editing improvements
- Course Banner image improvements
- Learning Module image
- Replace files in course content
- Students with alert flags in the Course Activity report
- Ultra Accessibility Checker
Instructors and students:
- Assessment Submission Receipt improvements
- Groups in the top navigation bar and Group Spaces
- Unread Message indicator
- Group Messaging improvements
- Google Integration: Google Workspace files
- Replacement of Connect SMS notification service
- Course status and date improvements
All users:
- Removal of Welcome guidance for first-time login and attendance user experience pop-ups
- Course status indicators
- Messages Off indicator
- Active Session Termination
- Concurrent Session Control
Administrators and Instructors:
Assessment and Grading
Flexible Grading – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Related topics: Flex Grading Assignments, Flex Grading Tests
Flexible Grading is a new, efficient assessment grading experience. The new experience:
- provides intuitive and streamlined navigation,
- eliminates artificial barriers,
- saves time and effort when navigating from student to student or question to question.
Flexible Grading capabilities:
- Grade by question or student
- Filter on grading status of choice
- Navigate between students and multiple submission attempts
- Keep track of your grading process
- View both the attempt and the final grade for each assessment
- Provide meaningful feedback with or without a rubric
- Grade inline using Blackboard Annotate
- Collapse side panels to view more of the student submission
- Post all grades when ready
Supported assessment grading configurations:
- Individual student test and assignment submissions
- Single and multiple attempts
- Grading with rubrics
- SafeAssign
Other assessment configurations will continue to route through to the current grading experience. There is no loss of grading functionality for these configurations:
- Anonymous submissions
- Group submissions
- 2 graders per student
- Peer review
Flexible Grading will come to these assessment configurations in future releases.
For more information and to download a copy of the Flexible Grading adoption resource, please refer to the Community site blog post:
Image 1: Instructor view of grading a test by question; the Needs Grading filter is applied to filter out any automatically graded questions
Image 2: Instructor view of grading a test by question
Image 3: Instructor view of grading an assignment with a rubric
For administrators: This feature is available in Ultra Experience Management. We will turn on the feature for test/stage sites between 9-10 am EST on July 12, 2023. The feature will go to production on August 4, but we will not turn on the feature until Monday, August 7. The feature is on by default to ensure that the Flexible Grading interface is available to users at launch. You can turn off the Flexible Grading interface by setting this feature to Off.
Gradebook: New default cell status in grid view – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Related topics: Assign Grades
Instructors have varying preferences of the gradebook view. Some prefer the gradebook grid view to get an overview of student performance or locate new submissions. In the past, the gradebook grid view displayed "Grade Now" in each cell even when no submission had been made. This was confusing.
To remove confusion, the default state of a given cell in the gradebook grid view has changed from “Grade now” to “-” (a single dash). This change reduces the cognitive load on users working in the gradebook. This change also makes new submissions more obvious.
There is no change in gradebook functionality. Instructors can still select a given cell and enter an override grade.
Image 1: Instructor view of the gradebook grid view where cells without submissions are displaying “-” (a single dash); cells where there are new submissions still display the New Submission label
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Increased visibility of Gradebook ‘Move Item’ button– 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Related topic: Navigate Grading
Instructors may need to reorder items in their online gradebooks to align with the sequencing and structure of their course. Instructors can reorder items in their gradebook from the gradebook list view. In the past, this option was not obvious to instructors. Instructors had to hover over the option for it to become visible.
Now, the option to move an item in the gradebook list view is always visible.
To move an item in the gradebook, select the Move button for the item you want to move. Drag the item to the new location and release. The order you choose is also reflected in the gradebook grid view and in students' view of the gradebook.
Image 1: Instructor view of the gradebook list view with the Move option visible
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Bulk download of anonymous submissions – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Related topics: Anonymous Grading, Download Assignments, Grade History
Sometimes instructors and graders want to download students' assessment submissions for offline viewing. Downloading submissions for offline viewing provides flexibility and convenience. In the past, this option was not available for anonymously graded assessments.
Now, the Download Submissions option is available for anonymously graded assessments. Download submissions from the item's menu in the gradebook grid view.
Image 1: Instructor view of the Download Submission option for anonymous assessments
Image 2: Selecting the Download Submissions menu option generates a ZIP file with all students’ submissions.
When the ZIP file is ready, the system sends a message with a link to the instructor. Instructors can access the message from Messages and select the link to download the ZIP file.
Image 3: Message with a link to the ZIP file
To preserve anonymity, the system renames the downloaded files based on the submission receipt number. To map a submission back to a given student attempt, use the Submission Receipt lookup option in the gradebook.
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Assessment Submission Receipt improvements – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
Related topics: Submissions Receipts (students) Submissions Receipts (instructors)
Assessments can be stressful for students. Some instructors require students to submit attachments as part of the assessment requirements. Students need reassurance that they have attached the correct file for the right assessment. Students also desire confirmation that their submission was successful.
Based on direct feedback from students, we added the new information to the existing submission receipts:
- Course name and ID
- Assessment name
- Submission size - only included for file-based assessments and tests with essay questions
- Auto submit indicator - this indicator is present only if the assessment is automatically submitted by Learn as part of a timed assessment or the Prevent Late Submission assessment setting
Students can view the additional submission receipt information in:
- The confirmation modal displayed upon a successful submission
- The text file students can download from the confirmation modal
- The automatic email confirmation
Image 1: Student assessment submission receipt confirmation
Image 2: Student assessment submission receipt confirmation text file
Image 3: Student assessment submission receipt email confirmation
The additional information in submissions receipts is also helpful to instructors. Instructors can look up a submission for a given student in the gradebook. The auto submit indicator reminds instructors that an assessment was auto-submitted as part of a timed assessment or because of the Prevent Late Submission assessment option.
Image 4: Instructor view of the submission receipt lookup; receipt displays the auto submit indicator on the student’s attempt
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Rubrics: Editing improvements – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
A grading rubric provides a clear and transparent framework for evaluating student work. Rubrics ensure consistency and fairness in grading. Rubrics also provide a means for giving effective feedback.
Instructors can edit any rubric not yet used for grading. In the past, selecting outside of an editable area would save edits and automatically exit out of edit mode. This made selecting text and editing rubrics difficult. Now, if users select text inside the rubric edit box and drag out of the edit box, the edit mode does not close.
Image 1: Instructor view of editing a rubric
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Richer Course and Content
Removal of Welcome guidance for first-time login and attendance user experience pop-ups – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: All users
First-time user experience guidance provides users with instructions and tips. This guidance shows users how an application works so they can start using it right away. To provide a better user experience, we are updating some of the guidance in Learn Ultra. Some guidance that is no longer needed is being removed. We'll be making these updates over a series of releases.
In this release, we are removing the Welcome guidance for first-time login. This is a series of three scrolled screens before a user reaches the base navigation. This guidance is no longer applicable. Its removal provides immediate access to the base navigation after users log in.
Image 1: First-time user experience guidance that will be removed from the welcome screens
To streamline marking attendance, we are removing first-time user experience messages from the attendance tool.
Image 2: First-time user experience guidance that will be removed from the attendance
For administrators: There are no configurations needed.
Course Banner image improvements – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Instructors
Related topic: Course Banners
The course banner image provides a sense of identity for the course. The image establishes a connection between the content and the course participants. To provide a better user experience, we have improved the image setting workflow:
Image 1: Before (left) and after (right) - the panel is renamed, and the default course image is now clearly marked as such
To add a course image, select the Image button.
Image 2: Select image source – drag and drop or select ‘Upload file”
The image appears in preview. This helps the instructor ensure that the desired image is selected.
Image 3: Image preview
Instructors can drag the image and modify the zoom to select the image's focal point.
Image 4: Drag or zoom the image to select the focal point
The instructor can mark the image as decorative or provide appropriate alternative text.
Image 5: Image accessibility settings
For administrators: There are no configurations needed. This feature is available for all Ultra and Original courses.
Learning Module image – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Related topic: Create Learning Modules
Learning Modules provide a way to organize and structure content. To enhance the visual aesthetics of a course and to aid in content identification, we now support the option to add images to Learning Modules.
To add an image to a Learning Module, instructors can edit the module.
Image 1: To edit the Learning Module, select edit from the Learning Module ellipsis menu
Image 2: The instructor can select ‘Add image’ or the image button
Instructors can drag and drop an image of their choice or upload one from their device.
Image 3: Drag and drop the image or select 'Upload file’
The image appears in preview. This helps the instructor ensure that the desired image is selected.
Image 4: Image preview
Instructors can drag the image and modify the zoom to select the focal point of the image.
Image 5: Drag or zoom the image to select the focal point
Instructors can mark the image as decorative or provide appropriate alternative text.
Image 6: Accessibility settings for Learning Module image
Image 7: Learning Module image on Course Content page
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Replace files in course content – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Related topics: Add Files, Images, Audio, and Video,
Edit and Manage Content
Responsible use of storage space matters to institutions. Before, when an instructor replaced a file in the course, the system created a new file version. Now, the system replaces the file. The system no longer creates new versions, freeing up storage space.
