You can take tests and submit assignments in the Blackboard app. If a test isn't supported on mobile, you'll see a message in the app that directs you to take the assessment in a desktop browser instead.

Stay organized

The app helps you stay organized and know when tests and assignments are due.

  • Activity Stream lets you know when new course content, assignments, and tests are available and when work is due. Click an item in the activity stream to go right to your course.
  • Due Dates for all of your courses are shown in the main menu. Within courses, you see due dates for that course only. Learn more about due dates.
  • Course Content for each course lists due dates with assignments and tests.
  • Push notifications appear on your device even if you don't have the Blackboard app open. Learn more about push notifications.


  1. Access an assignment from Due Dates in the menu or in a course.
  2. Read the assignment details.

    In the app, assignment instructions for Original courses show after students begin an attempt. For Ultra courses, the description shows before students begin an attempt.

  3. Tap Start Attempt.
  4. Complete the questions.
  5. Tap Add Content.
  6. Tap Save for Later or Save and Close if you aren't done working or Submit to turn in your work now.

More on adding files from your cloud accounts

There is a file size limit of 250 MB for assignment submissions.

Portfolio submissions are not supported in the app at this time.


If your instructor associated a rubric with an assignment, it's listed under Details. You can view the rubric before you start the submission.

Submission receipts

The Blackboard app records the date and time of each assignment attempt. To view a list of your attempts in the app, tap Current Grade and select a graded item.

You can view submission receipt confirmation numbers in Original courses on a desktop web browser. From My Grades, select the Submitted tab, and select Submission Receipts. Confirmation numbers are generated for assignment attempts submitted either in the app or on a desktop web browser. Confirmation numbers and email notifications for submission receipts are not available in the app.


You can access tests from the activity stream, Due Dates in the main menu or within a course, Grades in the main menu or within a course, or within a course's content.

Take a test

  1. Access a test from Due Dates in the menu or in a course.
  2. Read the test details.
  3. Tap Start Attempt.
  4. Answer the questions. For Ultra tests, you can provide additional text and files to support your answers.
  5. Tap Save for Later if you aren't finished working or Submit to turn in your test now.

If you see that Drafts are disabled and you can't save for later, your instructor selected a setting that requires you to complete the test in one session.

Group assessments aren't supported in the app for Original or Ultra courses at this time.

Some test features depend on whether you have an Original or Ultra course.

More on supported test content for Ultra and Original courses

Original course tests

The Blackboard app supports these test questions and features for Original courses:

  • True/False
  • Multiple Choice
  • Short Answer
  • Essay
  • Either/Or

If an instructor includes test questions or settings that aren't supported on mobile, the app handles the test in one of these ways depending on your institution's Blackboard Learn version and whether the latest mobile building block version is installed.

  • Building block is updated: You can view test details only. When you tap Begin Attempt or Continue Attempt, a pop-up message directs you to open the test in a desktop browser instead. This ensures a consistent and supported assessment experience in the app and prevents unsupported content from causing issues in a mobile test attempt.
  • Building block is not updated yet: The test launches in the in-app browser. However, it's best to take these types of tests on a desktop web browser for the best experience.

More on the Mobile Web Services building block for administrators

Ultra course tests

The Blackboard app supports these test features for Ultra courses:

  • All question types
  • Timed assessments
  • Full editor for responses
  • File attachments from device or cloud storage
  • Rich text and media renders correctly in the app
  • Ability to review instructor feedback, including multimedia feedback
  • Rubrics
  • Access codes

The Blackboard app does not support these test features for Ultra courses:

Attach files in assessments

Original course file attachments

Tap Add Content for an Original course assignment and insert your content in these ways.

  • Add Text: Type text that you want your instructor to receive with your assignment submission.
  • Add File: You can look for files on your phone or on your cloud storage. You may be prompted to sign in to a cloud storage service.

Tap the plus sign to add more files or text. Tap the trash can to delete an attachment.

You can't attach files in an Original course test in the mobile app. You can access the test in a desktop web browser to attach files, if that function was made available by your instructor.

Ultra course file attachments

When you tap Add Content for an Ultra course test or assignment, you see the editor. You can insert your content in these ways.

  • Type in the text box and use the menus to apply formatting.
  • Tap the Insert plus sign to add formulas, links, images or videos from Web, files, or Web Content. When you select Insert Files, you can take these actions:
    • Take a Photo or Video or browse your device's Photo Library.
    • Select Browse to choose a file on your device or cloud storage.

View grades and feedback

After your test or assignment is graded, you can view your scores right in the app for Ultra and Original courses. For assignments, your attempt is visible. For tests, you may be able to view your attempt in the app, but it depends on the test settings your instructor chose. If you can't see your attempt, try viewing it in a web browser instead.

More on grades and feedback

What if I have a technical difficulty?

For long assignments and tests, periodically save drafts. If you lose your internet connection, drafts are stored locally on your device and are maintained until you submit the assignment or test. If you uninstall the app, your draft will be lost.  If you have frequent connection issues, please contact your instructor.