For your reference, the following sections represent a complete list of feed files used in SIS integration along with their headers and object types.

All dates should be in the format of either yyyyMMdd or MM/dd/yyyy.
Valid boolean values include 1/Y/Yes/true or 0/N/No/false.


Course Feed File Headers and Object Types
Header Object Type
external_course_key Unique external identifier. Required.
course_id Short course ID. Required for insert.
course_name Course name. Required for insert.
description Course description.
start_date Course start date.
end_date Course end date.
The data source with which this record should be associated.
row_status The enabled status of this record. Values include enabled/disabled.
enroll_option Type of enrollment. Values include self/instructor/email.
available_ind Boolean for whether the course is available.
catalog_ind Boolean for whether the course should show in the catalog.
desc_page Boolean for whether this course has a description page.
duration The duration type of the course. Values include continuous/range/fixed/term. Overridden when use_term_availability_ind set to Y.
lockout_ind Boolean for whether the course is locked out.
pace The pace of the course. Values include self/instructor.
service_level Course or organization. Values include community/full.
abs_limit The absolute limit on total file size in the course. Field not currently used in Learn 9.1
soft_limit The soft limit on the total file size in the course.
enroll_start The enrollment start date.
enroll_end The enrollment end date.
days_of_use For a fixed duration course, the number of days the course can be used.
institution_name The name of the institution.
fee The fee if the course has a fee.
allow_guest_ind Boolean for whether the guest user is allowed access to the course.
enroll_access_code Enrollment access code for self-enrolled courses
new_external_course_key A replacement for the existing external_course_key.
template_course_key The external_course_key of a course whose contents should be copied into this one.
allow_observer_ind Boolean for whether observer users are allowed access to this course.
locale The locale.
term_key The external key of the term with which this course is associated.
master_course_key The master course under which this course is cross-listed.
primary_external_node_key The institutional hierarchy node from which the initial settings for this course will be populated.
external_association_key The institution hierarchy node with which this course is associated.
use_term_availability_ind Boolean for whether the course availability/duration should be taken from the associated term.

Course association

Course Association Feed File Headers and Object Types
Header Object Type
external_association_key Unique external identifier. Required.
external_course_key External identifier of the course. Required.
external_node_key External identifier of the hierarchy node. Required.
The data source with which this record should be associated.
is_primary_association Boolean for whether this association is the primary association.

Course category

Course Category Feed File Headers and Object Types
Header Object Type
external_category_key Unique external identifier. Required.
row_status The enabled status of this record. Values include enabled/disabled.
available_ind Boolean for whether the record is available.
title Title of the category. Required for insert.
frontpage_ind Boolean for whether the category shows on the top category page.
The data source with which this record is associated.
parent_category_key The external_category_key of the parent category of this category.
new_external_category_key A replacement for the existing external_category_key.
description Description of the category.
restrict_ind Boolean for whether this category should be restricted.

Course category membership

Course Category Membership Feed File Headers and Object Types
Header Object Type
external_category_key The external key of the course category. Required.
external_course_key The external key of the course. Required.
row_status The enabled status of this record. Values include enabled/disabled.
available_ind Boolean for whether the record is available.
The data source with which this record should be associated.

Course membership

Course Membership Feed File Headers and Object Types
Header Object Type
external_course_key The external key of the course. Required.
external_person_key The external key of the person. Required.
role The role to use. Required for insert.
row_status The enabled status of this record. Values include enabled/disabled.
available_ind Boolean for whether the record is available.
The data source with which this record should be associated. Required.
receive_email_ind Boolean for whether the member wants to receive email from the course.
roster_ind Boolean for whether the member should show up in the course roster.

Course standard association

Course Standard Association Feed File Headers and Object Types
Header Object Type
std_sub_doc_key External key of the standard document. Required.
course_key External key of the course. Required.

Hierarchy node

Hierarchy Node Feed File Headers and Object Types
Header Object Type
external_node_key Unique external identifier. Required.
new_external_node_key Replacement for the existing external_node_key.
The data source with which this record should be associated.
parent_node_key The external_node_key of the parent node of this one.
name The name of the node. Required for insert.
description The description of the node.

Observer association

Observer Association Feed File Headers and Object Types
Header Object Type
external_observer_key The external_person_key of the observer. Required.
external_user_key The external_person_key of the person being observed. Required.
row_status The enabled status of this record. Values include enabled/disabled.
The data source with which this record should be associated.