Image 1: Replace Options for files
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Data & Analytics
Students with alerts flags in the Course Activity Report – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Related topic: Course Activity Report
Identifying students at risk is challenging. This challenge is compounded when teaching multiple courses and large numbers of students.
Now, a flag appears for students with alerts in the Course Activity Report. Instructors can customize their course alerts based on the following:
- Number of days a student is inactive in the course
- A student’s overall grade in the course is below a specific percentage
Image 1: Define alert settings
The instructor may hover over a flag to view the alert type.
Image 2: Course Activity report for all students; students with alerts have the flag indicators
Instructors can filter alerts for:
- All students
- Students with alerts
- Students without alerts
Instructors can identify students with alerts in other views of the Course Activity Report.
- In the chart, purple dots indicate students with at least one (1) alert. Instructors can select the dot to display student information. An alerts section explains the applicable alerts for the student.
- In the CSV download, the Low overall grade and Last access alert columns indicate when a student has an alert.
- As before, activity stream notifications summarize students with alerts per course. Instructors may select these notifications to open the Course Activity Report. When accessing the report via notifications, the filter “Students with alerts” is auto-applied.
Image 3: Students with alerts highlighted in the course activity chart
Image 4: Students with alerts identified in the CSV download
Image 5: Students with alerts activity stream notification
Key considerations:
- Instructors define Alerts Settings at a course level so that each course can have its own alerts values
- Five is the default value for the number of days a student is inactive alert; there is no default setting for overall grade alert
- Course alerts can be added, edited, and deleted at any time
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Groups in the top navigation bar and Group Spaces – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
Related topic: Group Spaces for Instructors, Groups for Students
Groups are essential for fostering collaboration, promoting active learning, and deepening understanding of course material. In the past, instructors could define groups and group sets. Instructors could also create group assessments. This release includes improvements aimed at helping all users make better use of groups.
We've moved Groups from the Details & Actions menu to the top navigation bar. This improves the visibility and prominence of Groups.
Image 1: Groups in the top navigation bar of a course
This release also introduces a new feature for Groups: Group Spaces. This first milestone of Group Spaces provides a list of all assessments by group.
From Manage groups, instructors still have access to:
- Group lists
- Show Members
- Group management options
To access a Group Space, instructors should select Enter Group Space from the group’s three-dot menu.
Image 2: Instructor view - Access to Group Spaces from Group Management
Instructors can access Group Spaces from the three-dot menu from Manage Groups.
Image 3: Instructor view - Group Space for a group with a list of assessments
Students can access their assigned groups on the Groups landing page. From there, students can view all student members of their group.
Image 4: Student view - Group list, showing members of the Futures Group
To access a Group Space, students should select the group's name. Once in Group Spaces, students can access all assessments aligned to their Group.
Image 5: Student view – view of a group assessment from Group Spaces
Future milestones will include synchronous communication and project management tools for students.
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Communication & Social Engagement
Unread Message indicator – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
Related topic: Messages for Instructors, Messages for Students
Messages are an important means for course communication. The Message tab on the Base Navigation now displays courses with unread messages first. We removed the terms feature from the Message tab because users often missed messages from other terms. This experience is more aligned with how other messaging applications work. Users can now clearly identify courses with unread messages.
We have also increased the visibility of unread messages within Ultra Courses. The Messages tab now includes an unread message indicator. On the Messages tab, messages are displayed with the newest messages at the top. Unread messages are clearly marked.
Image 1: Messages tab in Base Navigation, courses with unread messages listed first
Image 2: Messages tabs in a course – messages are sorted with the newest messages at the top, and unread messages are clearly indicated; a new message indicator also appears on the Messages tab
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Group Messaging improvements – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
Related topic: Messages for Instructors, Messages for Students
Communication and collaboration between group members is key. An instructor can now send a message to any group or group set. Instructors can also select more than one group as recipients of a message. Students can select their groups as message recipients.
Those in the message can view the groups or group sets that received the message. Recipients can view who sent the message.
The Groups page now includes a message icon that provides an easy means for messaging a group. The message auto-populates the recipient with the selected group. Users can change the recipients as appropriate.
Image 1: Instructor view - button to draft/send a message to specific groups
Image 2: Student view - button to draft/send a message to specific groups
Image 3: New Message page with a group in the recipient list
Image 4: Group message thread, with the group name in the recipients' list
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Mobile App
Course status indicators – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience
Impact: All users
Related topic: Courses and Organizations (Mobile)
The Blackboard Learn mobile app provides easy access to course material whilst on the go. We have enhanced the course list with status indicators for each course. These indicators help users to identify the status of each course.
Course status indicators include:
- Private (the student cannot access the course)
- Open
- Complete
Image 1: Course landing page enhanced by the course status indicator
For administrators: This feature is available for all users of the Mobile App. No action is needed from users who have enabled automatic updates on their devices. Users who have disabled automatic updates on their devices must download the update.
Messages Off indicator – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Impact: All users
Related topic: Course Messages (Mobile)
Administrators can now turn off Messages for individual courses. When an administrator turns Messages off, the app displays 'Messages off' as appropriate.
Image 1: Messages landing page with ‘Messages off’ indicator for the applicable course(s)
For administrators: This feature is available for all users of the Mobile App. No action is needed from users who have enabled automatic updates on their devices. Users who have disabled automatic updates on their devices must download the update.
Integration, Extension, and Management
Course status and date improvements– 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: All users
The Courses page is a popular entry point to courses for instructors and students. For both list and tile views of Courses, we've added course start dates or start now prompts. These indicators help users understand what's happening with each course.
Now the course status appears both in the image on the course and as text beneath the course title. When a course is Private and has a start date defined in the future, the date also displays.
Image 1: Course tile view – before (left) and after (right): private course with a start date in the future
If a student has not yet accessed, and Open course with a start date in the past, a Start Now indicator appears. Once the student accesses the course, the Start Now indicator disappears.
Image 2: Course tile view of an Open course that a student has not yet accessed
For administrators: This feature is available for all courses. There are no configurations needed.
Ultra Accessibility Checker – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Related topics: Ultra Accessibility Checker (Instructor),
Anthology Ally (Administrator)
Accessible content ensures inclusivity and meaningful engagement for diverse learners. To help instructors create accessible content, instructors can now use the Ultra Accessibility Checker (Powered by Ally). The Ultra Accessibility Checker scans content in the content editor for Ultra Documents. This helps instructors identify and fix accessibility issues.
Image 1: Instructor view - Ultra Document content editor with Score Gauge indicator
The Score Gauge indicator is visible when instructors are active in the content editor of Ultra Documents. Instructors can select the Score Gauge to view the Instructor Feedback panel. This panel provides suggestions to fix accessibility issues at scale. Instructors can also view the content editor in a preview. The Score Gauge provides a live score and flags accessibility issues during content creation and editing.
The Score Gauge displays only while an instructor is actively creating or editing content in the content editor for the Ultra Document. The Ultra Accessibility Checker does not provide any additional checking or guidance for files, reporting, or alternative formats.
Image 2: Instructor View - Score Gauge and suggestions for fixing accessibility issues
Image 3: Administrator view – Ally Integration Settings
For administrators: If your institution does not have an Ally license, the Ultra Accessibility Checker Powered by Ally will be on by default.
If your institution has an active Ally license, note that the Ultra Accessibility Checker Powered by Ally is a new configuration and is off by default. You don't need to turn this setting on. If you turn on this new setting, your Ally Service Availability will turn off. To avoid issues, we recommend not turning on Ultra Accessibility Checker Powered by Ally.
Supporting LTI deep-linking from the Calendar - 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View Calendar
Impact: Administrators
Related topic: Learn APIs
The Calendar tool is important for displaying due dates and tasks in a course. Today Calendar items auto-populate in Learn or via the REST API framework. Administrators can use the Calendar REST API to populate calendar entries from third-party solutions.
To deepen a seamless user experience, we've enhanced the Learn Calendar REST API. Now third-party applications can add LTI deep-linking requests to calendar entries. LTI deep linking is important for third-party applications that require user authentication. The Calendar will display links in the course. Links will also be displayed in the Calendar accessed from the Ultra base navigation. This is specific to Ultra courses only.
Image 1: Calendar Link shown in Ultra Course Calendar
Image 2: Calendar Link shown from Activity Stream
Image 3: LTI launch from Calendar link
For administrators: The REST integration user must have these privileges: “course/organization Control Panel (Tools) > Calendar > Create Entry” and "course/organization Control Panel (Tools) > Calendar > Edit Entry.” The REST integration user must also be enrolled in the course. These improvements are available for Ultra courses only.
Google Integration: Google Workspace files - 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
Related topic: Google Workspace for Instructors, Types of Course Content
We have partnered with Google to create a new LTI integration for Google Workspace tools in Learn. This new intuitive workflow allows instructors to add Google Workspace files to:
- The course content area
- Learning Modules
- Folders
File linking for Google Workspace is important for many reasons:
- File linking provides a link to a Google Workspace file. Linking reduces duplicate copies of a file in courses. This helps to reduce on-screen clutter and storage space usage.
- Linking allows instructors to edit the file, with all links to the file reflecting the most current version. This approach provides greater efficiency and saves the instructor time.
- Google Workspace files can be edited inline, improving the user experience.
- File linking enhances the student experience since access to the file is in context.
The instructor may need to sign into their Google Workspace account to view and select their files. After adding the Google file, the instructor can allow Class conversations to the file and align Goals and Standards. The instructor can also add a description before saving. Instructors can view and edit the Google file inline. The instructor can rename the file and control the student visibility.
When the instructor makes the file(s) visible to the student, their view is read-only.
Image 1: Add a Google Workspace file to the Course Content
Image 2: Select the Google Workspace file
Image 3: Define the file settings
Image 4: Define student visibility settings
Image 5: Editing Google Workspace file inline
For administrators: Please register the LTI Tool Provider in the Administrator Panel.
Manage Messages at the Course level – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Administrators, Instructors
Institutions often have policies about how students communicate with others in their courses. We strive for Learn to have the flexibility to support institutional policies and decisions. As such, Administrators can now configure instructor control of the visibility of the Messages tool at the course level. When permitted, instructors can configure the Messages tool in the Course Settings.
Image 1: Instructors can manage the Messages tool in the Course Settings option
When instructors are not permitted to configure settings, the settings appear in view-only mode
Image 2: View-only mode for Messages in Course Settings
Learn more about how Messages function when the tool is off
For administrators: The Ultra Base Navigation must be enabled to control the Messages tool at the Course or Organization level. Course Messages are ON as Course and Organization tools by default. Administrators can modify the availability and Scope of Change settings by unlocking the padlock.
Active Session Termination – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: All users
Related topics: Session Management
We have upgraded our security measures to enforce user re-authentication, enhancing data security. Users are now required to log in again during their session, regardless of activity. After a time specified by the administrator, the session expires, logging out the user. Before the session ends, users receive a warning and have the option to save their work.
Image 1: Session expiration message
Image 2: Session expiration message for mobile users
Image 3: Administrator view - Active Session Termination settings
For administrators: The feature is enabled by default for FedRAMP institutions and disabled for others. This setting can be managed in the Administrator Tool Panel > Security module > Account Lock Settings option. The maximum amount of time a user session can be active has a default value of 12 hours. This timeout can be configured between 3 to 24 hours.
This feature is available for all users of the Mobile App. No action is needed from users who have enabled automatic updates on their devices. Users who have turned off automatic updates on their devices must download the update.
Concurrent Session Control – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Impact: All users
Related topics: Session Management
We have updated our system to enhance security and meet IL4 certification requirements. Administrators can now restrict users from accessing Learn on more than one device at the same time. At login, users receive a notification that they will be logged out from any other devices.
This feature can benefit institutions that would like to increase academic honesty during assessments by restricting the number of devices used by a single user.
Image 1: Concurrent session notice
Image 2: Concurrent session notice for mobile users
Image 3: Administrator view - Concurrent Session Control
For administrators: The default value is unlimited for every institution. Administrators may define their preference in the Administrator Tool Panel > Security module > Account Lock Settings option.
This feature is available for all users of the Mobile App. No action is needed from users who have enabled automatic updates on their devices. Users who have turned off automatic updates on their devices must download the update.
REST APIs to read Gradebook Logs – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Administrators
Related topic: Learn APIs
We are excited to introduce two public API endpoints for the Gradebook. These new endpoints provide access to historical Gradebook information. These endpoints offer enhanced visibility and analysis for grading history and specific Gradebook columns.
The first endpoint retrieves the complete Gradebook Log history for the specified course. With this endpoint, users can access a comprehensive record of grading events such as:
- grade modifications
- updates,
- and other relevant activities.
By leveraging this endpoint, educators can perform audits and track changes.
The second endpoint retrieves all the log entries related to the specified Gradebook column in a course. This provides a detailed view of the Gradebook actions specific to the selected column, such as:
- changes made to ratings,
- comments,
- or any other modifications.
This detailed log history enhances transparency and accountability and helps ensure that users have a robust and reliable grading system.
For administrators: To make use of the new endpoints, the REST integration user must have the following privileges:
"Course/Organization Control Panel (Grade Center) > View Grades,”
“Course/Organization Control Panel (Grade Center) > Full Control,” and
“Course/Organization Control Panel (Grade Center) > All Grading.”
Replacement of Connect SMS notification service (from Finalsite) to Anthology SMS Microservice – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Clients who leverage the Connect SMS notification service
Blackboard divested the Connect SMS Service to Finalsite in 2021. Our agreed service continuation contract with Finalsite is expiring in the coming months. Some North American Blackboard Learn clients continue to use the Connect SMS Service provided through Finalsite.
We have implemented a microservice and partnered with an SMS provider to provide those clients with continuity. This will allow us to continue supporting clients who use SMS notifications in Learn today.
SMS notifications are now provided through the new microservice.
- Self-hosted instances are not supported on the new microservice.
- Managed-hosted instances are not supported on the new microservice.
- Text-to-voice is not supported in the new microservice.
Learn more in the Behind the Blackboard article No. 000077570
Existing user SMS notification settings will remain in place for students and instructors. Text-to-voice options will be removed for Original navigation environments. We have updated the SMS notification setting screen wording to reflect where the messages originate. We have also simplified the administrator settings to reflect the new microservice.
Image 1. Example of end-user SMS notification settings
Image 2. Example of the administrator settings for SMS notifications
For administrators: The new microservice is included in the 3900.71 release and is available on your test/stage environment while we finalize work with the new SMS provider. While we don’t anticipate any delays, we will communicate any changes as we approach the production release scheduled for August 3, 2023.
Learn SaaS release 3900.69.0
Blackboard Learn SaaS Continuous Delivery v3900.69.0
Release to Test/Stage: Tuesday, 6 June 2023 | Release to Production: Thursday, 6 July 2023
Original Experience, Ultra Experience
Original Course View, Ultra Course View
For full feature details please review the corresponding notes for the Learn 3900.69.0 version included below on this page. Details can also be found on Behind the Blackboard.
Latest release: 3900.69.0-rel.35+f94c281 to Production servers to take place on 27 July 2023.
For more information on updates and bug fixes, please visit Behind the Blackboard.
July 2023 – 3900.69 Release
The July 2023 - 3900.69 release is replete with features in six areas:
- Assessment and grading;
- Richer course and content;
- Data and analytics;
- Mobile app;
- Integration, extension, and management; and
- Course upgrading
These improvements impact instructors, students, and administrators. Some features do require administrative action.
- Partial and negative credit improvements for the Multiple Choice / Multiple Select question type
- Tab navigation for Assessments
- Add exceptions for anonymously graded assessments
- Exceptions panel updates
- Delete Grade Schemas
- File deletion in the course also removes the file from the Content Collection
- Manage Course Duration in Course Settings Panel
- Import Instructure Canvas course packages
- Improved flattening logic
Instructors and students:
- Formative label and Gradebook filter
- Complete/incomplete grade schema
- Send reminders to non-submitters for anonymously graded assessments
- Start, Continue, and View Assessment options and file submission updates
- Progress Tracking and Start / Continue / Completed options for Learning Modules
All users:
- Updated Learn Favicon Icon
- Resizing media
- Improvements to the Grades landing page
- Manage Messages at institutional level
- Self-enroll for Ultra Courses and Organizations
Assessment and Grading
Formative label and Gradebook filter – 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
Formative assessment is an essential component of the teaching and learning process. Formative assessment provides ongoing feedback to both instructors and students. Its primary value is that it informs and shapes instruction, guides learning, and supports student progress.
You, our clients, shared in the Idea Exchange an idea to have a way to identify formative assessments more easily. When work on this feature began, it was the number one idea in the formative assessment area. Now instructors can apply a formative label to assessments.
When selected, this label serves as an indicator and appears to instructors in the following areas:
- Course Content page - on assessments set as formative
- Test and Assignment settings
- Gradebook list and grid views
- Question Analysis table view of assessments
- Student Overview
- Student Activity Overview
Learn more about excluding grades from grade calculations
Image 1: Instructor view – Assessment settings panel – Formative Tools section
Instructors may choose to display this label to students. This helps to inform students that an assessment is formative in its purpose. When displayed to students, the label appears in these areas:
- Course Content page - on assessments set as formative
- Assessment panel before starting an attempt
- Assessment Details & Information panel during and after an assessment
- Assessment header when viewing a submission
- Gradebook
Image 2: Student View – assessment labeled as formative on course content page
In the Gradebook grid view, instructors can filter assessments by formative or summative type. Formative assessments are those with the formative setting selected. Summative assessments are those that do not have the formative setting selected.
Image 3: Gradebook grid view – filter option with formative assessment type selected
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Partial and negative credit improvements for the Multiple Choice / Multiple Select question type – 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Multiple Choice and Multiple Answer questions are graded automatically. Answers are scored based on the instructor-selected scoring option.