Organization Feed File Headers and Object Types
Header Object Type
external_organization_key Unique external identifier. Required.
organization_id Short organization ID. Required for insert.
organization_name Organization name. Required for insert.
description. Organization description.
start_date Organization start date.
end_date Organization end date.
The data source with which this record should be associated.
row_status The enabled status of this record. Values include enabled/disabled.
enroll_option The type of enrollment. Values include self/instructor/email.
available_ind Boolean for whether the organization is available.
catalog_ind Boolean for whether the organization should show in the catalog.
desc_page Boolean for whether this organization has a description page.
duration The duration type for this organization. Values include continuous/range/fixed/term.
lockout_ind Boolean for whether the organization is locked out.
pace The pace of the organization. Values include self/instructor.
service_level Whether this is a course or organization. Values include community/full.
abs_limit The absolute limit on total file size in the organization.
soft_limit The soft limit on total file size in the organization.
upload_limit The limit on uploaded file size in the organization.
enroll_start The enrollment start date.
enroll_end The enrollment end date.
days_of_use For a fixed duration organization, the number of days the organization can be used.
institution_name The name of the institution.
fee The fee if the organization has a fee.
allow_guest_ind Boolean for whether the guest user is allowed access to the organization.
enroll_access_code Enrollment access code for self-enrolled organizations.
A replacement for the existing external_organization_key.
template_organization_key The external_organization_key of an organization whose contents should be copied into this one.
allow_observer_ind Boolean for whether observer users are allowed access to this organization.
locale The locale.
locale_enforced Boolean for whether the locale is enforced.
use_term_availability_ind Boolean for whether the organization availability/duration should be taken from the associated term.
primary_external_node_key The institutional hierarchy node from which the initial settings for this organization will be populated.
external_association_key The institution hierarchy node with which this organization is associated.

Organization association

Organization Association Feed File Headers and Object Types
Header Object Type
external_association_key Unique external identifier. Required.
external_organization_key External identifier of the organization. Required.
external_node_key External identifier of the hierarchy node. Required.
The data source with which this record should be associated.
is_primary_association Boolean for whether this association is the primary association.

Organization category

Organization Category Feed File Headers and Object Types
Header Object Type
external_category_key Unique external identifier. Required.
row_status The enabled status of this record. Values include enabled/disabled.
available_ind Boolean for whether the record is available.
title Title of the category. Required for insert.
frontpage_ind Boolean for whether the category shows on the top category page.
The data source with which this record should be associated.
parent_category_key The external_category_key of the parent category of this category.
description Description of the category.
resrict_ind Boolean for whether this category should be restricted.
is_primary_association Boolean for whether this association is the primary association.

Organization category membership

Organization Category Feed File Headers and Object Types
Header Object Type
external_category_key External key of the organization category. Required.
external_organization_key The external key of the organization. Required.
row_status The enabled status of this record. Values include enabled/disabled.
available_ind Boolean for whether the record is available.
The data source with which this record should be associated.

Organization membership

Organization Membership Feed File Headers and Object Types
Header Object Type
external_organization_key The external key of the organization. Required.
external_person_key The external key of the person. Required.
role The role to use. Required for insert.
row_status The enabled status of this record. Values include enabled/disabled.
available_ind Boolean for whether the record is available.
The data source with which this record should be associated.
receive_email_ind Boolean for whether the member wants to receive email from the organization.
roster_ind Boolean for whether the member should show up in the organization roster.
The data source with which this record should be associated.


Person Feed File Headers and Object Types
Header Object Type
external_person_key The external key of the person. Required.
system_role The person's system role.
user_id The login ID. Required for insert.
passwd The user's password. Can be plain text (where it will be hashed) or already hashed. Required.
pwencryptiontype The type of hashing done on the password. Required if the password is pre-hashed. Supported values are MD5 or SSHA
title The user's title; for example, "Mr".
firstname The user's first name. Required for insert.
middlename The user's middle name.
lastname The user's last name. Required for insert.
h_phone_1 The user's home phone number.
h_fax The user's home fax number.
m_phone The user's cell phone number.
email The user's email address.
birthdate The user's date of birth.
street_1 The user's street address.
street_2 The user's street address (line 2).
city The user's city.
state The user's state.
zip_code The user's zip/postal code.
country The user's country.
company The company at which the user works.
department The department in which the user works.
job_title The user's job title.
b_phone_1 The user's work phone number.
b_fax The user's work fax number.
student_id The user's student ID.
institution_role The user's institution role.
row_status The enabled status of this record. Values include enabled/disabled.
gender The user's gender.
b_phone_2 The user's secondary work phone number.
h_phone_2 The user's secondary home phone number.
webpage The URL for the user's Web page.
educ_level The user's level of education. Values include k-8/high school/freshman/sophomore/junior/senior/graduate school/post-graduate school/unknown.
available_ind Boolean for whether the record is available.
The data source with which this record should be associated.
new_external_person_key Replacement for the current external_person_key.
othername The user's other name.
suffix The user's suffix name.


Term Feed File Headers and Object Types
Header Object Type
external_term_key The external key of the term. Required.
name The name of the term. Required for insert.
description The description of the term.
duration The term duration. Values include continuous/range/fixed.
start_date The term start date.
end_date The term end date.
days_of_use For a fixed duration term, the number of days in the term.
row_status The enabled status of this record. Values include enabled/disabled.
available_ind Boolean for whether the record is available.
new_external_term_key Replacement for the current external_term_key.
The data source with which this record should be associated.

User association

User Association Feed File Headers and Object Types
Header Object Type
external_association_key External key of the association category. Required.
external_user_key The external_person_key of the user to associate. Required.
external_node_key The external_node_key of the node to associate to.
The data source with which this record should be associated.

User secondary institution role

User Secondary Institution RoleFeed File Headers and Object Types
Header Object Type
external_person_key The external_person_key of the person to associate.
role_id The institution role. Required.
row_status The enabled status of this record. Values include enabled/disabled.
The data source with which this record should be associated.