In the past, instructors could select from the following scoring options:
- All or nothing. A student must select all the correct answer choices to receive credit. If a student selects one or more incorrect answer choices, they earn no points.
- Allow partial credit. A student receives partial credit if they correctly answer part of the question.
- Subtract points for incorrect answers. A student will have points subtracted for incorrect answer choices. This option discourages guessing. The overall question score is not less than zero.
With the partial credit and subtract points options, all answer choices were equally weighted. Instructors could not control how much partial and negative credit is awarded for each correct and incorrect answer.
To provide instructors with more control, we have made some changes. Now instructors can turn on partial and negative credit. This option allows instructors to:
- Define a positive percentage value to award credit for a correct answer(s)
- Enter a negative percentage value to subtract for an incorrect answer(s)
- Allow a negative overall score for the question
Image 1: Instructor view of the improved partial and negative credit scoring options
This improvement reduced the number of default answer options from 4 to 3. Instructors can still add additional answer options if required.
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Tab navigation for Assessments – 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
We have simplified the navigation for Assessments. Instructors now have convenient access to different sections using tabs:
- Content and Settings
- Submissions
- Student Activity
- Question Analysis
This improvement is designed to optimize instructor efficiency. It provides a more streamlined assessment management experience for instructors.
Image 1: Assessment with Content and Settings, Submissions, Student Activity, and Question Analysis tabs
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Add exceptions for anonymously graded assessments – 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
We all live complicated lives and special circumstances often arise. When this happens, instructors may need to grant an exception to a student for specific tests or assignments. These exceptions may include the following:
- Granting additional attempts
- Rescheduling submission deadlines
- Allowing extended access
Now instructors can grant student exemptions for anonymously graded assessments. Instructors can access the exceptions options for all assessments from the Student Overview page in the gradebook.
Image 1: Add exception for an anonymously graded assessment via the Student Overview page
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Exceptions panel updates – 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Exceptions are important for supporting students who experience unforeseen situations. Instructors can:
- Grant additional attempts
- Reschedule submission deadlines
- Allow extended access
We've updated the exceptions panel to display more information. The exceptions panel now features course, assessment, and student names. This improvement helps instructors to ensure the accuracy of the exception.
Image 1: Exceptions peek panel with course, assessment and student information
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Complete/incomplete grade schema – 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
The complete/incomplete grade schema is now available for the Ultra Course View. This grade schema helps to shift the focus from points earned to student effort and completion of tasks. It offers a more holistic approach to assessing student progress.
Instructors can select the schema in the settings panel from the Grade using section. When a grade is assigned, a checkmark is displayed on that item for the student in the gradebook. An incomplete is displayed as a dash in a grey-colored pill.
Assessments that use automatic zeros and the complete/incomplete will mark non-submitting students as incomplete.
Image 1: Instructors may select the Complete/Incomplete grade schema Grade using section of the Assessment Settings panel
Image 2: Assessment using the Complete/Incomplete grade schema
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Delete Grade Schemas – 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
In the past, instructors could only create and edit grade schemas. Now, instructors can also delete grade schemas that are not used in the course. The option to delete helps instructors maintain the grade schema list.
A Delete button now appears on schemas that are not in use. Schemas that are in use will only display the option to copy.
Image 1: Option to delete a grade schema that is not in use
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Send reminders to non-submitters for anonymously graded assessments – 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
During an assessment, instructors may need to communicate with students. To support this need, instructors can filter and select the students they would like to message from the Submissions page. Instructors can craft a message appropriate to the audience and circumstances.
In the past, the instructors couldn't message students for assessments that are anonymously graded. This is because instructors do not know which students had submitted.
Now we have introduced a Send Reminder option. This allows instructors to send reminders to students who have yet to make a submission for an anonymously graded assessment.
With the "Send Reminder" button on the Submissions page for anonymously graded assessments, instructors have the chance to confirm their desire to send the reminder along with the number of students who will receive it.
Image 1: An instructor can select Send Reminder to send an automatic reminder to students who have yet to make a submission
Image 2: Student view of the reminder
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Start, Continue, and View Assessment options and file submission update – 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Students
To increase clarity for students before they begin an assessment, we have made changes to the user interface. In the past, when a student selected an assessment, the Details & Information panel included an option labeled View assessment. Now this option is labeled as Start attempt. Additionally, the button displays different states based on the student's progress:
If the student is eligible to make a new attempt, the button displays Start attempt alongside the next attempt number.
If the student has saved a draft, the button displays Continue attempt along with the current attempt number.
Once the student has exhausted all possible attempts, the button displays View submissions. This indicates that students can review their completed submissions.
These modifications aim to provide a more intuitive and informative experience for students. These changes ensure that students have a clear understanding of their progress and available options throughout the assessment process.
Image 1: Start attempt
Image 2: Continue attempt
Image 3: View submissions
To clarify how a student can attach files or add content to their submissions, we have updated the instructions in the Submission section. The instructions now read as follows: Drag and drop files here or select (click) to add text.
Image 4: Student view of the assignment Submission area
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Richer Course and Content
Progress Tracking and Start / Continue / Completed options for Learning Modules - 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Students
Progress Tracking provides students with clear visibility of their progress throughout a course. In the past, students would need to expand the module to view progress for the contents of a learning module. To save time and provide greater clarity, a progress summary for learning lodules is now displayed at the top level.
Image 1: The progress indicator displays at the top level of the learning module and includes the total number of items in the learning module
Hovering over the progress bar informs the student of how much content they have completed, started or yet to start.
Image 2: Student hovers over the progress bar for more details
Now there are options for students to Start or Continue progress in a learning module with a single selection. This option is dynamic based on the student's progress in the learning module. Selecting the option takes the student to the first item, or next incomplete item. Students no longer need to expand the learning module to browse the content items.
The Start and Continue options appear only for learning modules with a forced sequence applied.
Image 3: Start and Continue options change based on the student’s progress; when complete, the status changes to Completed
When a student progresses through the contents or otherwise marks content as complete, the learning module displays a Completed status. This provides a clear sign to the student that they have completed that module. If an instructor adds content to the learning module or the student marks the work from completed to started, the progress bar updates accordingly. The button text reflects the status change as Continue. This reminds the student to re-engage with the content.
Learn more about Progress Tracking for students.
For administrators: Please note that the system administrator must enable progress tracking at the institution, node, or course level for these updates to display to students.
Updated Learn Favicon Icon - 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: All Users
To provide a consistent experience for Blackboard Learn within the wider Anthology portfolio of solutions, we have updated the Learn Favicon browser Icon. This also solved the issue with Favicon icons that were not configurable when Ultra was enabled, and aligns with the changes and updates made since the consolidation of the Blackboard Learn Mobile applications in 2022.
From the July release, users will see an updated Favicon icon in their browser, replacing the old pencil icon with an updated Anthology icon:
For administrators: This update is available for all Ultra enabled Learn environments. There are no configurations needed.
Resizing media – 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: All Users
Instructors often strive to include media in their course design to help create an engaging course. Students may desire to include media in their discussions or assessment responses. When inserting media, users expect an easy way to control the size of the included media. In the past, this wasn't easy to do. Users would have to size media before uploading it in the course.
Now media items have handles in each corner. Users can resize the media by dragging a corner handle. Users can also resize media via keyboard navigation. Media types available for resizing include images, videos, and media inserted via URL.
This enhancement provides users with a seamless and intuitive way to resize media.
Image 1: Resize media corner handles
Image 2: Resize media by dragging corner handle
Based on client feedback, we made several additional changes:
- We removed the gray background of the media
- We relocated the delete icon to the top right corner of the media
- All media attached or inserted via URL maintains aspect ratio
- All media has center alignment (future milestones will permit other justification options)
- The maximum size of the media (100%) is the maximum width allowed by the content editor
- The minimum size limit for all media is 200 pixels
- We redesigned Image Settings to include the alternative text box and an option to force users to download the media
- When inserting a video in edit mode, a new icon displays in the top right corner to play the video from edit mode; this icon appears regardless of how media is inserted
Image 3: Resize media delete icon
Image 4: Image Settings includes the display name, alternative text, an option to mark an image as decorative, and an option to force users to download the media
Image 5: Resize media video play icon in edit mode
Resizing media is not supported on mobile devices.
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
File deletion in the course also removes the file from the Content Collection – 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
The Content Collection is a valuable tool for organizing files and to support content reuse. In the past, if an instructor deleted a file from an Ultra course, the file remained in the Content Collection. This was the case even if the file was not used in other courses. Removing this file required additional steps from the instructor and was often overlooked.
Now, when a file is deleted from the course, it is also deleted from the Content Collection when it is not used in other courses or another place in the same course. This workflow simplifies file management and helps with responsible use of storage space.
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Data & Analytics
System administrators not enrolled in a course can access Course Activity and Student Activity Details reports – 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Administrators
In the past, system administrators not enrolled in a course could not access the Course Activity and Student Activity Details reports. To access the reports, administrators would have to enroll in the course. This extra step was cumbersome and problematic. Now system administrators who are not enrolled in a course can see these reports.
System administrators can now better inform instructors about these reports, answer instructors' questions, and troubleshoot user issues.
Image 1: A system administrator can see now the Course Activity report under the Analytics tab
Image 2: A system administrator can see now the Student Activity Details report
For administrators: To view the Course Activity and Student Activity Details reports the user’s role needs to have “Course/Organization Control Panel (Grade Center) > View Grades” privilege permitted.
Mobile App
Improvements to the Grades landing page – 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra and Original Experience
Impact: All users
Mobile app users can now select the sorting criteria for their grades. Users can sort grades as follows:
- course order
- last activity (most recent grade posted)
- due date (latest or oldest first)
These sort options allow users to customize the Grades landing page to suit their preferences.
Images 1 and 2: Users may order their grades based on Course Order, Last Activity or the Due Date
For administrators: This feature is available for all users of the Mobile App. No action is needed from users who have enabled automatic updates on their devices. Users who have disabled automatic updates on their devices must download the update.
Integration, Extension, and Management
Ultra Adoption Toolkit: Learn SSO Login – 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Impact: Administrators
The Learn Ultra Adoption Toolkit is a comprehensive online tool. This resource provides resources to support Blackboard Learn Ultra adoption. The toolkit includes valuable tools, resources, and best practices.
Previous to this release, the toolkit required a separate login. Now, we are introducing the Single Sign-On (SSO) Login with Blackboard credentials. With this feature, the toolkit launches from the Base Navigation Administrator panel. This feature enhancement streamlines the user experience, providing direct access to adoption resources.
Image 1: Ultra Adoption Toolkit in the Ultra Experience configuration options.
Image 2: Select Review to access the LTI tool settings
Image 3: Global Settings within the LTI Tool
For administrators: This feature is available on the administrator panel. For the LTI to successfully link to the Adoption Toolkit Global Settings, the LTI Tool will need to be set. Navigate to Admin panel | LTI Tool Providers. Search for Learn Ultra Upgrade Live and select the Review option. This allows you to ensure that all user fields to send grade service access and membership service access are enabled. Be sure to select Submit to save edits to settings.
Manage Messages at institutional level – 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: All users
Institutions often have policies about how students communicate with others in their courses. To support institutional policy, system administrators can now manage Messages tool visibility. When Base Navigation is enabled, this level of control is available for both the Ultra and Original experiences at the institution and node levels.
Administrators can define Messages visibility for both courses and organizations. Messages are not displayed on the Ultra Base Navigation when it is hidden at institutional level. If an institution has different configurations at node level, Messages will display on the Ultra Base Navigation according to the Messages policy applied for each course. The Course Messages option does not display for courses where the Messages tool is off.
Image 1: The Messages tool doesn’t appear in the Ultra Base Navigation when it is turned off for all courses where a user is enrolled.
Image 2: The Messages policy applied displays for each course and organization in the Ultra Base Navigation
Image 3: The Course Messages option is hidden when the tool is off
If the Messages tool is off, users may still send messages as emails using the Messages icons. This gives instructors the ability to easily communicate with students from contextual locations in their Ultra courses. It also allows students to connect with their instructor. The following are behaviors in Ultra courses when the Messages tool is off:
- The message will be sent as an email. Recipients must have an email configured in their profiles.
- The sender will receive a copy of the message as an email.
- Replies aren't allowed.
- Instructors can edit recipients.
- Students are not allowed to edit recipients and only can send messages to instructors.
- There are no changes to attachments.
- Daily notifications will not include information about a new message created from courses where the Messages tool is off.
Image 4: The Messages icon is available for instructors to send messages as emails when Messages tool is off
Image 5: Instructors may edit recipients when sending a message as an email and the Messages tool is off
Image 6: The Messages icon is available to students in the Course Faculty section; messages are sent to instructors as emails
Image 7: Students cannot edit recipients when sending a message as an email to an instructor and the Messages tool is off
Image 8: Messages visibility controls from the Administrator Tools Panel
For administrators: Administrators can configure the Messages availability at the institutional level from the Administrator Tool Panel. Configurations at node level are always allowed and the Scope of Change is for ALL courses (new and existing ones). In a future release we will support additional configuration options.
Manage Course Duration in Course Settings Panel – 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors, users with privileges
Students are always allowed to access some courses. Other courses have restrictions so students can only access them for a specific time. This is determined by course duration settings. In the past, only administrators or a data integration process could manage the course duration settings for Ultra courses. Even when instructors had the correct privileges, they couldn’t manage this themselves.
Now, course users with the correct privileges can modify the course duration settings for their Ultra courses.
A new Course Settings option appears at the top of an Ultra course if the user has privileges to view or manage settings. The course duration settings are managed here. The course duration can be set to the following:
- Ongoing – no access restriction
- Restrict by Dates—set dates and times for student access to begin, end, or both
- Restrict by number of days from enrollment
- Restricted by the start and end dates of the associated Term - this option only appears when a Term is defined for the course
You can also manage the Roster tool availability in this panel if allowed. Instructors can continue to manage student access to the Roster tool in the Roster panel itself. In future releases, we’ll move more settings to the Course Settings panel.
Image 1: The new Course Settings option appears at the top of the course when the user has appropriate privileges
Image 2: A privileged user can manage the course duration and student access to the roster in the Course Settings panel
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. Users must have appropriate System Role or Course Role privileges to manage course duration and the Roster tool. The Roster tool can only be managed in a course if allowed by settings in the Administrator Panel > Tools.
- Privilege to access the Course Settings panel: Course/Organization Control Panel (Customization) > Properties
- Privilege to modify the Course Duration: Course/Organization Control Panel (Customization) > Properties, Duration
- Privilege to modify course tools: Course/Organization Control Panel (Customization) > Tool Availability
Self-enroll for Ultra Courses and Organizations– 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Base Navigation
Impact: All users
In the past, the course and organization catalogs only showed Original courses and Original organizations. We’ve updated both catalogs so they also display Ultra courses and Ultra organizations.
As with Original courses and organizations, Ultra courses and organizations must be associated with the catalog in the administrator panel or through data integration processes. The self-enrollment setting for Ultra courses and organizations must be managed in the administrator panel or through data integration. At this time, instructors can’t enable self-enrollment in Ultra courses and Organizations.
Learn more about the Course Catalog
Learn more about SIS integration types and the SIS Course Categories object's Learn fields
For administrators: Administrators must manage catalog associations and self-enrollment settings for Ultra courses and organizations to use these features. To define the catalog structure, admins must define categories. For courses to display in the catalog, they must be associated with those categories.
Import Instructure Canvas course packages – 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Instructors, Administrators
An instructor may move between institutions or teach at more than one place. That could mean the instructor has course packages they built in Instructure Canvas. Some institutions adopting Blackboard Learn Ultra are moving over from Canvas.
Now instructors and administrators can import Canvas packages directly in Learn courses. This can save significant time preparing a course for teaching in Learn. Canvas packages can be imported into either Learn Original or Learn Ultra courses by users with course import privileges.
All course import and restore workflows support Canvas packages:
- Course import in an Ultra course
- Course import in an Original course
- Administrator course import
- Administrator course restore—only course contents will be imported with this action, user data is not restored
Canvas exports courses in a proprietary format. This proprietary format shares elements with the interoperable standard Common Cartridge. For example, both have the file extension .imscc. When importing a package with this file extension, Learn will automatically determine if a package should be processed as a Common Cartridge package or a proprietary Canvas package.
Note: Course structure and tools differ between Canvas and Learn. After import, instructors or course designers should review all contents and settings. This is to adjust the content so is suited for use in Learn. Not all course elements are converted.
Image 1: Import Canvas packages using the standard course content import tools
For administrators: This feature is available only in Learn SaaS environments. It works with both Original and Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed, but only users with privileges to import course packages can use the feature. If you need to convert many courses in bulk, Anthology Product Support can assist with this request. Due to a dependency on a web service, the feature will start to function a few days after release.
Instructure and Canvas are registered trademarks of Instructure, Inc.
REST APIs to read Rubrics Evaluations – 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Administrators
With the Rubric Evaluations Public API, users can now retrieve comprehensive data on student attempts that were graded using a rubric. The Rubric Evaluations Public API includes three new GET endpoints:
- Retrieve Rubric Evaluations from a Student Attempt: This endpoint allows users to retrieve detailed rubric evaluations from a specific student attempt.
- Retrieve All Rubric Evaluations from a Rubric Association: This endpoint provides users with the ability to retrieve all rubric evaluations associated with a particular rubric.
- Retrieve a Single Rubric Evaluation with Cell Expansion: This endpoint enables users to retrieve a single rubric evaluation while having the flexibility to expand its cells.
This new API showcases our commitment to empowering educators and institutions with advanced assessment capabilities.
For administrators: The REST integration user must have the entitlement “Course/Organization Control Panel (Grade Center) > Full Control” to make use of the new endpoints.
LTI admin launches from Books and Tools, Content Market – 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Administrators, other support users
Administrators and other support users access courses without being enrolled. Sometimes they need to access 3rd-party content integrated using LTI, the Learning Tools Interoperability standard. In the past, admins could launch LTI links in the Course Outline of Ultra courses. Admins couldn’t access LTI links in other areas of the course. Now, administrators can access and launch LTI tools in the following additional areas:
- The Books and Tools panel
- The Content Market
This change will make it easier for admins to support courses when they are not an enrolled course member.
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed. For these LTI link launches, Learn will send the role of “administrator” for both the LTI context and institution roles. A tool must be compliant with this aspect of the standard for the launch to work.
LTI Tool Dynamic Registration – 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Impact: Administrators
LTI Advantage, including LTI 1.3, is a standard for integrating tools into learning environments. This standard from 1EdTech is based on the highly secure three-legged OAuth2 method. This security method requires a secured key registration process and supports key rotation. For Blackboard Learn, this key registration and rotation procedure is managed in the Anthology Developer Portal.
Tool providers can register their applications in the Developer Portal so that clients don’t have to. This lets the tool provider define things like icons and tool placements in Blackboard Learn, saving administrators time. This is Anthology’s preferred LTI tool adoption workflow because it reduces the burden on administrators.
Some tool providers require adopting clients to register applications themselves and manually configure all aspects of the tool in both the Anthology Developer Portal and in Blackboard Learn. This is usually because they don’t support multiple deployments for a single application as they are defined in the LTI specification. There are many steps to this registration process.
Recently the LTI standards committee defined a new service called LTI Dynamic Registration. This helps tools and learning platforms simplify the registration process in an interoperable way. The Anthology Developer Portal now supports this standard. For tools that support this standard but require administrators to register the application themselves, this will reduce the number of steps to configure the LTI tool.
Learn administrators given a registration URL should add the application in the Developer Portal using the Dynamic Registration option. After this step, the administrator should complete any other steps as required by the tool provider.
Image 1: An administrator or developer chooses to add a new application using Dynamic Registration
Image 2: An administrator or developer enters the tool registration URL
Improved flattening logic– 3900.69
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Items can move when copied, imported, or converted into Ultra courses. We call this the flattening process. The process moves items with a depth greater than two to the lowest supported level in Ultra courses. For institutions that have opted in to a third level of depth, items with a depth greater than three move to the lowest supported level. We received feedback from instructors calling for improvements to this process.
One issue was that items were not retained in their parent folder. As a result, a course could have many empty folders at the lowest supported level. The items that used to be in those folders would also be at the lowest supported level. This made it difficult for instructors to understand where items used to be. They had to spend a lot of time finding and moving items.
The second issue was with Learning Modules. Learning Modules could become nested inside other Learning Modules or Folders. Nested Learning Modules are not supported in Ultra courses. These nested Learning Modules set the wrong expectation for new users. This also broke the user interface.
With this update, we implemented new logic:
- Learning Modules are always brought to the highest level on the Course Content page.
- Folders are now brought to the highest level necessary to ensure that child items don't move.
This change should help instructors organize their moved content.
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Learn SaaS release 3900.67.0
Blackboard Learn SaaS Continuous Delivery v3900.67.0
Release to Test/Stage: Tuesday, 9 May 2023 | Release to Production: Thursday, 1 June 2023
Original Experience, Ultra Experience
Original Course View, Ultra Course View
For full feature details please review the corresponding notes for the Learn 3900.67.0 version included below on this page. Details can also be found Behind the Blackboard.
Latest release: 3900.67.0-rel.38+6532b86 to Production servers to take place on 22 Jun 2023.
For more information on updates and bug fixes, please visit Behind the Blackboard.
June 2023 – 3900.67 Release
The June 2023 - 3900.67 release is robust with features in six areas:
- Assessment and grading;
- Richer course and content;
- Data and analytics;
- Communication and social engagement;
- Integration, extension, and management; and
- Course upgrading
These improvements impact instructors, students, and administrators. Some features do require administrative action.
Features with this icon are controlled by a client facing feature flag:
- Add Exemptions for Anonymous Assessments
- Add Exceptions from Gradebook Grid View and Student Overview page
- ‘Base calculation on points earned out of total graded points’ support for Custom Calculations
- Upload questions from a file to tests
- Support for anonymous grading of tests
- Journals Grades & Participation list filters
Instructors and students:
- Course Links improvements
- Announcements in the top navigation
- Course Term display logic improvements
All users:
Assessment and Grading
Add Exemptions for Anonymous Assessments 3900.67
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
The use of anonymous grading helps to reduce grading bias. Many consider it an important grading approach. To further support instructors and improve their ability to manage student exemptions, we have introduced a way for instructors to set exemptions for anonymously graded assessments. Instructors can now access the exemptions option for an anonymous assessment from the Student Overview page. This will make it easier for instructors to manage exemptions and ensure a fair and accurate grading process for all students.
Image 1: Instructor view – “Essay: Sun proximity effects – Milky Way” assignment is anonymously graded; the instructor can access the “Add or edit exemption” option from the overflow menu
Image 2: The exemption icon is not visible in the gradebook grid view until all grades have been posted to help ensure student anonymity
Image 3: The exemption icon is not visible on an assessment submissions page until all grades have been posted; this helps to ensure student anonymity
For administrators: The exemption feature is enabled by default. Administrators can turn it off at the institution level in the Ultra Experience configuration page.
‘Base calculation on points earned out of total graded points’ support for Custom Calculations – 3900.67
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Calculating course grades can vary depending on instructor practice. To offer greater flexibility in gradebook calculations, instructors can now opt to use the 'Base calculation on points earned out of total graded points' option for any gradebook calculation, regardless of whether it contains operators with functions and variables. Previously, this option was only available for Average, Total, Minimum, and Maximum calculations.
Image 1: Option to include 'Base calculation on points earned out of total graded points' option for any gradebook calculation
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed at the administrator level.
Upload questions from a file to tests and assignments – 3900.67
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Besides course content, assessment questions are one of the most valuable teaching artifacts. Up until now, instructors could only create new questions in tests, assignments, or question banks. This process could be time-consuming and inefficient.
Now instructors can author questions offline in a text file. Instructors can upload the file into a test for a more streamlined test building workflow. Each question file must be a tab-delimited TXT file. The file should not exceed 250 records to avoid time-out restrictions. For more details on formatting requirements, please review the related Help pages for Original and Ultra platforms.
Instructors can easily edit and use the uploaded questions as they would a question created in a test. Uploading questions saves instructors valuable time and effort.
Supported question types include:
- Multiple choice / multiple answer
- True / False
- Essay
- Fill in the Blank
- Fill in Multiple Blanks
- Numeric response
- Matching
Image 1: Instructor view – ‘Upload questions from file’ option in tests; this same option exists for assignments
Image 2: An instructor can edit uploaded questions as they would a manually added question
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed at the administrator level.
Support for anonymous grading of tests – 3900.67
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Instructors can reduce grading bias for high-stakes assignments by enabling anonymous grading. Until now, this option was only available for assignments. Instructors can now also turn on anonymous grading on tests. This adds an additional layer of fairness and impartiality to the grading process.
The anonymous grading option for tests is not available when grades are automatically posted.
Image 1: Turn on “Hide student names” for anonymous grading in Test Settings
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed at the administrator level.
Original Course View: Improved Assignment Submission page – 3900.67
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Original Course View
Impact: Students
Students submitting an Assignment in Original Course View have several possible actions. They can upload files, author a submission, and attach a note to their instructor. Previously, these actions could be confusing for students. The option to add comments always displayed. The option to author a submission required selecting a button that was easy to miss.
We redesigned the Assignment submission page to be less confusing and easier for students to use.
Students have three distinct actions they can take. Each section can be opened independently. Students can open more than one. The page will retain added content when a student closes a section.
- Create Submission
- Upload Files
- Add Comments
All Assignment information has been grouped together:
- Due date
- Points possible
- Grading rubric
- Group membership and update statuses
- SafeAssign disclosure
Image 1. The new student Assignment submission page has three sections: instructions, submission, and assignment information
Image 2. The “Create Submission” section opened
Image 3. The “Upload Files” section opened
For administrators: This feature is available for all Original courses. There are no configurations needed.
Richer Course and Content
Course Links improvements – 3900.67
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
To provide a better experience, we’ve made a series of improvements for Course Links:
- Instructors have the option to add course links to folders and learning modules on the Course Content page. The option to add course links to folders and learning modules is hidden for nested content containers.
- Instructors cannot move into another folder or learning module a course link to a folder or learning module. A warning message displays if an instructor tries to move a course link in this way.
Image 1. Warning message alerting an instructor that a course link to a folder cannot be moved into another learning module - Instructors cannot copy into another folder or learning module a course link to a folder or learning module. The option to copy course links to folders and LMs is hidden if an instructor selects the Copy Content option from the + menu while inside a folder or learning module.
- To help users identify course links to folders and learning modules, we have made a new icon. This icon displays a link at the top left corner of the icon for a folder or learning module. In the past, the learning module did not have an icon. Learning modules now have an icon, which is the same one displayed for learning modules on the Create Item panel.
Image 2. Learning module iconography on both Create Item panel and learning module (as shown in the background on the Course Content area) - The context menu for a course link to a folder or a learning module now provides these options:
- Edit Course Link
- Edit Linked Folder or Learning Module
- Delete Course Link
- Users can expand a course link to a folder or learning module as they would a folder or learning module. This allows the user to view the nested contents of the target folder or learning module. The contents displayed are read only. An instructor cannot modify the nested contents displayed for the course link. An instructor cannot move additional content into the folder or learning module course link.
Image 3. Course Link to a folder is shown as expanded, revealing the contents of the course link in a read-only view - When an instructor makes changes to the nested contents of a folder or learning module, the changes will appear for any related, expanded course link. These changes include:
- Adding/deleting nested contents
- Re-order nested contents
- Moving additional contents into the target folder or learning module
- Editing the names of nested contents
- Modifying the visibility or release conditions of nested contents
- In the past, if an instructor copied a course link to an Ultra Document, some of the contents added via "Add Content" did not copy. This has been fixed. Now the Ultra Document and its contents, along with the course link, are copied as expected.
- When creating a Course Link, an instructor can now select a folder and/or learning module from the Category section of Search Criteria. Additionally, instructors can expand the folders and learning modules in the search results to select one of its contents.
Image 4. Instructor may search categorically for folders and learning modules to create a course link to content in a folder or learning module - When upgrading an Original course to the Ultra course view, course links to folders and learning modules are not retained. The conversion report includes an exception for course links and explains their removal.
For administrators: These improvements are available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Add Exceptions from the Gradebook Grid View and the Student Overview page – 3900.67
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
We all live complicated lives and special circumstances often arise. When this happens, instructors may need to grant an exception to a student for specific tests or assignments. These exceptions may include the following:
- providing additional attempts
- rescheduling due dates, or
- granting extended access.
These exceptions are available even if the assessment is hidden from other students. Until now, exceptions were only accessible from the submissions page for an assessment. Now, instructors can access the exceptions workflow from the gradebook grid view and Student Overview page.
Image 1: Add or edit exceptions from the gradebook grid view
Image 2: Add or edit exceptions from the student overview page
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed at the administrator level.
Additional Level of Content Nesting – 3900.67
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: All users
At present, Blackboard Ultra supports up to three levels of hierarchy for content nesting on the course content page. We have received consistent feedback from students indicating that they prefer this structure. Many have shared that it improves course navigation. Instructors have shared the same and cited it helps them easily design and layout their courses.
Image 1. Before – Content nested in three levels of hierarchy
We have also heard that some institutions need more than three levels of content nesting to structure their course content. To address this feedback, we have added an option to use one additional level of content nesting. This extra level provides instructors with greater flexibility to organize content in ways that better suit their needs. The option to use one more level of content nesting improves the overall usability of the platform for some of our users. Opting for the extra level of content nesting also reduces the flattening effect of content when upgrading courses from the Original to Ultra course view.
Image 2. After - Content nested in four levels of hierarchy
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses once enabled. Administrators should discuss with internal stakeholders before enabling. Some consider an extra layer of depths as a more negative experience for students and mobile users. Once enabled, it cannot be turned off.
This feature is off by default. You can access the setting by selecting the Configure button in ‘The Ultra Experience is here!’ module on the Administrator Panel. The ‘Activate an Additional Level of Nested Items’ is listed among the General Settings on the Ultra Experience Management page.
Data & Analytics
Journal Grades & Participation list filters – 3900.67
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
To help instructors manage journal entries and provide effective feedback to students, we have added new Student and Grading Status filters to the Grades & Participation view in Journals. These filters allow instructors to view student journal entries based on their status. This can help streamline the grading and feedback process. These filters are consistent with filters in other areas of Ultra. This consistency provides a unified and intuitive experience for instructors.
Image 1. Journal Grades & Participation page with filters
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Progress tracking management– 3900.67
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Administrators
Progress tracking provides students, instructors, and administrators with an efficient way to track and measure student progress. Now administrators can control progress tracking at the institution and node levels. This option is on the Administrator Panel | Tools & Utilities module | Tools option. An administrator may select from the following setting combinations:
- On and unlocked in Ultra courses
- On and locked in Ultra courses
- Off and unlocked in Ultra organizations
- Off and locked in Ultra organizations
The lock option prevents instructors from changing the administrator-defined default within their courses. Administrators should lock the setting to ensure consistent use of progress tracking.
Administrators can control the scope of the availability changes. This allows administrators to choose to apply changes to only new or new and existing Ultra courses/organizations.
Note: With this release, progress tracking availability remains unchanged. With the August release, progress tracking will be turned on for all Ultra courses and organizations. Administrators can change this setting to meet the specific needs of their institution as needed.
Image 1. Progress tracking tool management
For administrators: This feature removes the progress tracking setting from the Ultra Experience Configuration page. After this release, the configuration option may remain visible for a couple of days, but it will not be functional.
If you are a United States federal entity hosted in GovCloud, you can turn on Progress Tracking in this release. Turn it on in the Administrator Panel > Tools. You can set the policy institution-wide or by Institutional Hierarchy node. You can enforce a policy or set a default that can be changed by end users.
Communication & Social Engagement
Announcements in the top navigation bar – 3900.67
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
To provide a better user experience, we moved Announcements from the Details & Actions menu to the top navigation bar. This reduces the number of items within the Details & Actions menu. This change also improves visibility and prominence of Announcements.
Users will be able to access announcements anywhere from within a course. All existing announcements functionality remains the same.
Image 1. Announcements top navigation bar of a course
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed at the administrator level.
Integration, Extension, and Management
Prevent passwords exposed in data breaches – 3900.67
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Impact: All users allowed to change passwords in Learn
Some institutions use an identity provider, such as Azure Active Directory, to authenticate users. Others manage passwords within Learn. In recent releases, we have prioritized improvements to the security of passwords managed in Learn.
Now institutions can also restrict users from selecting passwords exposed in a data breach. This is an important security measure since passwords like "123456," "qwerty," or "password123" are frequently targeted by hackers.
When a user attempts to change their password within Learn, we check it against a global database of breached passwords. If the chosen password is among passwords in the database, we notify the user and require them to select a different password. This helps to ensure that users' passwords are strong and secure, reducing the likelihood of unauthorized access to their account.
Image 1. A user is informed that their proposed password was exposed in a security breach
Image 2. An administrator configures the exposed password protection policy
For administrators: For most institutions, this feature is off by default. It must be enabled by an administrator.
For United States government clients in FedRAMP boundaries: This feature is on by default. If your compliance boundary changes, you should confirm your configuration.
Courses Term display logic improvements - 3900.67
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: All users
In the past, when a course was not associated to a term and occurred in the past, Learn would sometimes create a term based on the duration of the course. In other cases, Learn would assign the course to a term based on institutional-defined criteria that matched the duration of a course. This assignment method often led to confusion for students and instructors. To remove confusion and provide accurate term and course alignment, we have implemented improvements to the course term display logic.
Course Duration | Term Alignment |
Continuous | Current term |
Select dates: Current date is equal to or between start and end date Current date occurs before the start date Current date occurs after the end date |
Current term Future term Past term |
Days from the end of enrollment Student and guest users with remaining days Student and guest users with no remaining days Non-student, non-guest users |
Current term Past term Current term unless associated with a term in the past of future |
Course Duration - Use Term Duration Continuous Select Dates Current date is equal to or between the Term start and end date Current date occurs before the Term start date Current date occurs after the Term end date Days from end of enrollment Student and guest users with remaining days Student and guest users with no remaining days Non-student, non-guest users |
Current term Future term Past term
Current term Past term Current term |
For administrators: We did not introduce any additional settings or tools with this change. Adjustments to course settings can be made from the Edit Course interface in the administrator panel. Adjusting Course Duration and/or Term Duration will impact the term display logic.
Managed privilege to view System Roles – 3900.67
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Administrators, Developers
Developers create applications that expand the functionality of Blackboard Learn. Some of these apps integrate using REST APIs. Administrators manage the privileges for integrated apps. As a best practice, an integration should only have the minimum privileges necessary to function.
In the past, if an integration needed to read System Role information, the integration user had to be set as a full System Administrator. Now administrators can configure an integration user with fewer privileges and still grant access to view System Role information.
In the System Role privileges manager, administrators can now grant a new privilege called Administrator Panel (Users) > System Roles. No System Roles have this privilege by default. An Administrator must always grant the privilege to any System Role. It isn’t possible to grant this privilege to a Course Role.
For administrators: This feature is available for all Learn environments. There are no configurations needed at the administrator level. To improve security, admins should reduce privileges for a REST application if System Administrator privileges were granted previously as a workaround.
Course Upgrading
Bulk Conversion options – 3900.67
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Administrators
Institutions now have an easier way to convert a large number of courses to the Ultra Course View. Administrators can use Bulk Convert and/or Bulk Copy and Convert.
- Bulk Convert: Converts selected courses from the Original to Ultra course view
- Bulk Copy and Convert: Copies selected courses using the Original course view and converts them to the Ultra course view; this is the option we recommend for most institutions
Both options save time and effort when converting large numbers of courses.
Image 1. Bulk Convert Actions
Please review the Help documentation for Bulk Convert and Bulk Copy and Convert before using them. You may want to enable the extra level of content nesting on the Course Content page before using either option. Having the extra level can help with conversion.
For administrators: Administrators should discuss the above options with their account executive and client experience manager before using. Having conversations ahead of time can help to ensure a smooth transition to the Ultra Course View.
This feature is on by default. You can turn off the feature by selecting the Configure button in ‘The Ultra Experience is here!’ module on the Administrator Panel. ‘Course bulk conversion’ is included in the list of Available Features.
Prevent renaming of items when moved during a copy, import, and/or conversion – 3900.67
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Items copied, imported, or converted into the Ultra Course View sometimes move. Items move when they are nested more than the Ultra Course View allows. Items that move are placed at the lowest supported level in the Ultra Course View.
When moved, the title of these items would change to reflect their original location path. While helpful, the change added extra work for users. As a result, users had to change the title of each moved item and remove the pathing. With this release, we will no longer change the title of items.
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Preserve "Open in New Window” behavior for Flickr Mashups as Web Links – 3900.67
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
In the May release, we added a new setting to Web Links on the Course Content page. Instructors can choose whether the web link opens in a new window or within the Ultra Course View. With this change, converted Flickr Mashups would not load unless users opened the Web Link in a new window. We have updated the conversion process so that when a Flickr Mashup is converted to a Web Link, the "Open in a new window" option is auto selected.
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Learn SaaS release 3900.65.0
Blackboard Learn SaaS Continuous Delivery v3900.65.0
Release to Test/Stage: Tuesday, 11 April 2023 | Release to Production: Thursday, 4 May 2023
Original Experience, Ultra Experience
Original Course View, Ultra Course View
For full feature details please review the corresponding notes for the Learn 3900.65.0 version included below on this page. Details can also be found Behind the Blackboard.
Latest release: 3900.65.0-rel.17+fc3b8f5 to Production servers to take place on 18 May 2023.
For more information on updates and bug fixes, please visit Behind the Blackboard.
May 2023 – 3900.65 Release
The May 2023 - 3900.65 release is robust with features in five areas:
- Assessment and grading;
- Richer course and content;
- Data and analytics;
- Integration, extension, and management; and
- Course upgrading
These improvements impact instructors, students, and administrators. Some features do require administrative action.
- Grading attempt selector improvements
- Question Banks - Reuse Questions option
- Add Exemptions via the gradebook grid view
- Rubrics improvements
- Send Messages from the Submission page
- Remove category assignment requirement when editing LTI items via the gradebook
- Hotspot question zoom in / out
- Drag and drop desktop folders to upload to the Course Content page
- Instructor’s Notes on Student Overview
- Improved conversion for Flickr Mashups
- Improved conversion for Discussion Forums and Threads
Instructors and students:
All users:
Assessment and Grading
Grading attempt selector improvements – 3900.65
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Multiple attempt assessments can be a beneficial assessment option. Multiple attempts allow students to learn from their mistakes. It may also help students improve their understanding of the material.
At the same time, managing multiple submissions introduces some complexity for instructors. To help, we have added an attempt selector on the grading page. By default, the grading page displays the most appropriate attempt based on the “grade attempts” setting:
Table 1. Attempt displayed based on Grade Attempt Setting and Grading Status
Grade Attempts setting | Grading completion status | Default attempt displayed |
Last attempt with a grade | Any | Most recent attempt |
First attempt with a grade | Any | Fist attempt |
Attempt with the highest grade | All attempts are graded | Attempt with the highest grade |
Attempt with the lowest grade | All attempts are graded | Attempt with the lowest grade |
Average of all attempts | All attempts are graded | Most recent attempt |
Attempt with the highest grade | There are ungraded attempts | Oldest ungraded attempt |
Attempt with the lowest grade | There are ungraded attempts | Oldest ungraded attempt |
Average of all attempts | There are ungraded attempts | Oldest ungraded attempt |
This allows instructors to quickly evaluate and grade student work. When the grade calculation method requires additional grading tasks, the instructor is taken to that task. If not, the most appropriate graded attempt is displayed.
Image 1. Instructor view of the attempt selector on the grading page
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Question Banks - Reuse Questions option– 3900.65
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Aside from course content, test questions are some of the most valuable resources in a course. Instructors invest significant time and effort creating and refining banks of test questions. Instructors use these banks to easily reuse questions across various assessments.
Now instructors can copy questions between question banks. To copy a question, an instructor can select the new Reuse Questions option. Additionally, instructors can copy questions from existing assessments directly into their question banks. This process makes it easier to build and expand question libraries.
Image 1. Instructor view of the Reuse Questions option in the drop-down menu when working in a question bank
Image 2. Instructor selects four questions from another question bank and chooses to copy them into the current bank
Image 3. Instructor receives a notification that the four questions successfully copied
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Prevent backtracking in tests with page breaks – 3900.65
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
Effective assessment settings are essential for accommodating various instructional scenarios. For example, instructors can insert page breaks into an assessment to create sections. Now instructors may prevent backtracking in paged tests. This option ensures that students progress through the pages of an assessment in a predetermined sequence. This option will be helpful when upcoming questions provide hints or reveal answers to questions on previous pages.
Instructors can activate this setting in assessments that contain questions.
Image 1. Assessment Settings panel with prohibit backtracking for a test using page breaks
Once a student answers the question on a page and proceeds to the next page, the student cannot go back. If a student skips a question, an alert informs the student that they cannot go back to the question on the previous page.
Image 2. Student view of a paged assessment with backtracking prohibited
Image 3. Alert if a student tries to skip a question
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Add Exemptions via the gradebook grid view – 3900.65
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Instructors may need to excuse specific students from assessments or activities in a course. In the past, instructors could apply an exemption from the submissions page and student detail view. Now instructors can also access the option to exempt students from the gradebook grid view.
When an instructor exempts an assessment or activity:
- The exempted item is not factored into the Overall Grade calculation.
- The exempted item is not marked late for students who do not submit.
- The students with an exemption will not receive an automatic zero.
Students can still submit work for exempted items. Instructors can assess and provide feedback on these submissions for exempted items.
Image 1. Add or edit exemption from the gradebook grid view
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Rubrics improvements – 3900.65
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Rubrics play a critical role in the grading process for many educators. We've made significant enhancements to the rubric-based grading experience.
Performance level descriptions are now hidden by default. This change streamlines grading when instructors are familiar with the performance level requirements. Instructors can choose to display the performance descriptions if needed for grading.
Sometimes instructors change their minds when grading. Now it’s possible to deselect a performance level if choosing another level of performance isn’t appropriate. Criterion feedback is also collapsible, allowing for a more streamlined view of the grading panel.
Making Blackboard Learn inclusive and accessible is important to us, so we’ve improved keyboard navigation of rubrics. Navigate between rubric criteria with tab and use up/down arrows to select a performance level.
Image 1. Option to show criterion descriptions
Image 2. Option to collapse criterion feedback
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Send Messages from the Submission page – 3900.65
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
During an assessment, instructors may need to communicate with students. For example, an instructor may wish to send reminders to non-submitters. Or an instructor may want to notify students about their grades. To support this need, now instructors can message students from the Submissions page.
To get started, instructors can search or filter to find and select recipients. Then, select the "Send Message" button to open the messaging interface to craft the message.
We understand that student confidentiality is important. Thus, when an instructor selects more than one student as a recipient of a message, the recipients will be on BCC. This ensures that students’ identity and contact information remain confidential.
Image 1. Instructor view - Submission page filtered by “No Submission;” the instructor may select desired students to send a message
Image 2. Instructor view of the messaging page with selected recipients
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Remove category assignment requirement when editing LTI items via the gradebook – 3900.65
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Instructors may need to adjust the due dates for third-party activities in their courses. In the past, when making such changes, instructors also had to assign these activities to a specific category within the gradebook.
Now instructors can edit gradebook columns for LTI-based activities without assigning them to a category. This change streamlines the process without forcing category selection.
Image 1. Instructor view of editing the grade column of a LTI item
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.
Hotspot question zoom in / out – 3900.65
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
When assessing a student's knowledge of visual content, the hotspot question type is a popular choice. To further enhance this question type, we have added two new features: Zoom In/Out and Full-Screen view. These controls enable instructors to define hotspots more precisely. These new controls are also accessible using convenient keyboard shortcuts.
Image 1. Instructor view – Zoom In / Out and Full-Screen controls